Southern Bluffs PTO Meeting Minutes

February 21, 2017

Meeting called to order by Stephanie Thornton at 6:34 p.m.

Attendees: Stephanie Thornton, Lisa Schreiner, Tim Dale, Casey Scheuerell, Laura Smanski, Daria Lapp, and Susan Stinson.


Secretary’s Report – Stephanie Thornton: The January Minutes had been e-mailed out to those present at that meeting. Read and approved. 1st =Lisa Schreiner. 2nd =Laura Smanski. Motion carried unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report – Tim Dale. Reported for both January and February because he had to miss the last meeting. Tim filed the taxes and renewed the raffle license. We bought more and spent less than originally voted on for the tables requested by the custodians and PTO. Report showing an available balance of $11,198.76 but some of the staff requests were not reflected this month. Our approximate available balance is $9,000. The Lanesboro account is being phased out. It only has a balance of $71.95. Walking track is currently up to about $17,000. They are waiting on quotes to see how much more may be needed. Read and approved. 1st= Daria Lapp 2nd= Laura Smanski. Motion carried unanimously.

Principal’s Report – Lisa Schreiner: The first ALICE drill (on February 15) went fine. It was only about 5 minutes. Students taught to look and listen to their teachers. Online teacher conference sign ups currently open.

DWP Report – No representative present to give report.

Old Business

Valentine Dance: Valentine dance was a success. Definitely need more Cool CATS to supervise the halls and bathrooms. Someone brought some veggies to the cookie table and seemed to be popular. May have a couple PTO parents bring some again next year, but still ask parents for cookies.

Skate Night: Still waiting for total from High Rollers. Looking into doing another one, possible date April 7th.

Cool CATS Hot Chocolate & Cookies: Had about 35 people. Thank you to Gwen and Kristin for helping out. Hot chocolate and cookies provided by Cabin Coffee. Dads and kids played games together in the old music room while eating cookies and eating hot chocolate. Seemed to go well, should do again next year.

New Business

DQ night: Laura is going to look at a Southern Bluffs fundraising night at Dairy Queen again. Trying to get March 23rd or any of the other spring concert nights. Ended up confirming March 28th!

Teacher Conference Meals: Will need volunteers for the Book Fair again. Festival usually caters main dish in the spring. Motion made by Susan Stinson and 2nd by Laura Smanski to have Festival do it again and try to keep the cost near last year’s total of $250. Fried chicken on Monday and Sloppy Joes on Thursday. Motion carried unanimously. Will need volunteers for sides and desserts. Stephanie will send out a sign up genius.

Spring Picnic: Spring picnic will be May 4th. Start thinking of ideas for food and entertainment to be discussed at next meeting.

Next meeting is March 21stat 6:30 p.m.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:30 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted By:

Stephanie Thornton