SandHills Regional Education Consortium

Domain: The Number System / Mathematical Practice(s): Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Attend to precision. / Level of Thinking: Applying
Grade Specific Standard: 6.NS. 3: Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.
Information Technology Standard: 6.TT.1: Use technology and other resources for the purpose of accessing, organizing, and sharing information
Clarifying Objectives: I can apply knowledge of standard algorithms by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing mult-digit decimals.
Task Analysis / Vocabulary
·  Recall models and strategies for adding decimals
·  Explain the relationship of place value and the alignment of decimals when adding or subtracting decimals
·  Add decimals using the standard algorithm
·  Recall models and strategies for subtracting decimals
·  Subtract decimals using the standard algorithm / ·  place value
·  tenths
·  hundredths
·  thousandths
·  ten-thousandths
·  sum
·  addend
·  difference subtrahend
·  minuend
·  minus
·  product
·  factor
·  quotient
Instructional Resources:
Multiplication and Division of Decimals - Video Tutorial -
Notes and Additional Information:

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Copyright (2012) – No portion of this document can be reproduced or used without the express permission of the Executive Director of the SandHills Regional Educational Consortium

SandHills Regional Education Consortium

Domain: The Number System / Mathematical Practice(s): Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Attend to precision. / Level of Thinking: Applying
Grade Specific Standard: 6.NS. 3: Fluently add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation.
Information Technology Standard: 6.TT.1: Use technology and other resources for the purpose of accessing, organizing, and sharing information
Clarifying Objectives: I can apply knowledge of standard algorithms by adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing mult-digit decimals.
Task Analysis / Vocabulary / Time and Sequence
·  Recall models and strategies for multiplying decimals
·  Explain the relationship of place value and the placement of the decimals when multiplying fractions
·  Multiply decimals using the standard algorithm
·  Recall strategies for dividing decimals
·  Identify the placement of the decimal when dividing two decimals
·  Explain why it is possible to move the decimal in the divisor and dividend to create equivalent division problems
·  Divide decimals using the standard algorithm
·  Add, subtract, multiply, and divide multi-digit decimals using the standard algorithm for each operation / ·  place value
·  tenths
·  hundredths
·  thousandths
·  ten-thousandths
·  sum
·  addend
·  difference subtrahend
·  minuend
·  minus
·  product
·  factor
·  quotient / Week 2
Instructional Resources:
Multiplication and Division of Decimals - Video Tutorial -
Notes and Additional Information:

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