Welcome to the 71st Craigalmond Beavers!

Our BeaverColony

The 71stBeaver Colony runs on a Monday night from 6pm – 7pm, at the 71st Scout Hall. Beavers are boys and girls aged between 6 and 8. Beavers normally move on to Cubs between the age of 8 and 8 and a half.

We have twoBeaver leaders: Tim Roughsedge and John Gibson. All leaders must pass a PVG (Disclosure) check and take part in training, so you can rest assured your children are in safe hands. If you wish to get in touch about anything, you should contact John Lyall in the first instance on 07967204769 , or just come in to speak to us after meetings on a Monday night.

Arrangements and reminders for meetings etc are usually sent out by text on Sundays or Mondays during the day. Any letters which are handed out at Beavers are also sent out by email. Please make sure that we have your correct mobile number and email address so that we can keep you informed.

Our Scout Group

Every Scout Group is made up of a Beaver Colony, a Cub Pack and a Scout Troop. Some groups have more than one Colony or Pack, if lots of people want to join in.

We also have a Group Scout Leader (GSL) who supports the leaders of each of the sections, helps out when required, and often co-ordinates joint activities and fundraising. Our GSL is John Lyall.

The Group Executive Committee (Group Exec) manage the finances and other aspects of the Scout group. The committee is made up of parents. They meet with the GSL and section leaders, and together we make decisions about the running of the Scout Group, finances and fundraising. If you would like to help out our Scout group as part of this committee, or by doing anything else, please contact John by email:


The subscription fee for our group is set at the AGM. This year the fees are £20 per full term, or £60 for the full year. These can be paid in instalments at the start of each term, or in full at the start of the year.

A large portion of this money is paid to the UK Scout Association. It ensures that each Beaver and leader is insured whilst they are taking part in any Scouting activities. A small amount is kept by the group and is used to fund meetings throughout the year.


The uniform in our Beaver Colony is the Turquoise Blue sweatshirt and an emerald green neckie. You can buy your sweatshirt from the Guide Shop, just off Shandwick Place, or online from the Glasgow Scout Shop at We occasionally have some second hand sweatshirts. Neckies are provided when the young people are enrolled.This is usually 4-6 weeks after they join the Pack.

Uniform should be worn to all Scouting events.

The Beaver Programme and Badgework Scheme

You should receive a programme of activities planned for the term within the first week or two after the holidays. This will outline our plans for the term. It should make you aware of any outdoor activities or trips we have planned, and camps that we are running. Full details of these activities will be provided nearer the time. The programme will come with information about any activities badges we hope to complete during the term.

Most of the work that Beavers do to earn badges takes part on Monday nights as part of our activities, but sometimes there may be some work to do at home. Usually this is something very small like a diary to keep track of on-going activities, like eating healthy, helping out at home, or being part of a sports team, and these contribute to their badges. Please support your Beaver to do these activities as much as you can, so that they can get their awards.

If a Beaver has particular interests, they may choose to earn a badge in that area by doing most of the work outside Beavers. You can find a list of Beaver activity badges online at – click through to the Members’ Area and use the menu on the left hand side. Speak to the Beaver leaders to make arrangements for individual badges.

We hope you have a great time here at the 71stBeavers, and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!

71stCraigalmond Scout Group – Personal Details

Please complete this form and return it to your section leader.

Information on this form is held in confidence for the group records and will not be used in any way outwith the Scout Group.

Young Person’s Name: ______

Section: BeaversCubsScoutsDate of Birth ______

Address: ______


Postcode: ______

Home telephone: ______

Main contact(s)

Name(s): ______

Relationship to child: ______

Mobile number: ______

Email address: ______

Address (if different from above):______

Emergency contact

Name: ______

Relationship to child: ______

Contact number: ______

Secondary contact number, if available: ______

Medical information / special requirements

If your child has any allergies, medical conditions, learning or behavioural needs, or specific dietary requirements, please details these below. Also include information of any medication, such as inhalers or epipens, which they may need during meetings. Make sure they bring this medication with them every week. (continue overleaf as needed)


We sometimes take photos of the young people to use in reports or Scouting publicity. Please tick the box if you do not want us to take photos of your child 