Perryfields Junior School
Year 5School Work Map 2016-2017
Theme / Autumn ThemeLife as an Anglo-Saxon / Spring Theme
Europe / Summer Theme
How has Britain changed in the last 50 years?
Autumn 1 / Autumn 2 / Spring 1 / Spring 2 / Summer 1 / Summer 2
Debate focus / Why are scientists important?
What would a world without forces be like?
How can I shape the digital world? / How is the earth influenced by other celestial bodies?
What makes a day, a month, a year, a season?
Which materials would you take to a hostile environment? / How do animals change during their lifetimes?
How do we change on our journey through life?
British Values / How are modern British values different or similar to Anglo Saxon Values? / How do European cultures enrich our daily life? / How has family life changed since the 1970s?
English / Extended traditional stories including legends, Film narratives, Narrative poetry, autobiographies and biographies King Alfred and Isaac Newton
Books explored:
Biographies: Isaac Newton, Alfred the Great
Kensuke’s Kingdom
Christmas Carol / Modern authors, poetry and stories from European cultures. Writing to inform and writing to persuade
Books explored:
Malala: Warrior with Words
Pinnochio: Carlo Collodi
Hans Christian Andersen: The Little Mermaid / Stories which raise issues or dilemmas, free verse poetry. Writing to inform and writing to persuade. Narrative
Books explored:
Maths / Number: Place value, addition & subtraction / Multiplication and Division strategies / Number
Fractions, decimals / Number percentages and statistics / Geometry: angles, shapes, position and direction. / Measurement: conversions, prime numbers, perimeter, area and volume
Science / Solar system: Newton & Galileo – changing views / Forces: friction, gravity, air resistance, water resistance / Earth, sun & moon. Organisation and climate of other planets. / Reversible and irreversible changes, properties of materials, combustion, insulators and conductors / Plant lifecycles, Animal lifecycles / The human lifecycle: Growth, development and reproduction
Geography / History: Anglo-Saxons inc Roman withdrawal from Britain / Geography: European Geography latitude and longitude, climate zones, tropics. / History:
Victorians and the Industrial revolution / Geography:Settlements and land use, economic activity and trade. / History: Crime and punishment
Art / 3D sketching: / Perspective and Vanishing point / European artists,. Picasso and cubism / Gustav Klimt / London architecture / 1970s art: David Hockney
Art of the record collection
DT / Clay modelling / Simple machines – pulleys, levers, wheel and axle, inclined planes, wedges and gears / Pizza design, tasting and making / Making a pencil case/drawstring bag / Mechanical toy using gears / Lego vehicles controlled by a micro bit
Music / Vivaldi, John Williams, / Holst, Amy Beach / Elgar, Mozart / Benjamin Britten, John Adams / Anna Meredith / Tchaikovsky, Schumann
PE / Gymnastics
Football / Netball / Outdoor Learning
Dance / Hockey
Tennis / Athletics
Cricket / Rounders
Dance from the decade
ICT / E-safety
Programming / 3D modelling – sketchup. Communicating podcasting / Programming (Scratch & LOGO) / Spreadsheets to store and analyse information / Multi media – digital literacy. Create a website. Programming as a cryptographer / Working and communicating online – create an avatar, write a blog with images
MFL / Days of week
Time / Months of the year
Numbers to 50
Christmas in France / Hobbies and interests (sentence building ) / Food (nouns/cultural differences)
Easter traditions / Food and hobbies expressing likes and dislikes / My town – what’s on the high street?
RE / Compare the life changing experiences of founders of different religions. / -What is the importance of sacred writing to different religions? / How do different religions celebrate the arrival of new members?
PSHE / How do I keep myself and others safe? / How can we safeguard the future of our world? / What must we do to keep ourselves healthy?
Extra curricular / Anglo Saxon Day – History off the Page / PGL / London visti (art/architecture) TBC