BL 102 New Testament Survey This class will survey each book of the New Testament, giving an outline of the book, reviewing the main stories, and presenting the basic truths. This course provides an excellent basis for further intensive study in the New Testament.
Days: T/TH Credits 5
Hours: 2:30 – 5:00 PM
Instructor: Daniel Fick
BL 510 Women in the WordThis course will examine the lives of 100 women in the Bible. Women will be presented in categories based on Biblical historic periods. Emphasis will be on life lessons for today from the study of these Biblical women. Note: This course is for both men and women.
Day: Tuesday Credits 3
Hours: 8:30 – 11:45 PM Instructor: Shari Carlson
BL 520 Spiritual WarfareThis course will examine what Scripture teaches on the subject of spiritual warfare. This balance approach will emphasize the importance of Spirit controlled thinking and attitudes. The course will examine the provision that Christ has made for the Christians’ victory.
Days: Thursday Credits 5
Hours: 8:30 – 11:45 AM
Instructor: Daniel Fick
LA 510 Language & ExegesisThis workshop directs the student in guided language and exegetical
studies, tailored to the student’s individual skill
level. Students will learn touse some of the best Bible
software to aid in their study.
Days: TBA Credits 5
Instructor: Daniel Fick
LA 520 Greek Workshop
This course deals with the essentials of the grammar, syntax, and vocabulary of the Greek New Testament. Various portions of the Greek New Testament text will be translated as part of the assigned work for this class.
(Prerequisite: LA 411, 412, 413).
Days: TBA Credits 5
Instructor: Daniel Fick
TH 320 Theological Terms
This course will examine a variety of theological terms.
The terms examined vary from words relating to the disciplines of systematic and biblical theology, as well as theological terms that are used in Scripture. The course will help the student better understand theological terms. The course will also give students an opportunity to develop their research skills.
Day: T/TH Credits 3
Hours: 12:45 – 2:15 PM
Instructor: Daniel Fick
BL 470 Prison Epistles This course will present a verse by verse exposition of the Epistles of Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon. These books, written after Paul’s third missionary trip, deal with critical issues relating to church life and Christian
living. The content of each book will be examined and studied.
Day: Tuesday 2-3 Credits
Hours: 7-9 PM
Instructor: Daniel Fick
BL 510 More Women in the WordThis course will examine the lives of selected women in the Bible. Emphasis will be on life lessons for today from the study of these Biblical women. Note: This course is for both men and women.
Day: Wednesday Credits 1
Hours: 7-8:15 PM
Instructor: Shari Carlson
BL 520 Spiritual WarfareThis course will examine what Scripture teaches on the subject of spiritual warfare. This balanced approach will emphasize the importance of Spirit controlled thinking and attitudes. The course will examine the provision that Christ has made for the Christians’ victory.
Day: Thursday 2-3 Credits
Hours: 7-9 PM
Instructor: Daniel Fick