Hyatt Regency Tulsa Tulsa, OK
12:30 PM, Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Chairs Robert Carr and Ben Bridges, Presiding
1. Call meeting to order – Robert Carr, Chair
2. Passing of the Gavel to new Chair – Robert Carr, Chair
3. Welcome to guests and board members – Ben Bridges, Chair
a. Welcome to Steve Shoaf, AWWA Vice President
b. Welcome to new Board members – None of the new Board members were in attendance.
c. Welcome to guests – No guests were recognized.
4. Comments by AWWA Officer – Steve Shoaf, AWWA Vice President
Steve commented that he felt very welcome by the Southwest Section and was a great overall experience. He will prepare a draft report on the Section visit and circulate it to the Board for comment before it is officially submitted.
5. Comments on 2014 ACE – Eric Lee, Local Host Chair
Eric gave a brief report on the conference from the planner’s perspective. Food and attendance were planned according to history and that worked well for estimating attendance and food/beverages. The Local Host Committee is working on a Conference Planning Manual to assist future conference planners with their events.
Many compliments were offered for the excellent job in the conference planning and execution.
6. 2015 Annual Conference & Exposition in Louisiana – Curtis Davis
a. Request approval of final budget for conference, including registration fees for all categories.
Ben Bridges and Curtis Davis presented a spreadsheet showing the 2015 Annual Conference budget. After discussion, Candy Staring moved, Brad Hammond seconded and the Board approved a motion by voice vote to adopt the budget and the following fees for our ACE15 in Shreveport:
Full Registration $195
Member One Day $125
Non-Member One Day $150
Spouse/Guest $100
Exhibit Booth $600
Exhibit Booth (Additional) $500
Other relative registration fees are to be adjusted as needed.
b. Request Board Resolution to authorize establishment of SW Section – Local Host Bank Account.
Motion was made by Bill HagenBurger and seconded by Clayton Edwards to authorize the establishment of the Local Host account in Shreveport. Motion approved by voice vote.
7. 2016 Annual Conference & Exposition in Arkansas – Bill HagenBurger, Chair-Elect
The hotel contract with the Embassy Suites in Rogers, AR has been approved. The dates are September 25-27, 2016.
8. 2017 Annual Conference & Exposition in Oklahoma – Candy Staring, Vice Chair
Candy is still prospecting for a suitable, reasonably priced facility.
9. Review the time and place for the Mid-Year Board Meeting in 2015 – Shreveport, LA, February 6-7, 2015 at Shreveport Hilton; ED Broussard is reviewing hotel contract for MYBM.
The Board decided to accept the February 6-7, 2015 dates for the MYBM. ED Broussard will sign and forward the MYBM hotel contract to the Shreveport Hilton.
10. Proposed Budget for 2014 – Don Broussard, Executive Director
a. The budget is carried forward from the 2014 budget except as noted in Items below.
i. The Section Assessment proposed $35,133 to be paid in April; in 2015, and is based on 2014 Section Assessment
ii. $4,000 was removed from RMSO travel to reduce it to $5,000. We haven’t spent over $3000 the last few years, because of limited participation.
iii. Line item for Scholarships remain at $1,000. Last year, the Board decided to authorize spending Section general funds for any shortage, to maintain a minimum of one full scholarship award.
iv. The Education, Membership, and YP Committees submitted budgets that are essentially the same as last year, and are included in the proposed budget.
v. Added new budget items for Audit Committee ($4,200) and MAC ($2.000).
vi. Added item for travel support ($1,500) for the Top Ops team winner to travel to ACE15 in Anaheim to represent the Southwest Section in the national Top Ops Contest.
vii. Added income and expense items in support of the EPA/RCAP Small Systems Training to be delivered by October, 2015.
The budget was approved with one amendment: increased the MAC budget line item to $3,000 (an increase of $1,000 over 2014 budget) at MAC’s request for new initiatives detailed previously.
11. Water Utility Committee Meeting Report – Larry Lloyd, Chair
WUC met on Monday with the full complement of OK members attending. Chair Lloyd encouraged appointments be made at the earliest possible time to allow the Section WUC to function as intended.
12. New Business
a. Information – Membership Matters will be January 29-31, 2014 at AWWA Headquarters, Denver, Colorado. This conference is normally attended by Membership Chair or a state co-chair. It would probably be a good idea if the new Chair for the Membership Committee attended.
b. Information – Mid Year Board Meeting (MYBM) at Shreveport Hilton February 6-7, 2015
c. Information – AWWA/WEF Young Professionals Summit February 17-20, 2015 in Austin, TX
d. Information – Regional Meeting of Section Officers, Region IV, Salt Lake City, Grand America Hotel, March 7-8, 2014.
e. Information -- Region IV RMSO is not scheduled yet, but the Missouri Section is hosting the RMSO.
f. Information -- ACE15 in Anaheim, CA set for June 7-10, 2015
g. Information– Summer Workshop/Volunteer and Section Staff Workshop, Wednesday Tuesday -Thursday, July 22-24, 2014, Denver, Colorado – Normally attended by Executive Director and two other Board members. This past July, Executive Director Don Broussard attended.
13. Adjournment
Southwest Section AWWA Post-Conference Board Meeting Agenda – Page 3