Check list for Introductory Workshop with EV3, 2017

·  Þ Copies of the PowerPoint slides that are projected

·  Þ Copies of the Introductory Workshop EV3 Basics pages

·  Þ Copies of the FIRST ® LEGO® League Core Values and Coaches’ Promise

·  Þ Copies of the current ORTOP flyer

·  Þ Copies of the current ORTOP FIRST ® LEGO® League flyer

·  All of these materials should be in the materials box. This materials box should also have:

o  The playing field that has the black oval and green bars.

·  Attendance sheet with clipboard and pen.

·  LEGO® EV3 kits: bring enough kits for 3-4 students per kit.

·  Partially built EV3 robots corresponding to the kits in the item above.

·  We should have the robots charging as part of setting up the classroom. That will give them at least an hour of charge before they start using them.

·  Make sure each kit has the USB cable to connect it to the computer. These USB cables are kept with the robot kits.

·  Laptop computers with the EV3 software. Bring a laptop for each EV3 kit.

·  Instructor laptop with presentation materials

·  Projector

·  Extension cords and power strips

·  Full field set-up kit from the Animal Allies challenge

·  Extra parts box, if one is available.

·  We should have an EV3 robot that can be used as a demo of a “real” EV3 robot. We don’t have such a “kid-built” EV3 robot like the NXT one designed by the Kangaroos, which gives the students an idea on what real teams of kids can do. (We don’t have a way to do this anymore.)

·  Videos of past competitions. We don’t have a “marketing video” like the one we used to use for City Sites. Instead we should have some YouTube videos of youngsters doing the previous year’s challenge posted on the Workshops website. We should point the students to the Workshops website and encourage them to look at the videos for examples and idea.

·  Carts to transport kits and computers

Þ Denotes those items to be copied and handed out to workshop participants.