English 10 Misty Poets Project Group 1

Directions: As a group you will Analyze the assigned poem and research project. Each group member is responsible for completing a minimum of one part of the written analysis and presenting this to the class. While each group will be responsible for analyzing the assigned poem based on the following criteria, everyone in class is responsible for each reading.

Written analysis (15 pts: graded individually – make sure to indicate what work you are responsible for. Each member is responsible for at least one task)

Group 1: “Answer”, pg 1440

1. Research Mao Zedong. Create a brief (6-10 slide) PowerPoint presentation outlining who he is and how he changed Chinese society

2. Research the “Five Year Plan” and the “Great Leap Forward.” Present in a brief PowerPoint presentation in conjunction with role 1.

3. summarize the section on Bei Dao, pg 1438 in a minimum 5 sentence paragraph. Explain the main theme of the poem and explain what stanza or stanzas best show this.

4. Find 6 lines that use metaphorical images or symbols and explain them in a minimum of two sentences each.

5. Explain the purpose and theme of the poem

6. organize your information into a visible PowerPoint presentation

Please turn this sheet in as a cover sheet for your work.



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English 10 Misty Poets Project Group 2

Directions: As a group you will Analyze the assigned poem and research project. Each group member is responsible for completing a minimum of one part of the written analysis and presenting this to the class. While each group will be responsible for analyzing the assigned poem based on the following criteria, everyone in class is responsible for each reading.

Written analysis (15 pts: graded individually – make sure to indicate what work you are responsible for.)

Group 2: “Fairy Tales” pg 1446 (4)

1. Explain Where the term Misty Poet came from and how it applies to the poetry we are reading. Make sure to include the political nature of these poems and their impact on Chinese Society. Minimum ½ page.

2. Summarize the sections on Gu Cheng and Shu Ting in your book. Keep each summary to approximately ½ page

3. Explain the title of this poem. What passages enforce this title? 4-6 sentence paragraph

4. What is the theme of this piece? Cite specific passages. 4-6 sentence paragraph

Please turn this sheet in as a cover sheet for your work.



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English 10 Misty Poets Project

Directions: As a group you will Analyze the assigned poem and research project. Each group member is responsible for completing a minimum of one part of the written analysis and presenting this to the class. While each group will be responsible for analyzing the assigned poem based on the following criteria, everyone in class is responsible for each reading.

Written analysis (15 pts: graded individually – make sure to indicate what work you are responsible for.)

Group 3: “All” and “Also All” pg 1441; 1445 (5)

1. research the Red Guard movement and the “Cultural Revolution.” Create a brief PP presentation outlining this movement.

2. Explain the main theme of the poems and explain what stanza or stanzas best show this.

3. How does the message of “Also All” conflict, or respond to, “All”?

4. Compare the tone of both poems. Which one is uplifting and which is not? Highlight at least 6 lines in each that point to this.

Please turn this sheet in as a cover sheet for your work.



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English 10 Misty Poets Project

Directions: As a group you will Analyze the assigned poem and research project. Each group member is responsible for completing a minimum of one part of the written analysis and presenting this to the class. While each group will be responsible for analyzing the assigned poem based on the following criteria, everyone in class is responsible for each reading.

Written analysis (15 pts: graded individually – make sure to indicate what work you are responsible for.)

Group 5: “When Hope Comes Back” pg 1442 (5)

1. Explain why the Author repeats the lines “There’s nothing left”. Minimum ½ page, use examples

2. Why does he repeat the lines “There’s more”? explain in a minimum 4 sentence paragraph

3. Keeping questions 1 and 2 in mind, how do the first three stanza’s contrast with the last three? Minimum 4 sentence paragraph

4. How does this explain the theme of the poem? What is the theme? Cite specific passages. Minimum ¾ page

5. Find at least 2 images from each stanza and explain why they are used. Minimum 2 sentence explanation

6. Create an artistic and dramatic rendition (act out) of the poem.

Please turn this sheet in as a cover sheet for your work.



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English 10 Misty Poets Project

Directions: As a group you will Analyze the assigned poem and research project. Each group member is responsible for completing a minimum of one part of the written analysis and presenting this to the class. While each group will be responsible for analyzing the assigned poem based on the following criteria, everyone in class is responsible for each reading.

Written analysis (15 pts: graded individually – make sure to indicate what work you are responsible for.)

Group 4: “Assembly Line” pg 1444 (4)

1. Research The Democracy wall Movement Create a brief (6-10 slide) PowerPoint presentation outlining the history and purpose of this movement.

2. Explain how the title is used metaphorically. - minimum 4-6 sentences

3. What is the theme of this piece? What lines best show this? Minimum 4-6 sentences

4. explain how the last passage shows the author may be losing hope. Minimum 4-6 sentences

5. Create a visual and dramatic rendition (act out) of the poem.

Please turn this sheet in as a cover sheet for your work.



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English 10 Misty Poets Project

Directions: As a group you will Analyze the assigned poem and research project. Each group member is responsible for completing a minimum of one part of the written analysis and presenting this to the class. While each group will be responsible for analyzing the assigned poem based on the following criteria, everyone in class is responsible for each reading.

Written analysis (15 pts: graded individually – make sure to indicate what work you are responsible for.)

Group 6: “Testament” (4-5)

1.  Research the Tiananmen square Massacre. Explain the political situation leading up to this event, what occurred, and what the result of this incident was. What was the reaction of the rest of the world to this event? Present your research in a brief (6-10 slide) PowerPoint presentation.

2.  Explain the title of this poem. Minimum 4 sentences

3.  What passages enforce this title? Cite at least 3 and explain using complete sentences

4.  What is the theme of this piece? Cite at least 3 specific passages

5. Explain a minimum of 4 symbols the poet uses. What are they symbols of and what is their purpose in the poem?

Please turn this sheet in as a cover sheet for your work.



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