Fictional Narratives
Due: ______
For this assignment, you are writing a fictional story that entertains and develops a theme or moral. The focus of this writing is the organization and use of figurative language and parallel structure. These are the elements that you will be assessed on.
- Brainstorm. Use a graphic organizer to think about characters, plot line, conflict, theme, and setting. Use these ideas as a starting point, but feel free to modify the story as you write.
- Flash Draft. A flash draft is exactly what it sounds like. You sit and write. You don’t worry about spelling, grammar, editing, etc. You write from start to finish based on any prewriting you’ve done. This will give you something to revise as we discuss all the skills you’re being assessed on.
- Practice the skills. Use graphic organizers and timelines to map out organization and flash backs. Experiment with multiple introductions and conclusions and pick the best one. Return to your flash draft to find places where figurative language and parallel structure would enhance the story.
- Rough Draft. This should be written after you’ve received feedback on your flashback with more consideration of spelling/ grammar/ editing/ rereading, etc.
- Feedback/Revising: Revise in groups, with a partner, with Mrs. Hepler, with whoever will read your work. Have specific skills you’d like feedback on and specific questions you’d like answered… and USE THE FEEDBACK.
- Final Draft. Should be read, reread, and perfect.
Fictional Narrative Rubric
Organization/ Flash Backs / Writing is difficult to follow and contains no clear flash back. / Writing is organized logically and includes an attempt at a clear flash back. / Writing is organized logically and includes a clear flash back that is essential to the plot. / Writing is organized logically with clear transitions and includes a clear flash back that is essential to the plot and aids in characterization.Introduction/ Conclusion / Writing includes no clear introduction or conclusion. / Writing includes an attempt at an introduction or conclusion. / Writing includes an introduction that orients the reader and a conclusion that resolves the conflict. / Writing includes an introduction that orients the reader and sets the tone for the piece and a conclusion that resolves the conflict and clarifies the theme.
Style: Figurative Language/ Parallel Structure / Writing includes no figurative language or examples of parallel structure. / Writing includes an attempt at effective use of figurative language and parallel structure. / Writing includes a few effective examples of figurative language and parallel structure. / Writing includes multiple examples of effective figurative language and parallel structure that clearly develop writer’s style.
Spelling/ Grammar/ Overall Presentation / Spelling and grammar errors inhibit understanding frequently. / Spelling and grammar errors occasionally inhibit understanding. / Spelling and grammar errors rarely inhibit understanding. / Writing contains little to no spelling and grammar errors.
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