Application for invalidity pension and related payments for persons residing overseas[1]
- A disability assessment from Tryggingastofnun (TR) is a prerequisite for the payment of invalidity pensions and related payments. Entitlements are dependent on length of residency in Iceland and are income linked. TR must be notified of any changes to income or circumstances.
- The application must be accompanied by a medical certificate and questionnaire on loss of ability.
- If the conditions of the disability assessment for pension are not fulfilled, the application will be treated as an application for disability allowance.
1. Name of applicant / 2. ID No.
3. Domicile / 4. Postal code / 5. Place
6. Home tel./ Mobile / 7. E-mail address
8. Are you receiving a pension from a country other than Iceland? / ☐Yes, which? / ☐No
9. Child pensions may be paid to pension recipients who support their child/children under the age of 18.
Are you supporting a child/children under the age of 18? / ☐Yes / ☐No
Are you applying for a child pension? / ☐Yes / ☐No
Do you receive a child pension in the country where you reside? / ☐Yes / ☐No
Please enter the names and ID Nos. of the children and their parents as appropriate. The names of children residing with others / who do not reside with the applicant must also be entered.
Name of child / ID No.Names of parents / ID No. of parents
Name of child / ID No.
Names of parents / ID No. of parents
Name of child / ID No.
Names of parents / ID No. of parents
With my signature, I authorise TR to collect the necessary information that may have an effect on the amount of payments, in monitoring and collecting over-paid benefits, from tax authorities, pension funds, the Unemployment Insurance Fund, the Directorate of Labour and from comparable overseas bodies as appropriate. In addition, I authorise TR to collect all the necessary data from the tax authorities, the Directorate of Labour, Registers Iceland, the Communal Alimony Collection Centre, the Prison and Probation Administration, the Directorate of Immigration, the National Commissioner of Police,the Icelandic Transport Authority, pension funds, medical facilities, residential and nursing homes, municipalities, the Icelandic Student Loan Fund, accredited educational institutions within the general education system and university-level schools in order to assess entitlement to payments.
The application is to be sent to Tryggingastofnun, Laugavegur 114, 105 Reykjavík, Iceland.
It is important that the application is delivered before the currently effective assessment expires.
[1] The application for invalidity pension is also an application for pension supplements and age-linked disability pension. The form can also be used to apply for child pension.