Dublin Institute of Technology
Faculty of Tourism and Food

Institute Contact Point for Innovation Voucher Enquires:

Dr Anthony Betts +353 1 402 3346

Further information on the Institute’s research capabilities are provided on the Research and Enterprise Section of the DIT web site:


Much of the Institute’s research is conducted in Research Centres which are described in the following web site and are also listed below. Further information

is available on this web site.

DIT R&DCentres

A designatedR&D Centrehouses a group of DIT researchers and associates with a high level of research activity or consultancy focused on strategic research and development.An R&D Centre may also be established with external funding such as that awarded by Enterprise Ireland under the Applied Research Enhancement Programme (AREP).

Antenna and High Frequency Research Group AHFR

AHFRspecialises in the analysis, design and measurement of RF and microwave devices for wireless communications and medical applications

Applied Intelligence Research Centre

The Applied Intelligence Research Centreresearchesthe application of computational intelligence technologies to real world problems. The core competencies of the AIRC include machine learning, language technologies, intelligent agents and data analytic.

Business Society and SustainabilityResearch Centre

The Business, Society and Sustainability Research Centre is committed to critical and creative analysis and reflection on the impacts of business on the wider society and the impact of the wider society on business

Centre for Elastomer Research (CER)

CER actively researches the characterisation of hyperelastic and viscoelastic properties of elastomers

Consumption & Leisure Studies (CLS)

CLS aims to bring together academics researching in the areas of consumption, consumer society, media studies, and sport and leisure-related studies

Communications Network Research Institute (CNRI)

CNRIspecialises in pure and applied research in all aspects of communications networks

Centre for Research in Engineering Surface Technology (CREST)

CREST is the leading surface coatings and corrosion control laboratory in Ireland.

The Centre for Social and Educational Research (CSER)

CSER is a dynamic and innovative research centre which seeks to improve the quality of life of children, family and society.

Centre for Transcultural Research and Media Practice (CTMP)

CTMPoffers a distinctive, interdisciplinary postgraduate and research environment, dedicated to scholarly and public understandings of migration and globalization, post-conflict/border zones and transcultural identity formations in Ireland and beyond

Dublin Energy Lab (DEL)

DEL is a leading energy related research and development laboratory

Discourse Analysis Group

We are DIT academic staff and research students using some form of discourse analysis in our research, and who wish to collaborate in some way in our research.

The Digital Media Centre (DMC)

DMC research is focused on spatial IT, speech, audio and cognition and social and e-community software

Electrical Power Research Group (EPRG)

EPRGspecialises in power quality conditioning and integration of wind and solar energy to the network

Food and Health Research Centre

Research in the Food and Health Research Centre (FHRC) is interdisciplinary and applied and is both industry and policy relevant. The cross-disciplinary teams of researchers focus on six thematic areas. For more information download the pdf here: Food and Health Research Centre

Graduate School of Creative Arts and Media

GradCAM is an exciting new collaborative initiative of national and all-island significance which builds on the expertise of the Dublin Institute of Technology (DIT), the National College of Art & Design (NCAD), the University of Ulster (UU), and the Institute of Art, Design and Technology, Dún Laoghaire (IADT).

Industrial Engineering Optics (IEO)

The IEO centre specialises in holographic and interferometric techniques.

Inorganic Pharma and Biomimetic Research Centre

The Inorganic Pharma and Biomimetic Research Centre runs a range of postgraduate and undergraduate research projects aimed at novel materials development for applications as diverse as molecular recognition, biomimetic chemistry and supramolecular chemistry. For more information: e:


The Nanolab Research Centrehas unparalleled expertise in state of the art nano material characterisation and the analysis of the interaction of Nanomaterials with bio-

logical systems, both mammalian and aquatic (fresh and marine water) systems. For more information download pdf here:Nanolab Centre

Photonics Research Centre(PRC)

PRC undertakes research in a number of areas of photonics with a particular emphasis on optical sensing

Radiation and Environmental Science Centre (RESC)

RESCis an academic centre specialising in radiation biology and environmental toxicology