15 McCoy Street – PO Box 411

Savona, NY 14879


607-583-2617 Fax

August 11, 2016

The public hearing on the franchise agreement titled Application for Cable Television Franchise Empire Video Service Corporation was called to order at 7:02 PM in the Village Hall on the above date by Mayor Scott.

PRESENT: Mayor: Brian Scott

Trustees: Charity L Beebe, Donald Walker and Christopher McCann

ALSO PRESENT: VCT Susette Harrian, Deputy Alyssa Sears, Mary Finch, Hal Bailey, Ken DeWert, Lorraine Lowery, Mike Lowery, Jerry Scott, Gary Scott, Brian Ketchum, and Mark Meyerhofer.

Mayor Scott led the Pledge to the Flag

VCT Harrian read the public notice and stated that one member of the public came to the office to review the application and no copies made.

Mayor Scott opened the floor to the public for comment; 7:03 PM.

Brian Ketchum of Empire Video statedthey are a video company who is looking to obtain a video franchise agreement with the Village of Savona. He stated that they service the southern tier and parts of Pennsylvania.

  • Mike Lowery Little Acorn Lane-
  • Asked if there would be any significant savings by using Empire and North Penn over Time Warner.
  • Brian stated that cost would vary, but on average there is a $30.00 cost savings.
  • Mr. Lowery asked how they would get the new service to homes in Savona.
  • Mr. Ketchum stated they use existing poles and lease them from the pole owner.
  • Ken DeWert Center Street
  • What other towns to you service?
  • Mr. Ketchum listed: Batavia, Hornell, Canisteo, Arkport, Town of Bath, Village of Bath, Naples, Prattsburgh, Burdett, Lodi, Pulteney, Odessa, Sayre, Waverly, Troy, Penn Yan, and Dansville.
  • Where is your company based out of?
  • We are based out of Prattsburgh. We have a 24 hour call center there, as well as a network operations center. Cable TV head end is in Bentley Creek PA.
  • Mary Finch Main Street
  • If you have a customer service question we can call someone in Prattsburgh?
  • Yes or Pennsylvania we have a call center open 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
  • Tr. McCann
  • What’s the difference in pricing between you and your competitor?
  • Mr. Ketchum stated that when comparing similar bills it will save about $30 per month. The biggest difference will be the fiber optic network that is non-blocking. Meaning when it comes to your house you do not share that capacity. With the competitors network you will notice that your internet slows down at night because more people are using the same bandwidth.
  • Ken DeWert Center Street
  • What is the difference in internet speed compared to your competitor?
  • Mr. Ketchum said that he is unsure because he does not live in this area.
  • Mark Meyerhofer from Time Warner Cable stated that they are currently at 55 down load and 5 upload. They will be upgrading it to 100 megabits soon.
  • All the wire that Time Warner has put in our homes, will you be using that or will you have to install something new.
  • Mr. Ketchem stated that they will not be able to use the Time Warner cables they will be installing new fiber directly to the house.
  • Hal Bailey
  • Will you be able to bring service to streets outside the village limits?
  • No because the certificate only permits us to give service the places within the village limits. If we want to go out of the village limits we need to have a franchise agreement with that particular village.
  • Tr. Walker
  • Is each ONT box leased to each customer?
  • Mr. Ketchum stated that they own all the boxes.

Mayor Scott asked if there were any more comments, none stated and closed the floor for comment at 7:48 PM.

Mayor Scott read the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Village Board has been presented with a proposed Franchise Agreement with Empire Video Services Corporation (the “Franchise Agreement”),

NOW THEREFORE, the following resolutions are hereby adopted:

RESOLVED, that the Franchise Agreement is approved, and to that end the Village’s Mayor is hereby authorized, in the name and on behalf of the Village, to (i) execute and deliver, in the name and on behalf of the Village, the Franchise Agreement, (ii) take all such other actions (with the advice of counsel) as may be required to institute the cable television franchise contemplated by the Franchise Agreement, (iii) and to take such further actions as the Village’s Mayor may deem necessary or advisable and appropriate to consummate the transactions hereby approved and otherwise to carry out the purpose and intent of these resolutions.

RESOLVED, that all actions taken by the Village’s Mayor to date in connection with the Franchise Agreement are hereby ratified and affirmed in all respects.

Mayor Scott asked for a motion to adopt the resolution as stated for the Application for Cable Television Franchise Empire Video Service Corporation.

It was moved by Tr. McCann and seconded by Tr. Walker to adopt the resolution as stated.

Mayor Scottno vote Tr. Walkeryes

Tr. Beebeyes Tr. McCann yes

Mayor Scott stated that the resolution has passed.


It was moved by Tr. McCann, seconded by Tr. Beebe and adopted by roll call vote to adjourn the public hearing at 7:49 PM.

Mayor Scottno vote Tr. Walkeryes

Tr. Beebeyes Tr. McCann yes

The public hearing on the franchise agreement titled Application for Cable Television Franchise Community Cable Corporation d/b/a North Penn Video was called to order at 7:50 PM in the Village Hall on the above date by Mayor Scott.

VCT Harrian read the public notice.

Mayor Scott opened the floor to the public for comment; 7:50 PM.

Brian Ketchum of Empire Video and North Penn explained that he is a part of both companies; it is to give the consumer options. One provider may be able to offer different types of programing based on consumer demand. Pricing has not been determined.

Mayor Scott asked if there were any more comments, none stated and closed the floor for comment at 7:55 PM.

Mayor Scott read the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Village Board has been presented with a proposed Franchise Agreement with Community Cable Corporation d/b/a North Penn Video (the “Franchise Agreement”),

NOW THEREFORE, the following resolutions are hereby adopted:

RESOLVED, that the Franchise Agreement is approved, and to that end the Village’s Mayor is hereby authorized, in the name and on behalf of the Village, to (i) execute and deliver, in the name and on behalf of the Village, the Franchise Agreement, (ii) take all such other actions (with the advice of counsel) as may be required to institute the cable television franchise contemplated by the Franchise Agreement, (iii) and to take such further actions as the Village’s Mayor may deem necessary or advisable and appropriate to consummate the transactions hereby approved and otherwise to carry out the purpose and intent of these resolutions.

RESOLVED, that all actions taken by the Village’s Mayor to date in connection with the Franchise Agreement are hereby ratified and affirmed in all respects.

Mayor Scott asked for a motion to adopt the resolution as stated for the Application for Cable Television Franchise Community Cable Corporation d/b/a North Penn Video.

It was moved by Tr. McCann and seconded by Tr. Beebe to adopt the resolution as stated.

Mayor Scottno vote Tr. Walkeryes

Tr. Beebeyes Tr. McCann yes

Mayor Scott stated that the resolution has passed.


It was moved by Tr. Beebe, seconded by Tr. McCann and adopted by roll call vote to adjourn the public hearing at 7:56 PM.

Mayor Scottno vote Tr. Walkeryes

Tr. Beebeyes Tr. McCann yes

The regular meeting of the Board of Trustees was called to order at 7:58PM at the Village Hall by Mayor Scott.


Mayor Scott turned the floor over to Tr. Beebe to open the bids.

Tr. Beebe read the bid information for snow removal.

Carr’s Trucking bid was for $12, 600 which is based on 12 plowing and salting; will plow between ½” and 4” of snow. Salting only is based on 18 times per year. Insurance will be provided if the bid is awarded.

Barney’s Contracting bid was for $13,000 for the season.

The board discussed the bids. Mayor Scott asked for a motion to accept Carr’s Trucking bid for snow removal.

Motion made by Mayor Scott, seconded by Tr. Walker and adopted by roll call to accept the bid of Carr’s Trucking for Snow and Ice Removal for the 2016 – 2017 season in the amount of $12,600.00.

Mayor Scottno vote Tr. Walkeryes

Tr. Beebeyes Tr. McCann yes

Mayor Scott stated that we need to choose an on call provider.

Tr. Beebe read the bid information for on call.

Carr’s Trucking bid $1,800 to be paid $450 quarterly for December 1, 2016 to November 30, 2017 and $1,800 to be paid $450 quarterly for December 1, 2017 to November 31, 2018. The rate schedule of $78/hour truck rental, $80/hour mini excavator, $80/hour back-hoe, $85/hour bulldozer, $80/hour Bob-Cat, $75/hour vib roller, $55/hour plate compactor, $95/hour air compressor and hammer, $60/hour per laborer and after hours rates for back-hoe are $80/hour and laborer is $75/hour.

Barney’s Contracting did not write in a number for the quarterly payment. The rate schedule of $50/hour truck rental, $75/hour mini excavator, $75/hour back-hoe, $75/hour bulldozer, $75/hour Bob-Cat, $50/hour vib roller, $50/hour plate compactor, $50/hour air compressor and hammer, $15/hour per laborer and after hours rates for back-hoe are $100/hour and laborer is $70/hour or $20/hour.

It was noticed that there is some missing information. Mayor Scott tabled the on call bids until there is clarification on the bid that was submitted.


Mayor Scott introduced Tim Steed of Hunt Engineers and asked for an update on the sewer project. Tim Steed stated that about a year ago the town of Campbell began perusing a feasibility study to put in a sewer district and soon added the Village of Savona. He further explained that the feasibility study was paid for in part by grants awarded to the Village of Savona and the Town of Campbell. They found the most cost effective way to complete this project would be to interconnect the town of Campbell, the Village of Savona and send the waste to the town of Erwin for processing. The total cost came to $22 Million. They met with a funding agency and found that if they split the project between Campbell and Savona that they would have a better chance of receiving more grants and funding. By splitting the project Savona would create a collection system and pipe it into the Campbell collection system. From there Campbell would be connected to the Town of Erwin for waste water treatment.

Motion was made my Tr. Walker and second by Tr. Beebe to have Hunt Engineer’s proceed with funding for the proposed sewer project by September 4, 2016.

Mayor Scottno vote Tr. Walkeryes

Tr. Beebeyes Tr. McCann yes


  • None


Motion made by Tr. Beebe, seconded by Tr. Walkerand adopted by roll call vote that the July 21, 2016, Regular Monthly Meeting minutes be adopted in their entirety.

Mayor Scottno vote Tr. Walkeryes

Tr. Beebeyes Tr. McCann yes


Motion made by Tr.Beebe, seconded by Tr. Walkerand adopted by roll call vote that theJuly2016 Village Finance Reportbe adopted in its entirety.

Mayor Scottno vote Tr. Walkeryes

Tr. Beebeyes Tr. McCann yes


Tr. McCann–

  • There is a drain near Davidson’s that has sunk in and is in need of repair.

Tr. Beebe –

  • Drains: 84 W Lamoka is still flooded out but she will check later when it is dry to make sure there isn’t any standing water, Center St also has a hole near the drain that needs to be repaired.
  • Signs: just have the surveillance signs at the park and no trespass signs need to be placed at the well site and tank site.

Tr. Walker –

  • Called NYSEG about the street light at 44 West Lamoka and one on Maple St
  • Claudia Spaulding reunion used the pavilion/kitchen and when the kitchen was open it was spotless.
  • He would like to create a work order to have the flags taken down in the village.

Mayor Scott –

  • Stated Fire Chief Beebe reported that we have been denied the radio grant. They are going to pool their money and try again for a new grant.
  • Orkin video of carpenter ants shows the result of the carpenter ant and spider spraying. Orkin will be back to continue treating the Fire Department.
  • Hober will be doing street sealing in the village in the near future.
  • Tr. Walker asked if there was any update on the new fire truck. Tr. Beebe stated they are continuing to work on it and Chief Beebe sent in some changes to the specks of the truck to make it more affordable. He will be contacting them on Monday to try to find more ways to save money.
  • Flags down until next Memorial Day
  • There was an issue with the energy Audit. There was an issue with sensors on the outside security lights. So they had to go with a different supply company. Which changed the Audit but will still remain under the proposed amount.
  • Martin Butler advised that we are not going to be able to replace the sign on the four corners. Mayor Scott stated that we may want to talk to the state about purchasing the piece of land on the four corners.

Fire Departmentreport was read by MayorScottfor July 2016:


Mutual Aid:8

Hazardous Condition:3

Good Intent:1

Gas Grill Fire: 1

Motor Vehicle Accident: 1

Automatic Alarm:1

Total Calls:24

Calls to Date: 158

Mutual Aid Given:8

(Campbell 6/Bradford 1/Bath 1)

Received Mutual Aid:0

Average Response Time:2.08minutes

Court report for July2016 as readbyMayorScott:

Report $4,160.00

Closed Cases22

Opened Cases16

Traffic Diversion Program$700

Bail Held$0

Code Enforcement OfficerReportfor July2016as read byMayor Scott:

Hours Involved 21.5

Permits Issued:0

Construction Inspections: 14

Complaints Investigated: 1

Mileage: 65

Water Departmentreport for July2016as read by Mayor Scott:

Hours Involved:51.5

Water Permits:0

Water Inspections:14

Complaints Investigated: 2

Mileage: 316

Animal Controlreport for July2016 as reported by Mayor Scott:


Strays: 1

Action Taken:

Seized:1 (cat)


At Large:2

Mileage: 57

Town of Bath reportJuly2016 by Hal Bailey:

  • Personnel policy is being drafted.
  • Freeman Hollow Rd culvert will cost the two $122,000to repair. The County will repair the culvert and put in a temporary bridge.
  • The Town will soon be selecting a new Code Officer. They have received a few applications for the position.
  • Highway Department’s contract will be up for negotiation this fall for the Teamsters Contract.



Mayor Scott stated that there has been scheduling conflicts with the other interested person and will have a choice by September’s meeting.


Mayor Scott stated that wehave reached out to our attorney to get information about changing our current Dog Law. He sent back the dog law for the Town of Hornby. Thought it had some good points; most of the law did not pertain to the village. It was the Mayor’s impression that we just need a new clause to our law about the removal of fecal matter. If someone would like to take the initiative to write up a clause to send to the attorney for review then we could get this off the agenda.



Tr. Beebe is to attend the September 12, 2016 at 7:00 pm Town of Bath meeting.


Tr. Beebeis to open and close the park for the month of September2016.


Tax Collector Harrian stated that as of August 8, 2016 we have received tax money for 253 of 305 properties; total collected $162,420.42 of the tax warrant. The total outstanding is $40,906.10. There has been one adjustment done to the warrant which is the Time Warner tax bill. Per the franchise agreement, they do not get charged the yearly tax. The amount of the Time Warner tax bill that was adjusted was $426.80.


Last month it was reported that no cases were closed on the monthly report from the court. Upon checking the status of this matter, VCT Harrian has advised that this should be 26.

WATER INVOICE #145-1516:

The water invoice #145-1516 for a pool fill up that was done on April 20, 2016 has not been paid. VCT Harrian has worked with Fire Chief Beebe to try and resolve this matter. There is just not enough information requested on the current pool fill up form to assist in the collection of the fees. Fire Chief Beebe has advised that the residence is now vacant and no forwarding information is available.