St. Olav Catholic Church Parish Council Meeting Minutes Wednesday,April 26, 2017
In attendance: P. EgilMogstad, P. PiotrOstafin, DominikaKowalczyk , Marc Dhainaut, Maria Fe Sæther, Theodor With, Klaus Andersen,
Absent: HegeBergvik Strand, P. SlawomirCzuba
Per Albert Wold attended agenda 06/17 Budget for 2017 and budgeting principles from 2018.
Summons and agendas were approved.
Item 14/17:New catechists for the preparation of confirmants.
Susanna and Simon are moving out of town and we need to replace them. Item from p. Egil.
Some proposals were put forward in the meeting and the members of the parish council are requested to suggest even more candidates in due time. We recommend the parish priest himself to actually ask candidates and to recruit catechists that can work across the various ethnic groups.
Item 06/17:Budget for 2017 and budgeting principles from 2018.
Per Albert distributed accounts for 2016 (income statement and balance sheet). The accounts will be put forward for final internal approval in the parish council after the audit has been conducted .The discussion was centred upon a mail dated 17 April from Marc Dhainaut.
Per Albert will distribute a memo detailing what items belong to the parish economy on the one hand and what items belong to the prelature on the other. He is also requested to give a brief outline of the main account items before 1 May and send by mail to the parish council members.
Theodor establishes a mailing-list to which parish council members can ask questions to Per Albert about the contents and significance of the different items in the accounts.
An extraordinary meeting of the parish council will be held on Wednesday 31 March to address the accounts for 2016 and a budget proposal for 2017. By this time the accounts for 2016 will have been audited. A final version will be distributed before the meeting. The budget proposal for 2017 will be presented in a table where items in the accounts for 2016 are presented in the same row as the budget items for 2017.
Item 08/17:Advertising vacancy for new parish secretary.
An advertising text proposal from Klaus had been distributed with the summons. After the Bishop`s visitation in February we have been required to employ a secretary in a 50 % position minimum.
We recommend the recruitment of a parish secretary in 50 % position, and the recruitment of a catechesis coordinator in a new position later.
The advertising text proposal is on the whole acceptable, but the final recommendation will be given by the parish council in the extraordinary meeting on 31 May.
An attempt will be made to clarify the following items before the meeting:
(i) if and how the employer`s liability of the parish priest should be expressed in the advertisement and (ii) defining the relation between the secretary and the parish council.
Klaus initiates a mail-discussion.
Item 11/17: Plan for the use of the premises in the parish hall.
Klaus summons representatives from the various user groups to the next ordinary meeting of the parish council on 7 June.
Item 15/17:Study trip for the parish council.
The item had to be postponed due to lack of time.
Item 16/17:Brief on the pastoral work in the parish.
The item had to be postponed due to lack of time and the absence of p. Slawomir.
Items 17/17:What items do we want to work with?
The item had to be postponed due to lack of time.
Item 18/17:Johannes Paul II´s square.
The item had to be postponed due to lack of time.
Item 19/17:Any other business
Mass on 17 May: Recommended time to start: noon.
Solemnity of Corpus Christi: the parish council raises no objections to the parish priests plans for a procession in the vicinity of the church.
The task of leading parish council meetings:
As the job of leading the parish council meetings implies certain challenges due to the fact that the amount of items are out of proportion to the available time, we try to implement a system in which the task circulates between the members from meeting to meeting.
Minutes written by Klaus Andersen
P. EgilMogstadBeataTurekP. PiotrOstafinMarc Dhainaut
DominikaKowalczykMaria Fe SætherTheodor With
Klaus Andersen