Revised Fall 2014
Along with this guideline, you will find an application for Outstanding Chapter Reporter. Ten Outstanding Chapter Reporters will be selected for recognition at the State FFA Convention and will serve on the Convention Press Corps. The application and samples of your work during your term of office must be sent to the Illinois Association FFA Office by May l. Judging will take place during the first two weeks of May. Make sure you mail your application in time for it to reach the office by May 1st.
In completing the application, be as thorough as possible. If something is unusual or exceptional, add a short explanation. You may duplicate pages of this application if you need more space. Your application will be returned to you.
Supportive Information
You may attach no more than twelve (12) items of supportive information (photos, news articles, newsletters, CD, screenshots of a website page, Facebook page, or any other internet outlets, etc.) to this application. Descriptive captions are limited to 50 words or less.
· Each photo will count as one item.
· Each sample news release will count as one item.
· Each news article and/or picture with caption from a newspaper will count as one item.
· Each audio and/or videotape will count as one item.
· Each CD will count as one item
· Each newsletter or other promotional pieces such as a section award winners booklet or section fair report count as one item.
· Scrapbooks will not be accepted as supportive information and should not be sent with your application.
The Selection Committee is looking for…
. . . thoroughness and completeness of the reporting effort. Reporters should have reported a variety and large number of FFA events and activities.
. . . evidence to back up your numbers. Numbers look good, but can you support them?
. . . articles and reporting efforts that are done by you.
. . . coverage that is accessible to you. Radio & TV coverage are important IF you have reasonable access to stations.
. . . the reporters who did the best job of reporting the FFA news.
Refer to the following definitions for the chart on page 3:
Before the event - An article written before an event, including promotional articles or advertisements for a fund-raiser or other event.
After the event - This article will usually convey results of a contest or other chapter event. Usually most news articles are of this type.
Feature - An article written featuring a member or a unique part of your chapter. Included here could be an editorial, officer highlight, or historical information.
Report Form for Selecting Outstanding FFA Chapter Reporters
Fill in the appropriate information and submit the completed report along with samples of your work to: Illinois Association FFA, 3221 Northfield Dr, Springfield, IL 62702. The report and samples must be in the office by May 1!
Name Parent’s
Address Town Zip
Chapter Section
Email address: _
Facebook - url: _
Advisor (s) _
1. Does your chapter have an up-to-date publicity notebook/folder or reporter’s file? Yes No
2. Does it contain an up-to-date list of contacts at local radio and television stations and newspapers? Yes No
3. Did you attend the Communications Summit this year? Yes No
4. Did you attend a session for chapter reporters at your section leadership training school?
Yes No
5. If your school publishes a yearbook and/or newspaper, do you submit FFA stories to it?
Yes No
6. Did you complete a chapter scrapbook? Yes No
7. Do you have an up-to-date list of all contacts at local radio and television stations and newspapers?
Yes No
8. How many press releases did you submit to your local newspaper?
9. How many radio spots did you do this year?
10. How many Public Service Announcements did you submit to TV/Radio stations this year?
11. How many chapter newsletters did you publish/post?
(submit a copy of each issue)
Distribution List: State FFA Office/Officers Media Friends Internet
Section FFA members Friends of FFA Other:
12. How many times did you send newsletters or news releases to the Illinois FFA Center for the New Horizons magazine?
13. Check all that apply to you, your FFA chapter and your reporting efforts this past year:
Newspaper Column
Radio Program
Facebook page
Twitter account
Include all material submitted/posted.
Date / Topic(List all that apply)
§ BE = Before Event
§ AE = After the Event
§ F = Feature article
§ All = All of the above / Type of Media
(List all that apply)
§ N= Newsletter
§ P= Print
§ PC = Photo Contest
§ R = Radio
§ S = Social
§ TV = Television
§ All = All of the above / Audience
(List all that apply)
§ A= Alumni
§ F = Foundation Donors
§ GP = General Public
§ M= Members
§ P= Parents
§ T= Teachers
§ All – All of the above
Example* / BE, AE - National FFA Week * / N, P, S* / GP, M*
Example* / AE = Section 16 Soils CDE* / P, S* / GP, M, T *
Include all material submitted/posted.
Date / Topic(List all that apply)
§ BE = Before Event
§ AE = After the Event
§ F = Feature article
§ All = All of the above / Type of Media
(List all that apply)
§ N= Newsletter
§ P= Print
§ PC = Photo Contest
§ R = Radio
§ S = Social
§ TV = Television
§ All = All of the above / Audience
(List all that apply)
§ A= Alumni
§ F = Foundation Donors
§ GP = General Public
§ M= Members
§ P= Parents
§ T= Teachers
§ All – All of the above
Example* / BE, AE - National FFA Week * / N, P, S* / GP, M*
Example* / AE = Section 16 Soils CDE* / P, S* / GP, M, T *
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Revised Fall 2014
Describe your social media efforts to promote FFA in your Chapter and Community.
What event did you cover that you consider your Chapter’s most impactful event of the year? How did you cover that event?
What did you gain from the experience of being Chapter Reporter?
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