• Sulphurized oil is used for tapping.
  • The smallest diameter acceptable for this hole is .9980

  • For safety, chips should be removed a milling or drilling machine table with a brush.
  • In addition to knowing how to work as a machinist, it is important for your safety and the safety of your fellow workers to know first aid and emergency procedures.
  • The Occupational Safety and Health Administration is the governmental agency that regulates safety and health requirements for industry.
  • To remove materials (solids) lodged in the eye pull the top lid over the bottom lashes.
  • If a process calls for ½” -13 NC hole using a 27/64 drill size 75 % of a thread will be obtained.
  • On a hazardous material identification guide, the degree of hazard is measured by a numbering system. 4 is the most hazardous.
  • B is a double-cut file.
  • In SPC range refers to number of parts between samples.
  • Not having a handle on the file is a common cause of injury when using a hand file.
  • The quickest and most accurate method for checking the height of two or more workpieces is to use the surface plate, gage plates, and a Vernier height gage.
  • A sampling plan provides the dimensions to inspect.
  • The specific machine information concerning lubrication/maintenance is found in the Preventative Maintenance Manual.
  • Safety meetings are a good place to gain knowledge of new chemicals used in the workplace and information contained in the MSDS sheet.
  • This common symbol refers to counterbore/spotface.
  • The correct reading of the 1-“-2” Micrometer in the picture is 1.373.
  • Long thin parts have been ground and the flatness is out of tolerance. A possible cause is machine foundation is inadequate.
  • The gage block buildup for a 15 degree angle on a 5-inch sine bar is 1.2941”.
  • The acronym MSDS stands for Material Safety Data Sheet in a typical manufacturing environment.
  • A part is considered rejected when it is out of tolerance.
  • The acronym LEL can be found on all material safety data sheets. This stands for Lower Explosive Limit.
  • Surface finish can be checked with a comparison chart.
  • The most important reason for the disposal of rags and wipes after uses is the fire hazard potential.
  • Caution must be given to the disposal of cleaning fluids that are potential health hazards when maintaining the safety of your work area.
  • The correct reading of the 0”-1” depth micrometer in the picture is .332
  • Pitch is the dimension that is checked when measuring screw threads with a thread micrometer.
  • The purpose of wringing gage blocks before stacking them is to remove air between the surfaces.
  • The acronym TLV can be found on all material safety data sheets. This stands for Threshold Limit Value
  • Reamed holes can become oversized due to reaming too much material.
  • To measure an angled surface parallel to a reference surface, an angle plate should be used.
  • Using a cloth to clean away cuttings is NOT considered good safety practice for an operator working on a milling machine.
  • While machining a block of tough material using a high speed steel cutter, excessive tool wear begins to occur. The first thing to do is decrease spindle speed.
  • None ferrous metals is a classified metal that does not have Iron as its basic ingredient.
  • A process calls for a slip or sliding fit for a 1.000” dia. Shaft to fit into a hole. The clearance between the shaft and the hole should be .0009.
  • 1015 is the steel that has the lowest carbon count.
  • The correct reading of the dial caliper in the picture is .658.

  • A process plan calls for a slot .500” + .000 - .002” wide by 1/8 deep to be milled on a vertical milling machine. The proper process to mill the slot is one roughing pass using a 3/8” dia. End mill and one finish pass using a ½” dia. Cutter.
  • One cause of tapped holes becoming too tight might be tap wear.
  • When hand filed surface show excess scratching, one cause may be clogged with chips (pinning).
  • The tool (from the picture given) that could NOT be used to measure the diameter of this whole is the depth micrometer.
  • The instructions for general machine maintenance are found in the maintenance manual.
  • A dial bore gage is used to inspect holes.
  • Using the Machinery’s Handbook, 4 is the correct number of blocks you can stack to guarantee the most accurate reading for the possible height of 3.6875” with an 81 gage block set.
  • Before mounting a new chunk on a lathe the taper/spindle should be checked for dirt or metal chips.
  • A sampling of parts is the number of random parts to inspect.
  • Hot Rolled Steel- The bar has a black rough surface; dusty chip when filed; and orange spark when ground.
  • If accuracy is most important, the depth caliper is the measuring tool (from the pictures given) would be used to measure the depth of this pocket.


  • Metal cuttings are considered a part of the trade.
  • When working where materials are stored overhead or where overhead cranes are being used; hard hats should be worn.
  • Loose clothing, long hair, and dangling jewelry are potential hazards when operating turning machinery.
  • To select the correct type of measuring tools to inspect a part, the first items to review are the tolerances of the dimensions you are inspecting.
  • While drilling a through hole in a drilling operation, the drill is most likely to grab in a workpiece as it breaks through the bottom of the workpiece.
  • The correct reading of the scale in the picture is 11/16 inch.

  • The geometric characteristics symbol refers to the parallelism of the surface.
  • If using a set of pin gages to check the size of a .257” – diameter hole and 17/64” pin slips into a hole, the hole is oversized.
  • The correct reading of the metric micrometer in this picture is 9.520 mm.

One surface of the workpiece is to be finished to a 2 micro inch finish.

  • If accuracy is most important, the dial caliper is the measuring tool you would use to measure the width of this pocket.
  • When lifting heavy objects, the back should be kept as straight as possible.