NC Department of Public Instruction
2012 Summer Institute
K-12 Guidance Essential Standards
Content Session Objectives: “The Connected Counselor”
· Understand the NC Guidance Essential Standards: Connections to Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and the American School Counselors Association’s National Standards for Students
· Connect Data Literacy to the Guidance Essential Standards to improve student learning
· “Connecting to Serve All Students” with the NC Guidance Essential Standards
· Develop a Professional Development plan to implement the Guidance Essential Standards to share with the school counselors in your district/charter school. “What do my school counselors need to know to implement the Guidance Essential Standards and to be a Connected Counselor?”
Day 1 Agenda Content Session
“Answering the 4 DuFour Questions with the Guidance Essential Standards”
Topic / Professional PurposeWelcome and Introduction
Code of Cooperation
Housekeeping Items
Purpose/objectives of session / Meet, greet and network activity.
Code of Cooperation agreement
Housekeeping items
Discuss content session purpose and objectives of Content Session including answering the 4 DuFour Questions
Activity: Set up Penzu account for capturing your reflections and “aha” moments - Create a Personal Journal (free account)
Record some of the “big bucket” items you need to gain from this session.
Session I: What do we want the students to learn?
9:00 – 11:00 a.m
Sunshine Packet
(Information sent for review prior to the Summer Institute session) / Based on your review of the Sunshine Packet, “Where do you feel you are with the Guidance Essential Standards (GES)?”
Activity: Participate in the 4-Corners Activity by selecting a picture that represents where you are with the GES.
· As a group, discuss and answer the following questions from your review of the Sunshine Packet.
· “How do the GES align with the ASCA National Standards and with RBT?”
Deeper Dive into the Guidance Essential Standards / Crosswalk of alignment of GES to Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and ASCA National Standards
Understanding the GES…Preamble
Activity: Preamble Scavenger Hunt Activity
Deeper Dive into the GES…
Proficiency Levels, Strands, Standards and Clarifying Objectives….
No Grade Levels, Oh My!
1. Puzzle Card Activity matching objectives with the standards
2. Alignment of current district or school level counseling objectives and activities that match the new Guidance Essential Standards
Unpacking Documents / Where do I find the unpacking documents and sample formative assessments? Explore these resources.
NCDPI School Counseling Wiki Space
NCDPI School Counseling LiveBinders
Activity: Explore these websites then go to Penzu to record “aha” moments
Review the unpacking documents and the formative assessment samples. Refer back to your sheet where you aligned your current activities with the GES. How will you use the unpacking documents as a guide to align these activities?
Using Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy with the Guidance Essential Standards / Introduction to RBT: Review of prior knowledge
Activity: Go to Penzu journal: What do you already know about RBT? How do you incorporate RBT into your instruction or practice?
RBT Presentation with built-in Penzu journaling reflection activities
· Activity: Choose a topic you teach to students. Write 3 analyzing level questions, 3 evaluating level questions, and 3 creating level questions to ask your students
· Share with a partner
· Review the one-page “cheat sheet” handout showing how the different proficiency levels of the Guidance Essential Standards align with the knowledge levels of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy
· Activity: Reflect on this session. What are two things that you will take back to use with your students? Record these in your Penzu journal
Lunch (12:00 – 1:00) / Please return to this room at 1:00 p.m.
Session II: How will we know if the students have learned it? (Data Literacy)
(1:00 – 1:45 p.m.) / Data Literacy for Counselors:
What are data literacy, D3M, data usage, “dirty data” and types of data?
Activity: Scenarios to review and discuss with your “table team”
Additional resource specific to School Counselors: (professional article)
Data! Data! Data! Steps and Tools for Planning and Using Your Data
School Counselors as leaders and advocates to positively impact student learning and achievement!
(1:45 – 2:45 p.m.) / New Question: How are students different as a result of the school counseling program?
Promising Practices Model
A NC High School where the school counselors used data to increase student achievement incorporating practices from the ASCA National Model
Activity: Share Time: Go to NCDPI School Counseling LiveBinders
Click on the ASCA National Model tab
· Discuss with your “Table Team” your district’s experience with the ASCA National Model.
· Share examples of how you might use this model to implement the new Guidance Essential Standards.
Session III: What do we do if they do not know it? What do we do if they already know it?
(Connecting to Serve All)
(3:00 – 4:00 p.m.) / Educating the Whole Child
Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
· Multiple Means of Representation
· Multiple Means of Action and Expression
· Multiple Means of Engagement
· Learning Needs of ELL’s and Gifted Students
Problems and Problem Solving
· Response to Intervention (RTI)
· Problem Solving, Data and Decision-Making
· Team Initiated Problem Solving (TIPS)
Activity: Review “Connecting to Serve All” handout.
Share Time: Discuss with your “table team” challenges you are facing in your district and how you might use this information to address these challenges.
Session IV: Planning for Facilitated Team Time:
(4:00 – 5:00 p.m.)
“The Connected School Counselor”
School Counselors as leaders and advocates in school reform, student achievement and college & career readiness / Changing role of School Counselors
Review the NC Professional School Counseling Standards
Share Time: How do the Guidance Essential Standards align and “fit” into the Professional Standards for School Counselors?
What are the school counselors in your district are doing?
New Role: The “Connected School Counselor”
As I reflect on the school counselors in my district: Where are we excelling in our connections? Where do we need to improve? Where are they holes in the connections?
Activity: The Connected School Counselor Chart – List all connections
Green = good beneficial connections
Yellow = have these connections but need some work
Red = area where we need connections
Share Time: With your table team, discuss the following:
· How can I best support the school counselors in my district with professional development on the Guidance Essential Standards?
· What am I already doing and what do I need to accomplish?
· Timeline – when do I need to do this professional development?
· How do I deliver this professional development?
· Who do I need to have a crucial conversation with regarding the changing role of school counselors?
· What are some strategies for me to have these conversations?
Day 1 Reflection Time / Go to your Penzu journal and record the following:
· What concepts from today am I going to take to my District Planning and Facilitative Team Time tomorrow?
· What is on your mind?
· How can I best support my counselors with Professional Development on the Guidance Essential Standards
Content Session Objectives: “The Connected Counselor”
· Understand the NC Guidance Essential Standards: Connections to Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy and the American School Counselors Association’s National Standards for Students
· Connect Data Literacy to the Guidance Essential Standards to improve student learning
· “Connecting to Serve All Students” with the NC Guidance Essential Standards
· Develop a Professional Development plan on how to implement the Guidance Essential Standards to share with the school counselors in your district/charter school. “What do my school counselors need to know to implement the Guidance Essential Standards and to be a Connected Counselor?”
Day 2 Agenda Content Session:
“What do my school counselors need to know to implement the Guidance Essential Standards and to be a Connected Counselor?”
Topic / Professional PurposeSession V: Connected School Counselor
(1:00 – 3:00 p.m.)
Planning for Professional Development in Your District / Welcome Back!
Activity: Open group discussion
What is on your mind or what did you think about last night that we did not talk about yesterday?
Review content learned that answers the four DuFour questions, the Guidance Essential Standards, Unpacking Documents with Formative Assessment Samples and the Connected School Counselor Chart.
Activity: “What do my school counselors need to know to implement the Guidance Essential Standards and to be a Connected Counselor?”
· Share with your “table team” ideas from your facilitated team time
· Finalize professional development plan that you began during the Facilitated Team Time using the PD Planning handout:
“PD Planning for Implementation of Guidance Essential Standards”
Ice Cream/Sour Pickles
(Plus/Deltas) / · What was helpful with the content session?
· What did you need from these sessions and did not receive?
· How might we improve the content or delivery?
These will be recorded on the School Counseling Wikispace for each location of the Summer Institute.
NCDPI School Counseling Wiki Space