Title of your abstract (14 points)
Gil-Dong Hong (presenting author) and Sun HeeKim (corresponding author)*
(12 points)
Affiliations (12 points)
One–page abstract should be prepared in the following format:
(1) Single spacing, Time New Roman
(1) Title: maximum 140 charactersincluding blank, 14 pts, Bold, Center aligned
(2) Author's names and affiliations: maximum 330 charactersincluding blank, 12pts, Center aligned.
(3) Main body: 12 pts, Maximum 1500 characters including blank, Double side aligned.
(4) No figures or graphs
(5) References: maximum 2 references
(6) 3 ~ 5 keywords
초록작성시 제목, 저자및소속, 내용의 글자수를 초과하지 않도록 주의하시기 바랍니다.
References (Maximum 2 References)
[1] Authors, Journal, Vol., Page (year).
Keywords: (3 ~ 5 words)
Integration of Polymerase Chain Reaction Micro device with a Label-free Optical Fiber Sensor Using Surface Plasmon Resonance for Real-time Q
Sunshin Lee1, Yusin Kim2, Gil-Dong Hong2, Do San Baek1,3, D. K. Kim1, and Michael Jackson1,2,3,*
1Department of Biochip Engineering, SungkyunkwanUniversity
2School of Advanced Materials Science and Engineering, SungkyunkwanUniversity
3Marine Institute, National Institute of Agriculture and mining
Until the day when the East Sea's waters and Mt. Baekdu are dry and worn away, God protect and preserve us. Long live our nation!Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon; Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.The pine tree atop foremountain stands firmly unchanged under wind and frost as if wrapped in armour, as is our resilient spirit.Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon; Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.Autumn sky is void and vast, high and cloudless, the bright moon is our heart, undivided and true.
Until the day when the East Sea's waters and Mt. Baekdu are dry and worn away, God protect and preserve us. Long live our nation!Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon; Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.The pine tree atop foremountain stands firmly unchanged under wind and frost as if wrapped in armour, as is our resilient spirit.Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon; Great Korean People, stay true to the Great Korean way.Autumn sky is void and vast, high and cloudless, the bright moon is our heart, undivided and true.
Until the day when the East Sea's waters and Mt. Baekdu are dry and worn away, God protect and preserve us. Long live our nation!Three thousand Li of splendid rivers and mountains, filled with Roses of Sharon; Great Korean People, stay
[1] Hu, S., Loo, J.A, Wong, D.T., Expert Rev. Proteomics. 4, 531-538 (2007).
[2] Kwak, B.S., Kim, O.H., Kim, J.H., Lee, S., Jung, H.I., Biosens. Bioelectron. 35, 484-488 (2012).
Keywords:Polymerase chain reaction, Surface plasmon resonance, Optical fiber sensor, Integration, DNA