There is in us a transcendental presence and this is the Master Alchemist. Joel tells us that the fable of Aladdin’s Lamp, was really a deeper teaching revealing that there is something in a man that can respond and bring forth the fulfillment of his wishes and you don’t even have to rub this something. But you have to do the equivalent, which is to know that it exists to become consciously aware that there is a Master Alchemist within you, which can convert the human experience into the divine.

Now let us suppose that you were standing in front of a pond maybe wearing your Sunday best. And out there the pond might be or four or five foot deep. And you wanted to get across to the other side for some reason and there was a little flagstone series of steps leading across the pond to that other side. Now which would you take the flagstone steps or would you wade into the pond to get there? Clearly you would take the flagstone steps. And so it is in order to get to the other side from this consciousness to the higher one, we must find a way. We can’t just wade in; but we are now learning that there is a built-in way to the higher consciousness. And there is a big secret about this because when the Father builds the house, you find that your way is already completed. You find that you can enter into the circle of Christ.

Now we are going to clarify this by saying that most times in our human consciousness we are running ahead of God. We are so busy running ahead of God that we forget that as we run ahead in our own will, we are separated from the very substance that we need to complete our mission. And so in running ahead with our own plan we build our castles in the air and discover only to our great chagrin and regret that we have built without substance. We didn’t look for the invisible flagstone steps that led across the pond, we waded in. And with our own intelligence, our own power, our own might we tried to do something that we did not realize cannot be done. For the only thing that really can be done is to walk in the footsteps that the Father has already outlined. There is a finished spiritual kingdom you cannot see it, in it all is complete. And the only reality in which you can live in the external plane is to move out here in steps fashioned by the invisible within.

When you have been ordained by the spirit, when you have permitted the substance of God in you to be your substance to realize and accept it as such then you are moving in the substance of God. In that substance is the will of God, and that will in the substance of your being is your assurance that whatever you do from that moment on is already completed within in the invisible and your function on the outer is merely to work hitherto. To complete in the visible form that which is already totally completed in the invisible. Now you are working with substance in the will of God and your mission is completed before you start. It is ordained. You are living out in the visible that which is complete in the invisible and you are working with substance. And because of it the form that you bring forth in the outer will contain a substance that governs it in the will of God under grace, under God government and your work will not be in vain.

This is a lesson that is difficult to learn for the human race. A lesson that has come to us only through the same difficulties that everyone else encounters. But now that it has been presented to us in a form that we can understand, we know the meaning of, “unless the Lord build the house they labor in vein that build it.” No longer should we waste our time trying to work in human forms, human conditions, human substances until we have received the realization of the divine substance as our being which is then motivated and activated solely by the divine will and now we walk on the earth unopposed for the divine will in us is the ordination—the total guarantee that we are walking in his footsteps, the Father walks with us and failure is impossible.

Every step from that point is a progressive one. A complete unfolding of the divine will in us under grace! This is the secret of spiritual living, to wait. To wait until something inside says now go. And then your feet are finding those invisible flagstone steps—the Red Sea is parting, the mountain is not insurmountable any longer. For I the Father am leading the way, going before you, invisibly. All has been laid out for you. Oh, this is the real experience. This is living by grace. This is living mystically. This is letting the Master Alchemist within transmute those human footsteps into the divine and you have really found the secret of living in the Father’s house. This is one with the Source. And when you are one with the Source you are self-sustained, self-nurtured.

You are living not by human bread but by the divine bread—“the word (truth) thatproceedeth out of the mouth of God.” You are living the divine life while apparently in the flesh. This is I within resurrecting you from the tomb of error, the tomb of mortality, the tomb of human belief. The tomb of the false believes that I of mine own self can do something.

Now as we proceed this way, we are led gradually into a new realm when we know that I out here am working hitherto and the Father within is doing the work. When we know that all that we are doing is glorifying the Father. And this is a necessary step because until it comes you cannot live in the peace. The peace that makes possible the higher consciousness! The consciousness of “he that is within me is greater than he that walks the earth.” A consciousness that totally depends on this inner he, this inner I. Knowing that all in all things I am sustained for the one power of God alone is the power of my being. I see it work. I see it manifest. I see it dissolve false powers. Why? Because I have made that great acceptance! I have learned that God is the substance of my being.

You may have meditated for many, many days, many months, even years and sometimes wondered why there was no progress. Sometimes you may find that no matter how hard you try somehow the spirit will not enter into your consciousness opening you up. But remember this: the mere fact that you are trying to be silent is going to produce a result. You are merely being momentarily barren like a tree in wintertime. And when you least suspect it out of nowhere pops a realization. You may even work for three or four hours at a stretch this way without any noticeable result. And then suddenly when you had about given up hope here comes into your realization not the words exactly but a quiet understanding, which says something that can only come this way. It says to you in its own quiet way God is all there is. God is all there is. Here you were trying to find answers. Trying to look for a path. Trying to help somebody. Trying to find solutions for problems. And out of all your work suddenly comes this momentous realization, God is all there is. And it opens in you with a sweetness that cannot be described. Like a little pea pod suddenly opening up the sweetness enters and now suddenly you know. You know this is the moment. God is all there is and the weight of the world drops away from your shoulders. After all what is left to worry about. You realize the hypnotism you were under. The way the mind had mounted and compounded its problems when all there is, is God.

And now it is so utterly clear you are free. And all of the work that you thought was unproductive has finally brought you to this mountaintop. This great plateau where you can say, all there is, is God. And know it. Be convinced of it. And release yourself into that realization and just stand still beholding the salvation of the Lord for that salvation is quick. It shows you instantly why all was a state of mental hypnosis. Here we are the one substance that God is your only name. What were you worrying about. What were you afraid of? Is the substance of God going to fail itself? And then you realize the great error that we all have made. There is hardly anyone who hasn’t made it. We have accepted truth in our minds but we have been unwilling to live by that truth and so in reality we have not accepted it. What is the truth that you have not accepted? You may be the exception, I hope so. But the chances are that you are like many of us who up to a great moment in our lives only thought we were accepting the truth and now you have got to stand still and face it. The truth you have not accepted is this: You have not accepted that the substance of God is your Being. That’s right. That’s what you have failed to accept.

Now suppose you have accepted it. You would then have to accept that the qualities of that substance are also your being. Could the substance of God be afraid, fearful of tomorrow? Could the substance of God lack or be limited? Could it recognize another power than itself? Do you see then that in accepting fear, lack and limitation and other powers you have not accepted your being to be the substance of God? And that is two-ness. That is duality. And that is the separation from God between your substance and your human consciousness there has been a glass darkly. This non-acceptance of your substance! So the human consciousness wanders off like a prodigal. It doesn’t know you are the substance of God. And so naturally others substances in this world and other powers in this world causes the fear to see itself in a fractional sense instead of in its fullness. So this we must rectify. Because until the substance of God is accepted as your being, you cannot be fully conscious! You see that? You cannot be fully conscious. You might be half-conscious or some psychologist say, unconscious but not fully conscious because only the Christ is fully conscious.

First let us meditate here. Let us take into the silence the realization that God is all there is. Catch that and the rest will follow. God is all there is. God is one and there is no other. And that one is everyone. One ocean with many waves, every wave is part of the ocean, never separate, the same substance as the ocean. God is one. God is all there is. Let us accept that in the silence as the beginning of our acceptance that the substance of God is my being. Pause.

Very good now! We have established that God is all. Our consciousness rests in that assurance. God being all there is no one or condition in this world that I must fear. God being all love must be everywhere, fulfillment everywhere, peace everywhere. I am accepting that God is all. And now should I accept the opposite of God such as pain, disease, unemployment, any nature of discord that quite clearly I am not accepting God as all; I am dividing God’s garment. And further I am doing something very strange. I am calling God a liar. For are we not told that the Father said, “that all he created was very good.” And because that is so and all that is, is what he created, that all must be very good. What’s good about cancer? What’s good about unemployment? What’s good about pain or suffering? They are not very good. But only that which God created exists and that is very good. And, therefore, what I am calling pain cannot be existent. What I am calling sorrow, lack, limitation, etc., these are not existent. And if I say there are here while God said he only created that which was good, I am saying God you are a liar.

And oh how many times we have all done that. As a matter of fact toward God we fine that we have very poor manners. We are very discourteous. If you were seated at a dinner table and you were a little child or you had a little child there you would say to the child, “now be still.” Little children must be seen and heard.” We do not give God the same courtesy. When God is speaking we should be still. But we have not learned normal courtesy to God for a very simple reason. To us God is somehow been a name, a word, an idea, an abstraction—not something living, tangible, present here and now. And that is the reason we call God a liar. That is the reason we speak while God is talking. That is the reason we turn our back on God and ignore God. We have not accepted the living presence as being here. But it is not only here, nothing else is here. God is all and, therefore, the height of wisdom is to accepted that allness as the substance of your own being. To relax in the allness of the presence of God knowing that my needs are already fulfilled!

The acceptance of the allness of God as my very being is really the Master Alchemist isn’t it? The fouls of the air have no barns they need no storehouse. Do I? If God is my substance, the allness, is not my storehouse the infinite of God which is every present? And whom shall I harm? From whom shall I steal? What have they got that is not included in the allness of my being? Isn’t it a matter of acceptance that God being all, the Son and the Father are one and all that the Father hath is mine now and here? That’s right. We have not accepted. We have not accepted independence. We have not accepted freedom. We have not accepted all that the Father has given because God to us has not been a presence felt, a presence realized.

But let us accept. Let us accept that the one Source being here now knoweth my needs. And it is it’s good pleasure to give me the fullness, the glory, the substance, the keys to the kingdom. Why should God withhold? How can God withhold? And so we accept. We accept the presence of God thought. If someone came to this room right now and delivered a cablegram or Western Union Telegram I am sure you would forgive me if we stopped the class a moment and opened it up to see what is in it. Perhaps there is an emergency need we could all fulfill.

But God is sending us God-grams every moment. Should we not open them up to see what is in them? Should we not listen? Should we not receive his idea, his will, his thought, his terms, his love, his scripture, his word, and his power? For there is the Master Alchemist saying, I have meat, I in the midst of you, I am substance. Without me you can do nothing. With me there is nothing you cannot do. And here we have a great secret: The secret of substance. The secret of the will of the Father! The secret of the finished kingdom of God on earth! Think for a moment in the finished kingdom of God, the spiritual kingdom, all is complete. Nothing can be added. Nothing can be taken away. And when the substance of God is received inside you, when your consciousness is alive to the substance then you have God within. The law of externalization says that that which is within will appear without. If you have God within, you have God without. And, therefore, like a spider outside will spin the forms, which will be governed, directed and sustained by the Master Alchemist within.

You can even go a step further, “of mine own self I can do nothing,” means that without divine substance there is nothing out here I can do that has any permanence, or fulfillment or satisfaction or substance. As a matter of fact there is nothing out here that I can do of my own self that is real. And the secret is that I can do nothing out here, nothing, unless it is completed within the spiritual universe already. Only that which exists as completed fact in the spiritual universe can be done in the outer world. So we are told repeatedly don’t run ahead of God—“Wait upon the Lord. Behold his salvation. Let the Lord build the house. As a man thinketh inhis heart so is he.” Always we are told that unless you are ordained from within, what you do in the outer world will be of no value. It may even be a castle but it will crumble because it will be without substance it is violating the law of God within thus God without.