Orange County Psychological Association Board Meeting Minutes

February 9, 2012


OCPA President Arlene Unger, PhD, called the meeting to order at Pepperdine University, Irvine, CA.

Executive Committee Present: Arlene Unger, PhD, Sandra Kearns, PhD, Ralph Kuechle, PhD

Board Members Present: Cigdem Coyle, PsyD, Tony Fiore, PhD, Michelle Matusoff, PhD, Andrew Schwartz, PhD, Ben Strack, PhD, Nancy Woods, PsyD

Committee Chairs Present: Ray Vagas, PhD, Julie Cohen, PhD, Tammy Cleary, PsyD, Heike Kholooci, PsyD

Association Members Present: Rosalyn Laudati, PhD, Michael Ritz, PhD, Virginia Watford, PhD

Administrative Assistant: Valeska Wolf

·  Who Does What revised Handout…………………………………………….Arlene Unger, PhD

President, Dr. Arlene Unger, passed out a revised list of OCPA Executive and Administrative functions and then asked that everyone introduce themselves.

·  Acknowledgments………………………Sandra Kearns, PhD and Arlene Unger, PhD

Dr. Coyle was acknowledged for her excellent work with the Disaster Response Team. Valeska was acknowledged for her attractive OCPA Service Award Certificates given out at the Installation Dinner. Dr Unger thanked Dr. Coyle for her original idea to create an OCPA Happy Hour.


1.  DIRECTORY UPDATE……………….….Sandra Kearns, PhD, Nancy Wood, PsyD & Valeska Wolf

Dr Kearns reports that the Membership Directory is at the printers and should be mailed out soon.

2.  WEB UPDATE……………………………..………………Sandra Kearns, PhD

Dr Kearns said that she is working with Stefan Unger on a new OCPA website and they are moving forward with the project.

3.  INSTALLATION UPDATE…….……………Arlene Unger, PhD/Ralph Kuechle, PhD

·  Acknowledgements: Dr. Unger acknowledged Dr Schwartz for his outstanding job as emcee of the Installation Dinner.

·  Financial Update: Dr Unger said that OCPA made $1200 on the Installation Dinner.

Installation dinner and Happy Hour pictures have been posted on the OCPA website

Dr Kuechle presented the monthly treasures report.

4.  GOVERNMENT AFFAIRS (Leadership Conference)…..Ray Vagas, PhD

Government Affairs: Ray Vagas reports that he would like Gretchen Weible Shibl (who will succeed him next year as Government Affairs Chair), go to the Leadership Conference in Sacramento in his place.

Dr Vagas thanks Andy Schwartz for setting up a meeting with the aid to Congressman John Campbell to discuss Medicare bills.

Dr Cohen requested funding of $100 for her and $100 for Dr Vagas to attend CPA’s 2012 Convention in Monterey on Friday April 20th. The motion was made and approved.


1.  APPROVED MINUTES………………………………..Jackie Koppers, PhD

January meeting minutes are not all approved. Dr Koppers (secretary) was not able to attend the board meeting due to illness. Valeska is taking minutes.

2.  CEU UPDATE……………………………Andrew Schwartz, PhD & Rosalyn Laudati, PhD

Dr. Schwartz gave us some good news. Dr Lee Blackwell’s CE workshop, “Attachment and Depression Neuroscience Psychotherapy,” scheduled on February 25th already has 28 attendees signed up.

Dr Schwartz told us of a proposal from the San Diego Psychological Association to swap website ads for our CE workshops. Several members voiced their opinions on why we should not do this and other members said that they thought it was a good idea. Dr Unger requested that the discussion continue by way of e-mail messages to Dr Schwartz who can give us an update next meeting on his conclusions.

3.  NEWSLETTER UPDATE…………………..…………Joy Francisco, PhD or Nina Rodd

·  Student Section Area on website: Dr Kearns told that there will be a student section area on the OCPA website.

A motion was made and approved to coordinate with CPAGS (California Psychological Association Graduate Students) to fund an OCPA student member to attend the CPA 2012 Leadership and Advocacy Conference in Sacramento for $250.00.

·  Featured Therapist: We will continue the featured therapist column in the OCPA Newsletter.

·  Specialist Corner: We will permanently add a specialist’s corner to the OCPA Newsletter.


·  May Event……………Tammy Cleary, PsyD

Dr Cleary told us about her plans for a Silent Auction for our May Social Event. It will be a fund-raiser for OCPA. Members will donate creative works of art to be auctioned to the highest bidders and all the bidder’s proceeds from the auction will go to OCPA

It will be held on May 19th, located at Dr Cleary’s home and Tapas and Sangria will be served.

The motion to hold this event was approved.

·  Happy Hours………..Cigdem Coyle, PhD & Heike Kholooci, PhD

Dr Kholooci reported that our first happy hour, held on February 3rd at the Shorebreak Hotel, was a great success. We had 16 attendees with a broad mix of members and some very good discussions in an enjoyable atmosphere. Some suggestions for future happy hours are better directions and a place with longer happy hours.

5.  STUDENT MENTORING UPDATE……………….Dr Kuechle reporting for Shirley Liao, PhD

Dr Liao is acknowledged for starting the student mentoring program and Dr. Kuechle is thanked for working with her on this important initiative.


·  Member Medical Trauma Fund…………………………Rosalyn Laudati, PhD

We started discussion of an OCPA fund for cards and flowers for members who are sick or injured. Members suggested several different amounts to spend. The subject was moved to next meeting.

·  Weekend Informal Socials…………………………………Julie Cohen, PhD

Dr Cohen discussed weekend socials telling us that they usually take place on the weekend in the speaker’s home for about 20-25 people and asked if there was any interest in this program. Dr Matusoff and Dr Unger volunteered to host a social in their homes.

Meeting Adjourned. Next meeting will be held on March 8th at Pepperdine University, Irvine, CA.

Respectively submitted,

Valeska Wolf

OCPA Administrative Assistant