1. / Name of the Candidate and Address (in block letters) / MS. SUSAN JACOB
2. /

Name of the Institution

3. /

Course of study and subject

4. / Date of admission to Course / 31-05-2010
5. / Title of the Topic
6.1  Need for the study
Adolescence is the sequence of events by which an individual is transformed to young adult by a series of biological changes.1 The adolescent’s personal evaluation or view of self, influences his feelings and behavior. The self consist of all ideas, perceptions and values that characterize I or me which includes awareness of what he or she is and what he or she can do. This perceives self which in turn influences both the people’s perception of the world and his or her behavior.2
All the feelings, beliefs and values associated with I or me compose self esteem refers to the evaluative and affective aspect of the self to how good or bad we feel about ourselves. There are several key factors which are believed to have a significant influence on an individual's amount of self-esteem. Personality traits which one inherits from parents or grandparents will play a part in the manner in which events or circumstances are interpreted thus impacting upon self-esteem.2
One of the greatest factors affecting self-esteem is one's experiences encountered in childhood. From an early age children are strongly influenced by those caring for them and if those people were overly critical and judgmental it is easy to see how this would cause one to feel inferior, rejected or worthless. Other factors impacting upon self-esteem include painful events or experiences such as bereavement, divorce, serious illness or bullying. Factors impacting in child’s self esteem particularly in adolescents can lead to less mature behavior and the school performance as means of defense against this condition.2
Children who are in foster homes and orphans are one of the most vulnerable, helpless and needy groups of children all over the world. These children are suffering from one or the other trauma of losing one or both parents followed by lack of basic needs, schooling and
adequate care and nutrition . They suffer from all kind of physical , social , psychological and economical development.2
The orphan statistical shows that every day 5,760 children become orphan. In Africa every year 2,102,400 more children become orphans. 143,000,000 orphans in the world today spend an average of 10 years in an orphanage or foster homes .Approximately 250,000 children are adopted annually .But every year 14,050,000 children still grow up as orphans and age out of the system. Every 2.2 seconds orphan child ages out no family to belong to and no place to call home .In Ukraine and Russia 12% -15% of children who age out of an orphanage and commit suicide before the age of 18. About 60% of the girls are laid to prostitution and 70% of boys become hardened criminals and many of these children accept job offers that ultimately result in being sold as slaves .In India about 38.06 million orphan children are below 14 years of age .The total number of orphans constitute 16.5% of child population in the country.3
Generally children are placed in the foster homes and orphanages due to the death of the parents, poverty, illness, severe familial dysfunction and so on . The total number of orphans world wide is projected to reach 44 million by 2010 .In Russia, about 25% of children left without parental care are estimated to be living in institution .In India over a million children become orphan annually.3
A survey shows that there are very few studies done on self esteem of children of younger age groups during recent years. Foster home children represent an important segment in any society because foster children are in crucial phases of their physical and mental growth and they need special attention in their health care .It is the responsibility of each health personnel to provide the nation with healthy children .Hence the researcher felt need to assess the self esteem of adolescents who stays in foster homes and in biological homes.
6.2  Review of literature
Based on the objectives of the study the literature from various sources had been reviewed & arranged under following categories
Section 1: Studies related to self esteem of adolescents
A quantitative study was conducted to assess the correlation of adolescents self esteem with mothers self esteem in Metro Atlanta .This study employed 48 adolescents and their mothers from 6 middle schools using descriptive correlation design employing Coppersmith Self Esteem Inventory . The result reveled there is a positive correlation between maternal self esteem and adolescents self esteem.4
A quasi experimental study to assess the effect of parental divorce in childhood on self esteem conducted at Western Mid Western University campus. The study employed 65 students using self esteem questionnaires. Study demonstrated that self esteem develops due to factors in child’s environment.5
Section 2: Studies related to familial influence in self esteem of adolescents
A study to assess the effect of maternal psychological control and family environment on the psychological well being among pre-adolescents was conducted in Northern Suburbs of Cape Town .The study included 412 pre-adolescents between 10 and 12 years using Coppersmith Self Esteem Inventor and satisfaction with life scale, parental psychological control questionnaire and family environmental scale .The findings suggested that maternal psychological control would be negatively related to psychological well being and family cohesion ,but positively related to family conflict.6
A cross sectional study was conducted to assess the role of parental and peer attachment in the psychological health and self esteem of adolescents among 2006 Norwegian high school students using a questionnaire booklet. The evidence presented that adolescents attachment relationship with parents and peer are not in competition but play an additive and complimentary roles in psychological well being during adolescent period.7
Section 3: Studies related to self esteem of `adolescents in orphanage
A study was conducted to assess the psychological effect of orphanhood in Rakai district Uganda among orphan children as adopting parents and schools not providing any emotional support which causes depression. A total of 193 children were selected by purposive sampling technique .The study employed depression scale to assess the psychological effect of orphanhood. The study showed that children were highly depressed and had signs of unresolved grief.8
Section4: Studies related to comparison of self esteem among adolescents living in orphanage and in home
A comparative study was conducted to assess the self esteem of academic performance of orphan and non orphaned children in Uganda using qualitative research design. Observation, interview, discussion and questionnaire were used for data collection. Children’s for the study were selected through random sampling. The study confirmed that the difference between the performance of orphan and non orphaned children with self esteem was found to be significantly different.9
A study was conducted to assess the difference in the self esteem of orphan and children living with parents in Lahore city of Pakistan .A total of 150 children were selected using non-probability purposive sampling in which survey research design was used along with instruments like demographic information form, Urdu version of Jonathan Brent’s self esteem scale .Study showed a significant difference in the self esteem of orphan children and children living with their parents.10
6.3 Problem Statement
“A Comparative Study To Assess The Level Of Self Esteem Among Adolescents Who Resides In Selected Foster Homes Or Biological Homes Of Udupi District, Karnataka”.
6.4 Objectives of the study
The objectives of the proposed study are to:
1)  assess the level of self esteem among adolescents who resides in selected foster homes
2)  assess the level of self esteem among adolescents who resides in selected biological homes
3)  compare the level of self esteem among adolescents who resides in selected foster homes or biological homes
4)  find out an association between level of self esteem among adolescents who resides in foster homes with their selected demographical variables.
5)  find out an association between level of self esteem among adolescents who resides in biological homes with their selected demographical variables.
6.5  Operational definitions
a.  Level of Self esteem: Self esteem is the feeling of happiness and confidence in the efficacy of the mind and ability to think and is a overall feelings of self-worth or self-acceptance. In this study it is measured by using Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale.
b.  Adolescent: In this study adolescent is an individual person who is between the age of 13-16 yrs and resides in selected foster home or biological home.
c.  Foster home: In this study foster home refers to the institutions in Udupi district that take care of children who have no home or parents or for some or other reason could not be cared by parents or guardians.
d.  Biological home: In this study biological home refers to the place of residence where the child get care, love and concern from their guardians .
6.6  Assumptions
The study assumes that,
·  Adolescents may have some coping problems.
·  Adolescents may vary in their self esteem.
·  Adolescents may give free response to the questions on self esteem.
6.7  Hypothesis
v  H01:-There will be no significant association between adolescents residing in foster homes with their selected demographic variables.
v  H02:-There will be no significant association between adolescents residing in biological homes with their selected variables.
6.8  Delimitation
The study will be delimited to adolescents who are :
·  resides in selected foster homes or biological homes.
·  willing to participate in the study
·  present at the time of data collection
·  between the age group of 13 -16 years
7.1 Source of data
Data will be collected from adolescents who resides in foster homes and biological homes
7.1.1 Research design
Comparative descriptive design with cross sectional survey approach will be adopted for this study.
7.1.2 Research Setting
The study will be conducted in selected foster homes and biological homes of Udupi district
7.1.3 Population
The population of the present study comprises of adolescents who resides in foster homes and biological homes.
7.2.1 Sampling procedure
Purposive sampling technique will be adopted to selected adolescents who reside in foster homes and biological homes.
7.2.2 Sample size
The sample size of the present study will comprise of adolescents approximately 100 from foster home and 100 from biological home, who are in between the age group of 13-16 years.
7.2.3 Inclusion criteria for sampling
The proposed study will be conducted on adolescents who are:
·  resides in selected foster homes or biological homes.
·  willing to participate in the study.
·  present at the time of data collection.
·  between the age group of 13 -16 years.
7.2.4 Exclusion criteria for sampling
·  Adolescents who are physically handicapped and mentally challenged .
7.2.5 Instruments used
The data collection instruments proposed for this study are:
Tool (1) Demographic proforma
Tool (2) Standaized Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale
7.2.6 Data collection method
The adolescents will be selected for the study from selected foster homes and biological homes in Udupi district using purposive sampling. Formal administrative permission will be obtained from the concerned authority prior data collection. Structured questionnaire s will be adopted for data collection. Data will be collected from adolescents after getting consent and assuring confidentiality of information.
7.2.7 Data analysis plan
The data will be analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics .
7.3 Does the study require any investigation or interventions to be conducted on patients or other humans or animals?
7.4 Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution in case of 7.3
Permission to conduct the present study will be obtained from:
§  The Principal, Canara College Of Nursing.
§  Panchayath President of concerned area.
§  Permission will be obtained from the authority of foster home.
§  Informed written consent will be obtained from the parents and subjects who are participating in the study.
1.  Suraj Gupta. The short text book of pediatrics. 10th ed. New Delhi: Jaypee brothers; 2004. P. 55-7.
2.  Steve Knight. What influence self esteem? [serial online]; 2010 Feb25. [cited 2010 Oct10]. Available from: URL: http://www.suite101.com/content/what-influence-self-esteem
3.  Orphan statistics. [serial online]; 2009 sep24. [cited 2010 oct10].Available from: URL: http://www.hftgf.org/statistics.pdf
4.  Jenifer Enmondson, Lori Grote, Lisa Haskell, Andra Matthews, Mikeonwhite. Adolescent self esteem: is there a correlation with maternal self-esteem? Journal of marriage and family [online]. 2006 [cited 2010 Oct10]; 3(1): [37-48]. Available from: URL: http://www.lagrange.edu/resources/pdf/Adolescent%20Self-Esteem.pdf
5.  Dawn Krider. Self esteem in young adults: the effect of parental divorce in childhood. [Online]. 2002 [cited 2010 oct10]. Available from: URL: http://www.iusb.edu/~journel/static/volumes/krider/krider.html
6.  Nicolette Vanessa Roman. Preadolescents psychological wellbeing: determine the association with maternal psychological control and family environment. [Online] 2005 [cited 2010 oct10]. Available from: URL: http://wwwlirias.kuleuven.be/bitstream/245518/Rapport174Nicky.doc
7.  Ross B Wilkinson. The role of parental and peer attachment in the psychological health and self esteem of adolescents. Journal of youth and adolescence. [Online] 2004 December [cited 2010 oct10]; 33(6):[479-493]. Available from: URL: http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&d=5008328946
8.  James Sengendo, Janet Nam. The psychological effect of orphan hood : a study of orphans in Rakai district. [Online] 1997 [cited 2010 oct10]; 7:[105-124]. Available from: URL: http://www.nicbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10169639
9.  Mwebaza Michel. Self esteem and academic performance of orphaned and non orphaned children. [Online] 2007 Aug23 [cited 2010 oct10]. Available from: URL: http://www.articlesbase.com/self-esteem-and-acadamic-performance-of-orphaned-children-2903421.html
10.  Yasmin Nilofer Farooai, Marina Intezar. Difference in self esteem of orphan children living with their parents. [online] 2009 march 17 [cited 2010 oct10]. Available from: URL: http://www.results.pu.edu.pk/pdf/Yasmin-Nilofer-Farooqi-&-Marina-Intezar.pdf
9. / Signature of the Candidate
10. / Remarks of the guide
/ 11.1 Name and Designation of the guide (in block letters) / PROF(MRS.) MAHESHWARI S,
11.2 Signature
11.3 Co –Guide (if any) / MRS. JULIANA LOBO,
11.5 Head of Department / PROF(MRS.) MAHESHWARI S,
11.6 Signature
12. / 12.1 Remarks of the Principal
12.2 Signature