Meeting of the Standing Committee

of Parliamentarians of the Arctic Region

(Murmansk, 18 -20 September 2013)


Wednesday, 18 September

16.00 Departure from the hotel

16.30 Visit of Norwegian enterprise «Reinertsen NWR»


18.00 Visit of the Aquarium (Semenovskoe Lake)

Show of marine mammals

19.30 Dinner, hosted by the Murmansk Regional Duma

Thursday, 19 September

09.00 Departure from the hotel
sight-seeing tour of Murmansk
10.00 Registration of participants
(The Murmansk region Government, Prospect Lenina, 75, entrance 2, 4th floor, the hall for the Government Conference room)
10.15 Opening of the meeting
(Conference room of the Murmansk region Government building)
Moderators: - Mr. M.Hoglund, the chairman of SCPAR Mr.M.Slipenchuk, the leader of the delegation from the State Duma
Welcome remarks by:
- Governor of the Murmansk region
Mrs.Kovtun Marina Vasilievna
- Chairman of the Murmansk Regional Duma
Mr.Shambir Vasiliy Nikolaevich
- Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Ecology
Mr.Slipenchuk Mikhail Viktorovich
10.30 –10.45 Presentation of the Russian Federation State Policy in the Arctic 2020
- Mr.Vasiliev Anton Vsevolodovich, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador for International Cooperation in Arctic
10.45-11.00 Social and economic development of the Arctic region, including business projects, innovative programs
- Mrs Shilkina Olga Anatolyevna, acting Director of strategy and programs of socio – economic development of regions Department, of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
- Mr. Stratiy Grigory Ivanovich, deputy governor of the Murmansk region
11.00 – 11.15 Coffee Break (hall of the Conference room)
11.15 – 11.30 Сontinuation of the meeting
Environmental safety, environmental projects in the region, combating oil spills in the Arctic waters, cleaning coastal areas
- Mr. Karlov Georgy Alexandrovich, member of the State Duma Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Ecology
- Mr. Schweitzer Fedor Yakovlevich, first Deputy of Natural Resources and Environment of the Murmansk Region From the Murmansk Region Government)
- Mr. Glazov Alexander Leonidovich, Director of the Association Ecocenter
11.30 – 11.45 Transport logistic and infrastructure in Northern regions
Speech from the relevant ministry of the Russian Federation/ State Duma
11.45 – 12.00 Cross-boarding cooperation
Mr.Sosnin Dmitry Alekseevich, acting minister for Economic Development of the Murmansk Region
12.00 – 12.15 Cooperation in education and research
- From the relevant ministry of the Russian Federation/ State Duma
- Masloboev Vladimir Alekseevich, Director of the Institute of the North Industrial Ecology, the Kolskiy Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences
12.15 Discussion
12.45 Departure from the Government building for lunch
13.0  Lunch hosted by the Murmansk Region Governor
14.20 Return to the Murmansk Region Government building
14.30 – 14.45 Сontinuation of the meeting
Economic development and capacity building the North
14.45 – 15.00 Conference in Whitehorse 9-11 September 2014
15.00 – 15.10 Future leadership of SCPAR
15.10 – 15.45 Status of the work of SCPAR
15.45 – 16.00 Сlosing of the meeting
16.15 Departure from the Murmansk Region Government building
16.45 Visit of nuclear-powered icebreaker
Presentation of Unitary Enterprise «Atomflot»: The work of nuclear-powered icebreaker ships along the Northern Sea Route
Tour-visit of the icebreaker
19.0  Reception hosted by the State Duma

Friday, 20 September

Departure of participants