Referral form Employment Support

Referral form for

Contact details of refer


Job Title


Phone No

Support Request

Work Preperation

Supported employment

Date Submitted

Please help us to process this referral as quickly as possible by completed the form as fully as possible. If we require further information to enable us to process this referral we may need to return it which may delay the case being allocated.

None of the information will be shared with employers unless it is considered appropriate, however completing the information as fully as possible will assist us in focusing on the appropriate support required to support an individual into employment. It will also ensure that assessments are undertaken safely and appropriately and that we are able to seek the most appropriate work opportunities.

Please return completed form either by post to

Vicky Jessop – Commissioning Officer

3rd Floor West EII Court

The Castle


SO23 8UQ

Or by email to -

Personal information



Date of Birth

Preferred form of address


Post Code

Telephone No.

Mobile Phone No.

National Insurance No

Method of initial Contact

Telephone Email Letter Text message

Direct with applicant Support worker

Parent Care Manager

Please let us know if there is any other information about communication that you think would be useful for our initial contact.

Educational attainment

This could include are work preparation, travel training, or life skills courses.

Course title / Date achieved / School / organisation

Work Experience

Employer / Tasks undertaken / Hours worked / Dates / Paid / unpaid

Finding work

Please let us know what interests and hobbies this person has which might be relevant to finding employment.

What other support is needed to assist this person into employment?

How many hours do they want to work?

Are there any days that they are unable to work?

Please note that most retail outlets are now requiring some weekend availability for paid employment.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday

Friday Saturday Sunday


Support Services

Please could you let us know of any support or other services which are in place and which we may need to take into consideration when considering work placements.

Day Services please

Domiciliary care Support worker Personal Assistant




If you are aware of any benefits this person is in reciept of please let us know.

Employment Support Allowance (ESA)

Incapacity Benefit (IB)

Income Support (IS)

Job Seekers Allowance (JSA)

Independent Living Fund (ILF)

Disability Living Allowance (DLA)


Medical, Physical and Sensory

Please let us know if there are any concerns or issues experienced by this person. This is to ensure that we are able to assess in inappropriate setting and consider if there is any specialist equipment that maybe required to support this person into employment.

Behavioural issues risk and concerns

Please let us know if there are any identified risks or concerns which we would need to know about which may impact on the way we assess this individual or the employment settings that we consider.

Other supporting information

There may be occasions where we need to prioritise cases which we take on. If there is any further information that you feel is relevant please let us know.