Management Committee MeetingHeld on Saturday 11thDecember 2010 at Sports House, Milton
No. / Name / Topic / Sponsor / Points of Discussion / detail / Decision or resolution (and action required by whom by when)

1.1 / Opening / Meeting commenced at9.15 AM
1.2 / Attendees
Secretary / Paul Nelson (President / Chair), TriNguyen (Treasurer), Karl Michaelis (Director, joined the meeting at 10.15 AM by phone), Sam Wright (Director), Duncan Hall (Development Manager / Secretary
1.3 / Apologies Secretary / Maurice Mirabito (Vice President)
1.4 / Meeting purpose President / Chair /
  1. Review of policy development work since the last meeting
  2. Review of procedures being established through the new office at Sports House and Development Manager role since June 2010
  3. Review and refinement of the plan of action being developed for 2011-2013 period and the Management Committee to be able to promote and explain the developments to members

Minutes of MC 11 Sept 2010 / Key actions from the last meeting were to commence the writing and distribution of procedures and policies:
The president reported (via macro management planner document Attachment 1):
-Blue card requirements and codes of conduct were posted to the web site
-Bylaws via table of contents approach was progressing
-State team selection proposals (2nd draft circulated for comment). Recruitment of state coaches and managers still in progress and a poor response to EOI for squad membership
-Noted John Whipp’s resignation as NCAS chairman and voted thanks to John.
-Meeting minutes posted to website
-Key national projects
  • On line membership data base and payment (at tender evaluation stage)
  • Kyu grade syllabus – focus meeting held in Brisbane attended by Maurice, Michael Hill Robert Borchert and Rob Close, additional written feedback had been received from Qld coaches and this passed on to the JFA inc (Alan Broadhead)
-Draft 2011 calendar of events developed and posted to web. Indoor venue availability remains problematic in SEQ to stage lead up tournaments to the Nationals
-Paul had proposed a junior development squad as a feeder to the JFA Inc NTID program and Martin McDonald had prepared a proposal document. Further development of this would follow the finalisation of the State Team (Sport Performance Program) later this month
-Noted that thanks to Duncan the old Mizuno mats were sold and the new Jols-Adidas mats now purchased with the $34,500 GMBF Grant. Storage of the mats remains an issue. / The Associations success and survival depends upon increasing its membership / participation through stronger clubs.
The highest priority for the next three year period is to increase the membership (and participation)
4Qld Government Funding
4.1 / Paul / Duncan / -Strategic plan drafted and will be completed following the club forum in Cairns on 22 January
-Funding application made to government and table of deliverables negotiated through two meetings
-Result is 2008 base year funding (30K) increased by 10% in 2011 and indexed in following 2 years
-Noted and informal meeting with Minister for Sport and further contact tofollow on additional support to secure the development manager role for the 2011-13 period.
-Noted M Keech (Patron) to be informed of this issue.
-Recruitment process for the key role (development manager) would follow the funding situation being finalised and Duncan Hall to continue to be contracted until then. / The deliverables (indicators) to be part of quarterly reports to MC meetings. Directors to note these deliverables are contractual obligations associated with the $33Kpa funding
4.1 / Membership Development Manager / -Comprehensive review of membership records and activity (Duncan) with dissection by club, age group and region
-Vital statistics – 687 individual members / 37 Club members. There were approximately 100 more members since September. Invoices have been sent from the office to individual lapsed members including a number of club coaches
Noted the membership registration process was still cumbersome and the delays in getting cards to individuals after batches were sent to clubs to distribute was not ideal. Paul noted good progress with the national software acquisition project and that a return to the on-line access by individuals for registrations may be possible from march 2011.
A 2011 club membership invoice with comprehensive club data sheet had been prepared for each club to review and amend. Late fees to apply. E-mail out to clubs has commenced.
Karl highlighted the view that the Association needs to provide incentives and assistance for clubs to recruit and retain members / Ratification of new members held over pending consolidation of the Membership Register
Duncan to:
  1. Document registration procedures
  2. Seek a no frills policy disclosure document from JFA / Willis
  3. Identify all costs associated with registrations (insurance, cards, JFA capitation fee, other on-costs etc)
Tri to work with Michael Hill to address audit matters in relation to the rego process
Karl to email a proposal for membership incentives
4.2 / Technical Education and Events / -Duncan Hall reported: - NCAS register updated (Coach development courses were held at Logan 24 people / Cairns (run by Karl) with 10 people and 5 new coaches to be accredited) The Logan course was run by Duncan with assistance of Stan Munday and Ross Kiepe
-Sam Wright gave a comprehensive report on refereeing(Attachment 2)
-Status of State Teams (Sport Performance Program) discussed / progressing, noting that selection to the Nationals in Perth would depend on Competition results, training effort and testing results.
-The QIO needs to be relevant to Qld members and have 1 to 4 Queenslanders in each division
-OJU letter sanctioning the OJU Championships in Cairns in April 2012. In preparation, NBJC were involved in fundraising for $25K associated with a $140K council upgrade of their leased facility to increase permanent seating to 300 tiered seats.
-2011 State Titles now to be held in September at Tallebudgera (Gold Coast) with cheap accommodation and a live in training camp, education sessions and a presentation dinner.
-Easter in Roma judo event and other festival activities were still to go ahead and to be promoted
-Sam Wright noted the Pan Pac Masters had been a great event for all involved. Vote of thanks to Phil Brain (Coordinator) with Kevin Murphy and Adrian Treloar.
11am / The meeting adjourned for 10 minutes.
4.3 / Finance report
Tri Nguyen / Tri provided 2010 draft financial statements (P/L and Balance Sheet) which projected EOY:
-income $167K
-expenditure $110K
-members equity $114K (with cash at bank approximately $60K)
Tri noted:
-he had re-coded a lot of transaction data so as to present accounts that better reflected the key activities of the association. Although Liz wells with Paul had developed a new chart of accounts, these were not implemented by the auditors for the 2009 statements whereas Tris chart would be reflected in the 2010 audited statements.
-there were some recoding to occur but the totals would not change.
Paul noted:
-there would some staff and other expenses as well as another grant payment of $33K, hopefully before year’s end, which should see a surplus in excess of last year’s deficit.
-there was a lot of work behind these figures in controlling event expenses and grant applications. This work was not possible without staff.
Karl moved a vote of thanks to Tri for the comprehensive report. / Tri to send the updated statements to the management Committee prior to going to audit.
4.4 / The reports were received
5.1 / President / The committee discussed:
1)Portfolios for each member
-how would portfolios work with the sub committees. Two proposals were that 1) a MC member essentially chair a sub committee 2) MC members would be assigned other portfolio interests for example ‘regional liaison’
-The sub committees to be appointed in 2011-13 were also discussed in detail.
- Appointments and re-appointments to sub committees would be ideally done by sign-up to role descriptions.
-Noted that a general meeting had already resolved that technical committees would meet three times each year to plan and coordinate activities.
-Karl indicated a willingness to take on regional liaison. Sam indicated he wished to continue with referee development.
2)Succession planning
3)MC performance evaluation. Paul noted this was good practice and asked members to consider how this should be done. / Resolved:
1)a new sub committee Membership (marketing) to be established
2)A player representative management committee position to be established (succession planning)
3)MC members to develop ideas further for resolution at the next MC meeting (1st qtr 2011).
Awards /
  1. Noted that nominations would be called for the 2010 period in the first Qtr of 2011 (for presentation at QIO / AGM or other suitable event.

CairnsClub Forum /
  1. North Queensland - Saturday 22nd January – Evening function following training to maximise attendance and involvement
/ Noted MC to offer travel assistance to clubs in Mt Isa, Mackay and Rockhampton to attend
2011 AGM /
  1. After discussion it was proposed to hold this at the Qld Open as a one hour event to increase involvement and hold another general meeting to engage membership on policy and operational issues at another time.
/ AGM proposed to be held in conjunction with QIO – to be confirmed.
Next Management Committee – February – March 20011
Paul thanked all for their input and efforts during 2010 and said that although membership and club health remains a priority, the Association’s achievements in 2010 had been substantial (NTID and national team memberships and performances, State Titles – NQ Games, QIO, Nationals and Pan Pacs, financial recovery, new state mats, establishing an office and staff, an modest increase in government funding, and substantial policy development – all suggest a positive future.
Meeting closed at Noon.


Paul NelsonDuncan Hall

President (Chairman)Secretary

Minutes - Management committee meeting 11 12 101/5