Vietnam Innovation Day Application Form

“Innovations to Fights HIV/AIDS”


1.  Project Title: Slum community’s participation in HIV/AIDS control

2. Location of Project: Lang Ma hamlet, Ward 12, Binh Thanh District, HCM City

3.  Geography: urban (slum area)

4.  Implementation Agency/individual:

AIDS Program of HCM City Office - Vietnamese Community Mobilization Centre for HIV/AIDS Control (VICOMC).

The AIDS Program was established in 1996 in HCM City by five members who are experienced in AIDS control activities. The objectives of the program are:

-  To deliver communication messages and care for groups of people with high-risk behaviours who live in slum areas.

-  To provide skill trainings;

-  To develop a network of people engaging in AIDS control activities outside clinical areas.

The AIDS program currently has 8 staffs working directly in the community. They have the capabilities to deliver messages, consultancies, cares, and organization of the community. Besides, members of the program are capable of training and they have organised training courses on communication, consultancy, peer education, and reproductive health education, under the invitation of NAC – UNDCP – CIDSE – GTZ – FHI – CARE organization in North, Central Region, and South provinces during the past years.

- The Program is establishing and supporting for the network of people promoting AIDS activities in inhabitant areas with people with HIV/AIDS in HCM City and in the South provinces.

In the past years, AIDS Program has been sponsored by NOVIB, SEACA, SEAPCP organizations for activities to improve capacity for the poor, poor community to fight HIV/AIDS.

These activities have been completed successfully with practically precious experiences that can be applicable to Vietnam conditions.

5. Contact information:

Name of organization: AIDS Program/HCM City Office - VICOMC

Address: 54/3 Le Quang Dinh, Precinct No. 14, Binh Thanh District, HCM City

Telephone/Fax: 84 – 08 – 8416158

Email address:

Name of person(s) responsible for project:

-  Nguyen Thi Kim Dung: Assistant of AIDS Program

-  Pham Thanh Van: Program Chairperson

6. Bank information:

Account name: Pham Thanh Van

Account number: 1658269 (in USD)

Name of financial institution: Asia Commercial Bank (ACB) – Saigon branch

Address of Bank: 30 Mac Dinh Chi street – Da Kao ward – District No.1


(1)  The socio-economic situation

Lang Ma hamlet was 10 years ago a cemetery where has been occupied by immigrants in HCM City for building their houses. Currently, This is a slum area with social problems: poverty, unemployment, and disease-stricken. Many youngsters in the area are currently unemployed, while many children have quitted schools, thus resulting in great number of teenage drug addicts, prostitutes and HIV-infected, and many of whom died of AIDS.

Lang Ma area has 500 households consisting of 700 families and around 2500 inhabitants.

(2)  The specific problems to be addressed and why the problems need to be addressed

The project is intended to

-  Prevent HIV/AIDS spreading to inhabitants, especially teenagers and young adults, and those with high risk behaviour.

-  Deliver consultancy and care for HIV infected people and those under full-blown AIDS period.

-  Enable the poor community to access to information, and stand together to fight HIV/AIDS without discrimination and biased treatment.

-  Through AIDS activities to improve life of individual and community, help them accept one another, to unite and instruct one another credit saving techniques, care for children and organisation of healthy life.

(3)  How will the project tackle these problems?

The project contributes to encouraging and creating conditions for housing area inhabitants to be able to organize and implement activities of HIV/AIDS like as: propaganda – consultancy – care. Knowledge and skills are taught and practiced following languages and methods suitable for qualification, and lifestyle of inhabitants.

Besides, social service activities will be implemented such as: micro-credit saving under groups spending only for women, encourage children to attend school or apprentice, support to households and persons under difficult cases, assist families whose husbands or children are in rehabilitation centres. These centres are organized by inhabitants themselves.

AIDS activities and social services under the project will bring about changes in lifestyle, and improvement of the living standards of the inhabitants.

(4)  What is innovative about the idea?

The poor will not receive propaganda messages in a passive manner but they are actively involved in the training, study and propaganda programs with methods that are most appropriate with their education level and living conditions.

Through participation, the poor will be more self-confident and can improve more than their abilities, to contribute improve democracy.

(5)  Target group of the Project:

-  All inhabitants in poor residential area, prioritised groups: women – teenagers – young adults.

-  From the above objectives, it will be expanded to individual, correlative groups having direct relations with them.

(6)  Criteria of success:

-  The implementation groups are inhabitants in Lang Ma hamlet.

-  Finding suitable methods of propaganda – consultancy – care with a poor hamlet. And excellent AIDS activity staffs are the poor.

-  All inhabitants in poor hamlet also receive information of HIV/AIDS and ready to share, support for HIV patients, and AIDS patients in the hamlet, organize funeral for person who is died by AIDS warmly.

-  Youth groups understand and apply skills to avoid HIV infection.

(7)  To understand more project, please answer more questions as bellowed:

The Project is implemented according to following process: influence the public to create impact to authorities and mass unions to have better knowledge and confidence.

People participate as their normal activity in their normal life, chatting, work together and talk to one another, invite people to go to pagoda, singing karaoke in hamlet. These activities will be embedded with HIV/AIDS prevention activities.

Through these activities, people will know and evaluate the change of behaviours – accept and practice new behaviours.

(8). Please answer these addition questions as bellowed:

8.1. Impact of Project:

Social impact: all inhabitants are received information – improve knowledge – create changing behaviour and practice relative to HIV/AIDS, especially the Youth.

Through applied methods – skills, project will create changing in community like as: minimisation of interest conflicts, arguments, and fighting; group activity, help people who have difficult situation, prevent drug taking. The youth will know how to practice safe sexual relations.


1.  Please classify who has benefit from the project and how the implement organization could reach that result?

-  Women: 750 persons

-  Children: 250 persons

-  Male youth: 350 persons

-  Male: 300 persons

Through propaganda– consultancy – care – social service activities.

2.  Were the beneficiaries involved in the decision to seek funding, the planning and design project? If so, how?

Women: Ms. Vo Thi Ngoc and Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong

Youth: Mr. Dong Xuan Son

Teenager: Mr. Tran Thanh Tri

They are informed and discuss together when establishment project.

3.  How and to what extent will the beneficiaries participate in the implementation of the project?

-  Receiving propaganda – consultant – care – social services

-  Participation in activities groups

-  Participation in training classes if they like and are be able to adapt

-  Becoming voluntary propagandists in the hamlet and give comments for activities of project.

-  Participation in key groups that implement project.

4.  What will be the beneficiaries’ future participation when the project has been completed?

-  Inhabitants with knowledge of HIV/AIDS will be encouraged to deliver “peers propaganda” whenever and wherever is suitable.

-  Maintenance activities under groups of woman – youth - teenager to continue activities in the hamlet.

-  Maintenance the key implement groups to continue and could implement other activities of hamlet.

5.  Please list all the members of the local community responsible for submitting This proposal, including their positions and responsibilities. Please indicate key individuals to be involved in the implementation of the project.

-  Ms. Nguyen Thi Kim Dung: AIDS program assistant, responsible for Program content.

-  Ms. Pham Thanh Van: Managers of AIDS program, Project consultant and supervisor.

-  Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong: hamlet woman.

-  Ms. Vo Thi Ngoc: hamlet woman

-  Mr. Dong Xuan Son: hamlet youth

-  Mr. Tran Thanh Tri: hamlet teenagers

6.  How will the implementing agency maintain project results and assume responsibilities after completion of the project?

AIDS program: project implement organization will continue support to inhabitant group that implement project continuously maintain project in community and encourage them to cooperation in implementation in other hamlets.

AIDS program will sum up – development experience and public by written document – images and video. Organize to introduce result of project with local AIDS activities network.


1.  Anticipated total project cost: USD11,100

2. Funding requested from the Vietnam Innovation Day USD10,000

4. Contributed by the recipient: USD1,100

5. Project budget planning:

Project activities / Expenses from Donor / Contribution of AIDS program / Total
1. approach – exchange – collection – establish key group – participant in planning / 500 / 500
2. Training step 1 about propaganda for 3 classes (300USD/class x 3 classes) / 900 / 300 / 1200
3. Small propaganda – implementation social service in hamlet – evaluation – learning from experience in the begging / 1500 / 1500
4. Propaganda largely in hamlet – consolidation key groups / 2000 / 2000
5. Training step 2 in consultant – care (400USD/class x 3 classes) / 1200 / 300 / 1500
6. Continue propaganda – consultant – care – social service – establish hamlet activity house – forming group activities / 2000 / 2000 / 2000
7. Evaluation – learning from experience – develop data – introduce experience / 1900 / 1900
Total / 10,000 / 1,100 / 11,100

VI. Addition Information:

1.  How do you know about the contest?

- Through Jvnet website

2.  List of publications and products that you will bring to present if project is chosen in the final round:

-  Display picture: “When the poor participates in HIV/AIDS activity

-  News bulletins for peer educators

-  Story book: the Life of people with HIV/AIDS

-  Video: - Propaganda for the Youth

- The River of Life: “Sisters” to learn about HIV/AIDS prevention.

Prepared by: Ms. Pham Thanh Van Title: Chairman of AIDS program

Signature: Date: 15th March, 2004