Robert S. Hatfield Award for the Study of Ethics in Business


Deadline: Mon., April 16, 2018

Undergraduate student applicants please complete section A.

Graduate student and faculty applicants please complete section B.

Student organizations please complete section C.

Please attach:

  • A statement up to one page in length indicating your intended use for the Hatfield Award and how it furthers the study of ethics in business.
  • An expense report including exact fees, or estimated expenses to be covered by the Hatfield Award.
  • A letter from a faculty member supporting your proposal and its relation to the study of ethics in business (students only).

SECTION A: Undergraduates

Name ______GradMo./Yr.___/___ College______

Major (please include minors)______Funding Amt. Requested $______

Mailing Address______

Email ______Phone ______

Research Advisor/Supervising Faculty Member (if applicable):

Name______Email Address: ______

How did you hear about this award? (poster e-mail Sun ad other______)

SECTION B: Graduate Students & Faculty

Name______Funding Amt. Requested $______

Department Affiliation______

Mailing Address______

Email ______Phone ______

How did you hear about this award? (poster e-mail Sun ad other______)

SECTION C: Student Organizations

Name of Organization (if applicable)______

Name of Presiding Officer (if applicable)______

Name of Organization’s Advisor (if applicable)______

Mailing Address______

Email ______Phone ______

Funding Amt. Requested $______

How did you hear about this award? (poster e-mail Sun ad other______)

Applications should be received in the Program on Ethics and Public Life office, 218 Goldwin Smith Hall, by the stated deadline date. Late submissions will not be accepted. Applicants will be informed

of the outcome within a month of the deadline date.

Award recipients will be required to provide a thank you letter to the donor’s summarizing their project outcome along with an accounting of their funding use.

Recipients using the funding for international travel are required to register with Cornell University’s International Gateway (