19th February, 2014.

Dear Mr and Mrs Saigh,

Form 5 Special study sessions in preparation for the IGCSE Examinations

As you will be awarethe IGCSE Examinations are fast approaching. The IGCSEs are a demanding, internationally-recognised qualification, taken annually by over a million pupils all around the world.

Due to the challenging nature of these examinations and following Helena’s performance in the Mock Examinations in January, it is essential thatHelenais fully prepared, which means that she must dedicate a significant amount of time to planning and carrying out a thorough and detailed programme of revision. Helena’s Form Tutor has already discussed strategies and techniques for effective revision with her; pupils now need to show motivation, self-discipline and independence in order to put these into practice.

In order to help in ther process, we are organising special study sessions for F5 pupils we feel would benefit from extra academic support. These will begin on Monday 24th February and will end on Wednesday 23rd April. The sessions will take place on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3.15pm until 4.30pm in room 324.

As a tutor team, we have discussed each child individually, and suggest that Helenaattends the special study sessions mentioned above. During ther time,she will be able to work on past papers, homework, and general revision in a quiet, calm atmosphere which is conducive to study. The pupils will be supervised at all times.She will only be allowed to arrive late or miss a session providing she is attending an academic workshop after school instead or has a note from yourselves excusing her from the sessions on a particular day.We feel that ther would be of real academic benefit to Helenaand should not in any way be considered a sanction.

I would be grateful if you would complete and return the slip belowat your earliest convenience.

Yours sincerely,

Angela Fregonesi

Head of Form 5


To: Mrs Fregonesi, Head of Form 5

I certify that I have received your letter regarding theextra study sessions, and I agree thatHelenawill attend both weekly seesions.

Signed : ...... Date: ......

Name: ......