Classroom and Clinical Teaching
-Receives teaching award
-Shows superior improvement over time
-Receives superior peer evaluations
-Receives superior student evaluations
-Experiments with approaches to teaching
-Conducts workshops to improve teaching
-Uses technology in innovative ways / -Nominated for teaching award
-Shows outstanding improvement over time
-Receives outstanding peer evaluations
-Receives outstanding student evaluations
-Revises courses and/or teaching strategies on basis of evaluations of peers and students
-Serves as a peer evaluator or mentor
-Takes advantage of Hubbard Center services to improve teaching
-Experiments with technology to improve teaching / -Shows satisfactory improvement over time
-Receives satisfactory peer evaluation
-Receives satisfactory student evaluations
-Maintains up-to-date syllabi
-Meets standards for acceptance on graduate faculty
-Attends workshops to improve teaching
-Addresses the diverse learning needs of students
-Uses technology in teaching / -Receives unsatisfactory peer evaluations
- Receives unsatisfactory student evaluations
-No evidence of syllabi revisions over time
-Frequently misses classes and/or dismisses class early
-Does not address diverse learning needs of students
-Doesn=t use technology in teaching
Curricular and Program Development
-Instrumental in curriculum and program refinement and development
-Obtains state or national funding for course and program development
-Initiates interdisciplinary curriculum and program development / -Participates in curriculum and program development
-Obtains local funding for course and program development
-Participates in interdisciplinary curricular and program development / -Follows prescribed program of study
-Integrates diversity and multiculturalism into courses / -Does not participate in program review
-Resists recommended changes in course and program development
-Does not incorporate diversity and multiculturalism into courses
Special Teaching Activities
-Directs dissertations and theses
-Does outstanding advisement of students
-Produces teaching materials used by others internally and externally
-Produces teaching materials or conducts workshops that address diversity and multiculturalism / -Serves on dissertation and thesis committees
-Advises more than the typical number of students
-Receives special recognition for independent studies
-Provides extensive guidance to advisees
-Lectures frequently in others= classes
-Produces teaching materials used internally
-Provides advisement to students or colleagues from diverse backgrounds outside own program / -Participates in independent studies
-Serves as a reader for dissertations and thesis committees
-Provides adequate guidance to advisees
-Produces teaching materials for own use
-Schedules and maintains office hours
-Makes a special effort to meet needs of students and colleagues from diverse backgrounds / -Does not provide adequate guidance to advisees
-Does not produce materials for instruction
-Does not schedule or maintain office hours
-Does not make an effort to meet the needs of students and colleagues from diverse backgrounds
Mentoring Students and Colleagues
-Demonstrates leadership in mentoring colleagues in teaching / -Assists students in applications for graduate school, scholarships, and/or employment
-Encourages collaboration between diverse groups of students or colleagues
-Mentors colleagues in teaching / -Encourages student and colleague involvement in professional organizations
-Mentors students or colleagues from diverse backgrounds / - Does not perform mentoring role

Adapted from the Journal of Counseling & Development, July/August 1995, Vol. 73


Department of CSD

Revised 07/01/2010