City Council Meeting Minutes
May 23, 2017
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TUESDAY, MAY 23, 2017
I. Call to Order/Pledge of Allegiance/Approval of Agenda: Mayor McComber called the meeting to order at 6:25 p.m. Present: Councilmembers Dougherty, Liljegren, Runk, and Swenson. Staff present: City Administrator Johnson, City Attorney Vierling, City Planner Richards, City Engineer Mann, and Public Works Director Kegley. Absent: None.
Mayor McComber added “Authorize Placement of Soda Vending Machines at Certain City Parks” as Consent Agenda Item G.
Councilmember Swenson, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to approve the Agenda as amended. Carried 5-0.
II. Council/Staff Reports:
A. Mayor McComber: She reported she attended the Chamber Eggs and Issues Annual State of the Cities event with City Adminitrator Johnson and Councilmember Dougherty; Party in the Park was coming up on Thursday, June 8; community surveys on the Comprehensive Plan would be distributed at Party in the Park; and if 5G passed, there would be no control of placement of cell towers.
B. Councilmember Dougherty: He reported he attended the Planning Commission meeting and the ribbon cutting ceremonies for Goodwill and Simonet’s Furniture.
C. Councilmember Liljegren: No report.
D. Councilmember Runk: He reported he attended the CVB gathering.
E. Councilmember Swenson: He reported that the Cable Commission needed a citizen representative from Oak Park Heights, and the commission was working on its vision statement and plan.
F. Staff: City Clerk Pinski reported that Heather Willingham of 6195 Paul Avenue North and Gabriel Heuer of 14644 57th Street North were chosen as the recycling award winners for the month of May.
III. Visitors/Public Comment: None
IV. Consent Agenda:
A. Approve Bills & Investments
B. Approve City Council Minutes – May 9, 2017
C. Approve City Council Worksession Notes – May 9, 2017
D. Adopt Proclamation that June Shall be Small Cities Month
E. Authorize City Staff to Submit Data to NLC for Small Cities Month
F. Approve Summary of Ordinance 802 Amendment for Publication
G. Authorize Placement of Soda Vending Machines at Certain City Parks
Councilmember Runk, seconded by Councilmember Dougherty, moved to approve the Consent Agenda. Roll call vote taken. Carried 5-0.
V. Public Hearings: None
VI. Old Business: None
VII. New Business:
A. Oak Park Senior Living – Phase V – Senior Apartment Building – PUD Development: City Planner Richards reported that Tim Nolde applied for a PUD general plan amendment and final plat for Oak Park Senior Living, Phase 5. He reviewed his planning report.
Councilmember Swenson, seconded by Councilmember Dougherty, moved to approve the Resolution. Roll call vote taken. Carried 5-0.
B. Amended Planned Unit Development – Signage Amendment – The Driessen Group – 60th Street and Krueger Lane: City Planner Richards reported that the applicants came back to the City for a PUD amendment for a sign plan. He reviewed his planning report.
Councilmember Dougherty, seconded by Councilmember Runk, moved to approve the Resolution. Carried 5-0.
C. Consider City Highlights for Upcoming St. Croix River Crossing: Councilmember Runk suggested the City Council set up a small committee to discuss ideas. Mayor McComber suggested the committee include herself and Councilmember Runk.
Councilmember Dougherty, seconded by Councilmember Swenson, moved to direct Mayor McComber and Councilmember Runk to work together on ideas. Carried 5-0.
VII. Other Council Items or Announcements: None
IX. Closed Session
- Memorial Ave. Property (closed pursuant to MN Stat 13D.05, Subd. 3(c)(3)): City Attorney Vierling reported that the City Council would go into closed session to review matters of a sale of city property. He stated the session would be recorded and recording maintained for two years as required by statute.
Councilmember Runk, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to close the meeting. Carried 5-0.
Mayor McComber called the meeting back to order. City Attorney Vierling reported that there was a general discussion, direction was given, and no motions were made in the closed session.
X. Adjourn: Councilmember Runk, seconded by Councilmember Liljegren, moved to adjourn at 6:44 p.m. Carried 5-0.
Respectfully submitted, Approved as to Content and Form,
Jennifer Pinski Mary McComber
City Clerk Mayor