International Symposium on the 15th Anniversary of the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR)

Paper Writing Guidance on National Remote Sensing Seminar 2016 : Title Should be Clear and Concise (Case Study: Font Times New Roman 15Pt, Italic, Capitalize Each Word)

First Author1*), Second Author2, andLast Author3(no degree, Times New Roman 11 pt)

1Institution of first author (Times New Roman 10 pt)

2Institution of second author (Times New Roman 10 pt)

3Institution of last author (Times New Roman 10 pt)

*)E-mail: authors (Times New Roman 10 pt)

ABSTRACT - Is a summary of the most important elements of the paper, written in one paragraph in the one column of a maximum of 250 words. Abstract made in english languages written with the Times New Roman 10 pt, italic,and spaced 1 (line spacing: 1.00). The title ABSTRACTmade with capital letters, bold, and italic. (Times New Roman 10 pt, italic)

Keywords: keyword 1, keyword 2, keyword 3 (minimal 3 keywords)


Scripts be written in English. Typed manuscript in Microsoft Word with one column to the abstract and the contents of the column. A4 paper size with the length (height) 29.7 cm, width (width) 21 cm by 2 cm dimensions Top, Bottom 2 cm, 2 cm Inside, Outside 1.5 cm, 0.5 cm Gutter, Header Footer 1 cm and 1 cm. Font Times New Roman 11 pt and spaced 1 (line spacing: 1.00), orientation: Portrait with mirror margins. Use only indents the first line of each paragraph 0.5 cm.

Framework has been written in this order: Title, Identity Author, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results Discussion, Conclusions, Acknowledgements, and Bibliography.

Introductory chapter outlines the background, problem formulation, research positions among other authors and papers purposes of study / research / engineering done.

Subtitle are written with numberingas follows:

1.1SubTitleLevel 2

1.1.1 SubTitleLevel 3


Elaborating on the method used in the study include the data, equipment, theory, flow charts, along with the location of the study.


Results and Discussion written by Font Times New Roman 11 pt and spaced 1 (line spacing: 1.00). The table is made quick and given a short title but obviously only shows data that are essential and easy TO understand.Table given adequate records, including the source, so the table is able to explain the information presented independently. Source tables are centered on the position title of the table. Each table is numbered sequentially and reviewed the manuscript. Titles of tables and tables of contents typed with typeface Times New Roman 10 pt, spacing 1 with upper case on every word and in writing "Table 1." "Table 2." "Table 3" and so on strongly typed (bold). Tables should not be in the form of a "picture", should be in the form of tables and without vertical lines. Table title is written on the top of the table, centered.

Table 1.Characteristics of SPOT 5 imagery in the Areal Research

Characteristics / Band ID 1 / Band ID 2 / Band ID 3
Scene ID and
Shift Along Track / 529036414125
0217042A/8 / 529036414125
0217042B/8 / 529036414125
Acquisition date / 2014-12-15 02:17:11 / 2014-12-15 02:17:11 / 2014-12-15 02:17:13
Imaging mode / Black & White / Black & White / Colour
Incidence angle / 19.530940 / 19.531177 / 19.532097
Sun Azimuth / 119.048007 / 119.048272 / 119.059432
Sun Elevation / 53.104521 / 53.104485 / 53.110072

Image title typed with the font Times New Roman 11 pt with a capital letter in each word and the words "Figure 1", "Figure 2," "Figure 3" and so on strongly typed (bold). Images should have a clear and sharp quality that molds good quality (minimum 300 dpi). All symbols in it must be explained. Source image is centered on the position of the image. As with tables, annotate the images (pictures, graphs or charts) should be sufficient to be presented independently. Pictures, graphics, and photographs should be reviewed in the script.

Figure 1. Graphicof Visual Comparison of SPOT 5. (a) Before,and

(b) After

Mathematical equation or formula given a sequential number which is placed at the right end in parentheses. When writing more than one line equations, numbers should be on the last line. The use of letters as mathematical symbols in the text in italics (Italic) as x. Explanation equation for reviews in the script. Of mathematical equation or formula need not be written in detail, just the most important part, the methods used and the results.

=...... (1)

whereCFLmax = Cmax, hmaxis the maximum water depth,dtis time interval, gis gravity force (10m/s), Cmaxis initial velocity.


The important things in the paper is the conclusion of research or study. Font Times New Roman 11 pt and spaced 1 (line spacing: 1.00)


Addressed to those who helped author both the provision of data, as well as the data processing. Font Times New Roman 11 pt and spaced 1 (line spacing: 1.00)


References should be from sources that are clear and reliable. Any references listed in the bibliography must be cited (quoted) on the script and reverse any citations should be listed in the bibliography. Writing of reference in the discussion should use the "author-year system" which refers to the works in the reference list below. Citations of articles in journals, books etc. in the form of adaptations to one or more written author author last name and the year can be written as follows Danoedoro written (Danoedoro, 2009), for two authors (Othman and Gloaguen, 2013) and three or more authors. (Berjak et al., 2989). If there are two or more references written sequentially (Danuedoro 2009; Aziz, 2006). Font Times New Roman 10 pt and spaced 1 (line spacing: 1.00). The primary reference is more than 80%, and published in the last 5-10 years. References are listed in the script follows the standard pattern with organized alphabetically by name (family) first author and year of publication.

Examples of writing in the Bibliography are as follows:

Articlein Journal (Primary Journal)

Othman, A., dan Gloaguen, R., (2013). River Courses Affected by Landslides and Implications for Hazard Assessment: A High Resolution Remote Sensing Case Study in NE Iraq–W Iran. Remote Sensing, 5(3), 1024-1044.


Danoedoro, P., (2009).LAND-USE INFORMATION FROM THE SATELLITE IMAGERY: Versatility and Contents for Local Physical Planning: Lambert Academic Publishing AG & Co. KG.

Articlepart of book

Berjak, P., Farrant, J. M., danPammenter, N. W. (1989). The Basis of Recalcitrant Seed Behaviour. In R. B. Taylorson (Ed.), Recent Advances in the Development and Germination of Seeds (pp. 89-108). Boston, MA: Springer US.


Azis, N. (2006). Analisis Ekonomi Alternatif Pengelolaan Sekosistem Mangrove Kecamatan Barru, Kabupaten Barru. (Magister Sains Master Thesis), IPB (Bogor Agricultural University), Bogor.

Proceeding Script

Setiawan, B., dan Sato, Y. (1999). Studies on environmental changes and sustainable development of Cidanau watershed. Paper presented at the Proceedings of International Workshop on Sustainable Resource Management of Cidanau watershed, Bogor, Indonesia.

Conference Script

Mabowe, B., de Gier, A., Hussin, Y., Lubczynski, M., dan Obakeng, O. (2006). Estimation of above ground biomass of dry savannah trees in serowe savannah woodland, Botswana using remote sensing and GIS. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Earth Observation & Geoinformation Sciences in Support of Africa’s Development, , 30 October – 2 November 2006, Cairo, Egypt.

Report of research Script

Koeshendrajana, S., Priyatna, F., dan Mulyawan, I. (2008). Riset Identifikasi, Karakterisasi dan Valuasi Sosial Ekonomi Sumberdaya Perairan Umum Daratan, Laporan Teknis Kegiatan Penelitian, (Vol. 10, pp. 8-29). Jakarta: Balai Besar Riset Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan, BRKP.


Brown, S. (1997). Estimating Biomass and Biomass Change of Tropical Forest, FAO Forestry Paper 134,diunduh 17 September 2007 dari


International Symposium on the 15th Anniversary of the Equatorial Atmosphere Radar (EAR)