. . . the source for instructional leadership

The Calendar for Curriculum Leads

Updated on September 17, 2011

Activity / Details / Contact / Resources /
·  Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) / ·  Due to DE around July 10
·  Check to see numbers match with district data; once data is accurate, certify the data.
·  Share certified copies of the data with superintendent, business manager, the board, district leadership team.
·  Put certified information on district web site / ·  Mary Grinstead
·  Tom Deeter
515.242.5616 / · 
·  Annual Progress Report (APR) / ·  Prepare rough draft in July
·  Take draft, including district goals, to board in August
·  Due September 15 to DE (on-line)
·  Data found in district newsletters, Heart/EdInsight data base, board reports, principals’ end –of-year reports, etc. / ·  LEA: Brandie Gean, 515.281.4726,
·  Holly Barnes, 515.242.6173, / ·  Templates available at DE login site: https://edinfo.state.ia.us
·  http://educateiowa.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=298&Itemid=2720
·  Board Meeting(s) / ·  Assure board reports are to the superintendent/designee by ____ of each month. / ·  / · 
·  Budgets / ·  Craft final draft of budgets for which you are responsible. They may include district textbooks/learning materials per curriculum cycle, Drug-Free, Gifted and Talented, Iowa Core, mentoring, Teacher Quality, categorical budgets. Set up spreadsheet for position budget for each. / ·  / · 
·  Career and Technical Education (CTE) – Vocational Education / ·  Collect data to complete report that is due to the Iowa Department of Education on August 1. (Be sure to check as many districts are part of consortium that may have data required in June..) / ·  See DE web site / ·  http://educateiowa.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=40&Itemid=2774
·  Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) / ·  Continue gathering data for CSIP.
·  Take draft of report to board in August.
·  Final report due on-line by September 15 for previous year.
·  Data can be found in district newsletters, database, (e.g., EdInsight, Heart) board reports, principals’ end-of-year reports, etc. / ·  Isaiah McGee

·  Holly Barnes, 515.242.6173, / ·  Templates can be found on the DE login website: https://edinfo.state.ia.us.
·  http://educateiowa.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=300&Itemid=2722
·  Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment / ·  Review curriculum review cycle to prepare for various phases (e.g., research/study, pilot, develop, monitor, evaluate)
·  Assessments: order elementary reading assessments (e.g., Phonological Awareness tests, Boehm tests)
·  Update information/materials as needed.
·  Prepare copies for each teacher/ administrator new to the district.
·  Be sure all new teachers and teachers switching classrooms have adequate supplies, including textbooks,, primary resources, and supplementary materials / ·  / · 
·  Curriculum Manager / ·  Clean up Curriculum Manager teacher/administrator list; remove former employees, assign maps to appropriate teachers. Prepare set of handouts to be shared with new teachers during mentoring class. / ·  / · 
·  District Leadership Team (DLT) / ·  Prepare for August meeting of DLT / ·  / · 
·  Evaluation of Educators (e.g., principals, teachers, paraprofessionals) / ·  Review and update information as needed. Prepare copies for each teacher/ administrator new to the district. / ·  / · 
·  Fall Workshops / ·  Finalize plans for New Teacher Orientation
·  Finalize plans for Back-to-School Workshops / ·  / · 
·  Iowa ASCD / ·  Review functions of curriculum leads
·  Prepare Individual Professional Development Plan based on the functions. (See examples on Iowa ASCD web site)
·  Follow Iowa ASCD on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/IowaASCD / ·  / ·  http://www.iowaascd.org
·  Two-Page summaries of functions
·  Examples of Individual Professional Development Plans
·  Iowa Core / ·  Review Iowa Core self-study results and implementation plan to incorporate into CSIP (CSIP due Sept 15th) / ·  / · 
·  Mandatory Training / ·  Send letter regarding needed mandatory training in late July, including information on where/how to log in to complete required training
·  All employees are required to have current Blood-borne Pathogens, Hazardous Chemicals (Right to Know), and Chapter 103, Child Restraint certificates on file with district. Certificates are good for one year and are due no later than the Friday before school starts. They are to be filed with the ______, where an updated spreadsheet is available for all employees.
·  All licensed employees are required to have current Mandatory Child and Dependent Adult Abuse certificate on file. Certificates are good for five years and the BOEE requires a copy of the certificate when licenses are renewed. Licensed employees include teachers, coaching (including volunteer coaches), nurses, and substitute teachers. Many districts require it of associates/paraprofessionals as well. Certificates are kept on file in the district at ______, where an updated spreadsheet is available for all licensed employees. All staff new to the district must either provide evidence of the training or complete it before school starts. Veteran staff members need to renew “Mandatory Reporter” when they renew their teaching/administrative license.
·  Lock Out/Tag Out and Asbestos training modules are offered though the AEA. The building and grounds supervisor completes this training and determines who else on staff needs to complete the training. / ·  / · 
·  Mentoring / ·  If needed, match up first-/second-year teachers with mentors. See mentoring plan for requirements for mentors. Contact mentors to assure agreement to mentor.
·  Assure that all mentors and mentees are registered if AEA mentoring classes.
·  Draft letters/information to first- and second-year teachers.
·  Draft letters/information to mentors of first-year teachers.
·  Draft letters/information to mentors of second-year teachers.
·  Plan welcome for teachers new to district, including invitations to new teachers, administrators, secretaries, and mentors
·  Work with group of mentors to update the mentee handbook / ·  / ·  District/AEA Mentoring Plan
·  Sample letter for new teachers
·  Sample letter for mentors
·  Sample Welcome Plan
·  Newsletter(s) / ·  Submit article(s) by _____ of month for August district newsletter. Items might include the following:
·  District nondiscrimination policy
·  Board policy on bullying/harassment
·  FERPA notice on student directory information, right to inspect educational records, opt-out rights, military recruiters, etc.
·  Open enrollment information
·  Competent Private Instruction (CPI) information / ·  / · 
·  Professional Development / ·  Implement summer professional development based on the continuous improvement cycle, building and district action plans, data collected previous spring. / ·  / · 
·  Program Evaluation / ·  Review program evaluation(s) completed the previous year.
·  Prepare for program evaluation(s) for present year. / ·  / · 
-1.  Required Staff Development / Plan for Required Staff Development in the following areas or make sure those who need to know are aware
·  Multicultural Gender Fair Approaches: To meet the professional needs of all staff, staff development activities shall… prepare all employees to work effectively with diverse learners and to implement multicultural, gender fair approaches to the educational program.
·  Abuse of Students by School Employees: The board of directors of a public school district and the authorities in control of a nonpublic school shall arrange for in–service training for the designated investigator and alternate. Initial training should be undertaken within six months of appointing a level–one investigator or alternate. Follow–up training should be undertaken at least once every five years.
·  Affirmative Action: Each board of directors shall provide periodic training for all staff who hire or supervise personnel on the principles of equal employment opportunity and the implementation of its affirmative action plan.
·  Bus Driver Training: A person applying for employment or employed as a school bus driver shall successfully complete a department of education approved course of instruction for school bus drivers before or within the first six months of employment and at least every twenty-four months thereafter.
·  Educational Aide Training: During the initial year of employment, an educational assistant shall complete staff development approved by the board as provided in subrule 12.7(1)
·  Hazardous Chemicals Risks-Right to Know: Employers shall provide employees with information and training on hazardous chemicals in their work area at the time of their initial assignment, and whenever a new hazard is introduced into their work area. An employer shall provide special training when the employer either assigns an employee to a special assignment or task, which increases the employee’s potential exposure to a hazardous chemical…” or when the employee is reassigned to another area with different hazardous materials.
·  Medication Administration to Students: Person administering medication shall include licensed registered nurses, physicians, and persons who have successfully completed a medication administration course reviewed by the board of pharmacy examiners. / -1.  Equity Consultant
-1.  DE School Improvement Consultant
-1.  DE Equity Consultant
-1.  Max Christensen, DE, 515.281.474
-1.  DE Equity Consultant
-1.  Gary Schwartz, DE 515.281.4743
-1.  Charlotte Burt, DE 515.281.5327 / -1.  DE Reference Guide for Required Staff Development
·  Summer School / ·  Finalize all plans for Summer School in August / ·  / · 
·  Title I / ·  Submit finalized Title I budget
·  Submit Title I Participation Report / ·  / ·  http://educateiowa.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=659&Itemid=3161
·  Textbook and Learning Materials Adoption / ·  Review orders and process those that need to be ordered after July 1, depending on funding availability. / ·  / · 
·  Administrative Team Meetings / ·  Prepare for and participate in administrative team meetings / ·  / · 
·  Annual Progress Report (APR) / ·  Finalize draft and take draft, including district goals, to board in August
·  Due September 15 to DE (on-line)
·  Data found in district newsletters, Heart/EdInsight database, board reports, principals’ end –of-year reports, program evaluations, etc. / ·  / ·  Templates available at DE login site: https://edinfo.state.ia.us
·  Board Meeting(s) / ·  Assure board reports are to the superintendent/designee by ____ of each month. / ·  / · 
·  Budgets / ·  Review and update budget(s) / ·  / · 
·  Career and Technical Education (CTE) – Vocational Education / ·  Report due August 1
·  Request principal and vocational teachers to schedule the Vocation Education Advisory Committee meetings for the year. Usually have three, but may have more. Remind principal and vocational teachers that meetings need to posted in advanced because they are open to public. Once dates are received, put them in district newsletter. / ·  See DE web site / ·  http://educateiowa.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=40&Itemid=2774
·  http://educateiowa.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=806&Itemid=1424
·  Committees / ·  Send principals list of committees and teachers and have them update with correct names. / ·  / · 
·  Comprehensive School Improvement Plan (CSIP) / ·  Finalize draft and take draft of report to board in August.
·  Final report due on-line by September 15 for previous year.
·  Data can be found in district newsletters, database, (e.g., EdInsight, Heart) board reports, principals’ end-of-year reports, etc. / ·  Isaiah McGee

·  Holly Barnes, 515.242.6173, / ·  Templates can be found on the DE login website: https://edinfo.state.ia.us.
·  Counselors / ·  Schedule monthly meeting with counselors. Identify program objectives for the year and develop plan for reaching them. / · 
·  Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment / ·  Assessments:
·  Arrange for volunteers for special assessments (e.g., BRI). Prepare forms with student names.
·  Push forward student names for any computerized assessments for new school year.
·  Complete order for the New Iowa Assessments (formerly ITBS, ITED) if testing in fall.
·  Set up meeting(s) for curriculum work:
·  Curriculum meeting dates based on curriculum adoption cycle
·  Dates for horizontal and vertical team meetings
·  Dates/Process for peer observations / ·  / ·  See Curriculum Adoption Cycle
·  District Leadership Team (DLT) / ·  Meet with DLT during last week of August. Determine or review agendas for first professional development meetings. / ·  / · 
·  English as Second Language (ESL) / ·  Schedule monthly meetings with the ESL teachers. Identify program objectives for year and develop plan for reaching them. / ·  John Scott, 515.281.3805, / ·  http://educateiowa.gov/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=683&Itemid=2789
·  Evaluation / ·  Meet with teachers/administrators for whom you are responsible for evaluating; review current evaluation system, your expectations, and respond to their questions. Schedule the first official evaluation. / ·  / · 
·  Fall Workshops / ·  Implement and evaluate plans for New Teacher Orientation
·  Implement and evaluate plans for Back-to-School Workshops
·  Grade-level and content area meetings to review curriculum changes
·  Program meetings (e.g., Title I, Talented and Gifted, English as a Second Language) / ·  / · 
·  Gifted and Talented / ·  Schedule monthly meetings with teachers of gifted and talented and share budget for the school year.
·  Identify program objectives and develop plan to reach objectives.
·  All purchases must be approved by ______.
·  All carryover must remain in budget for gifted and talented.
·  Secondary teacher of gifted and talented can teach other students as long as majority of students are identified as gifted and talented. / ·  / · 
·  Iowa ASCD / ·  Consider volunteering for the planning committees of Iowa ASCD (e.g., Fall Institute, Iowa ASCD Curriculum Leadership Academy, Summer Institute(s), Advocacy and Influence, Membership, Technology)
·  Read The Source for latest news and tips for instructional leadership
·  Review function: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
·  Follow Iowa ASCD on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/IowaASCD / ·  / ·  http://www.iowaascd.org
·  Two-page summary of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
·  Sample Individual Professional Development Plan
·  Mandatory Training / ·  Around August 20, access a list of teachers and staff that have not completed their mandatory trainings. Contact the individuals by e-mail or telephone and strongly encourage them to complete their trainings as soon as possible. If the person is an employee of the district, mention the possibility of withholding their paycheck until the training is completed. (See details of mandatory training in July’s listings.) / ·  / ·