Monday, July 18, 2016 7:00 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m. by President, Denise McBride. Present: Denise McBride, Bob Pasch, Rod Cole and Curt Gottschalk. Kari Rojas and Jane Finnerty arrived later.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Kari Rojas arrived at 7:03 a.m.

Bob Pasch read Board Goal #2 – Secure the School District's Future Integrity.

Motion by Ron Neyer, seconded by Rod Cole to approve the agenda as presented with no additions or deletions. Motion carried 6/0.

Jane Finnerty arrived at 7:10 p.m.

There were no guests and no staff/student presentations.

Motion by Rod Cole, seconded by Curt Gottschalk to approve the Budget Hearing Minutes and Regular Meeting Minutes of June 27, 2016. Motion carried 7/0.

Bill Chilman spoke about the bus sale for scrap that he explained in his update. He reminded the Board of the School Equity Caucus newsletter that was included in the update. Denise reported on a letter she received from the National Assoc of Ag Educators thanking the district for the support of Jessy Spry. There was also a District Administrators Magazine. Bob Pasch reported that they had a fair event at the farm and Jessy Spry was a huge help.

There were no Board Committee Reports.

Rod Freeze sent a list of things he is working on in his update. He is working on state reports, updating payroll information and preparing for a couple of audits.

Bill Chilman reported that he has been fascinated with the state reports that he is working on as several of them are now being cross checked with one another to matchup data.

Denise McBride read the financial report.

Motion by Rod Cole, seconded by Bob Pasch to approve the General Fund payments of $238,192.13, Hot Lunch payments of $3,473.50, and Athletic Fund payments of $13,284.54. Motion carried 7/0.

Motion by Kari Rojas, seconded by Ron Neyer to approve the 2nd reading of the Elementary & Secondary Student Handbooks as presented. Motion carried 7/0.

Motion by Kari Rojas, seconded by Bob Pasch to approve the 2nd reading of the Neola Policies as presented. Motion carried 7/0.

There is a BCEF meeting scheduled for Tuesday night to start planning their Halloween Bash.

After much discussion the Board agreed to go with the 10 year 7 mil proposal that Umbaugh & Assoc put together for a future election. Bill will contact Architects to get initial prices before proceeding any further.

Bill reminded the Board of the November 8, 2016 election. Rod Cole, Jane Finnerty and Ron Neyer's seats are up for re-election.

Motion by Kari Rojas, seconded by Bob Pasch to adjourn 8:10 p.m. Roll call. Motion carried 7/0.

Recording Secretary

Carrie Bleise


Denise McBride, President


Kari Rojas, Secretary