PNF Supplement: 2400-93-3
EFFECTIVE DATE: March 24, 1993
DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. / 2431.31
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FSM 2400 – timber management
/ Forest Service Manual

fsM 2400 – timber management

Supplement No.: 2400-93-3

Effective Date: March 24, 1993

Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed.

Approved: /s/ Coy G. Jemmett
coy g. jemmett
Forest Supervisor / Date Approved: 03/24/1993

Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was Supplement 2400-93-2 to FSM 2400.

New Document / 2431.31 / 4 Pages
Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) / 2430.82
2467 / 1 Page
1 Page
2 Pages

Digest: In order by code, summarize the main additions, revisions, or removal of direction incorporated in this supplement.

2430.82 - Removes obsolete material from manual.

2431.31 - Updates numbering and rates to correspond with WO Amendment and RO Supplement.

2452.4 - Removes obsolete material from manual.

2467 - Removes obsolete material from manual.

2431.31 - Minimum and Standard Rates. The Prescott standard rates are for optional use by Districts where the volume involved is too small to justify a detailed appraisal. Standard rates are the lowest rates at which timber can be sold without a supporting appraisal calculation. The standard rate appraisal can be adjusted to fit special conditions such as "right-of-way" timber in which the purchaser would have no skidding, road maintenance or erosion control costs when the District feels a higher stumpage rate is warranted.

Sawtimber trees 1/Minimum RateMBF Conversion 2/

(9" DBH o.b. and larger)

All Pines$35.00/MBF

Other Conifers$25.00/MBF

Aspen and Other Deciduous Species$ 5.50/MBF

(All standing trees to be severed at not more than 12" above groundline.)

Poles, Pilings, House Logs,

Vigas, Fence Poles, Tepee Poles, etc.

15" to 18" DBH, all species$0.56/lin. ft.5.5 bd. ft./lin. ft.

13" to 14.9" DBH, all species$0.20/lin. ft.3.6 bd. ft./lin. ft.

8.0" to 12.9" DBH, all species$0.16/lin. ft.1.6 bd. ft./lin. ft.

Less than 8.0" DBH, all species$0.05/lin. ft.0.5 bd. ft./lin. ft.

except juniper

Juniper Posts and Fence Stays

Post 5.1" to 8.0" top x 8' long$0.60 each15.0 bd. ft. each

Post 2.1" to 5.0" top x 6 1/2' long$0.25 each3.5 bd. ft. each

Stay, less than 2.1" top x 5' long$0.05 each0.5 bd. ft. each

Fuelwood, Roundwood, Excelsior Wood

Green oak, mesquite, alligator juniper$11.50/cord1 cord = 500 bd. ft.

All species green (except oak, mesquite

alligator juniper)$ 8.50/cord1 cord = 500 bd. ft.

All species dead$ 5.00/cord1 cord = 500 bd. ft.

1/ For products removed as sawlogs 8 feet or more in length.

2/ 6 bd. ft./cu. ft. solid wood as computed using smalian's formula.

Miscellaneous Non-Convertible Forest Products

Seed Cones (all species)$ 1.00/bu.

Dry Cones (all species)$ 0.20/bu.

Bear Grass$ 5.00/ton

Pinyon Seed$ 0.50/lb.

Decorative Tree or Shrub Limbs$ 5.00/ton

Mistletoe$ 0.10/lb.

Jojoba Beans$ 0.10/lb.

Meadow Hay$10.00/ton

*Wilding - Transplants (non-protected)$ 2.50/ea

Novelty Woods and Burls$75.00/ton

*Up to 10 ft. ($0.50 per ft. over 10 ft.)

(No coniferous trees will be sold as wildings during Nov. and Dec.)

Christmas trees to 10 ft. = $5.00/ea, plus $0.50 per ft. over 10 ft.

Products for which standard rates are not established will be sold using the minimum rates in the R-3 Supplement, or rates will be established by appraisal.

2431.31C - Minimum Charges for Small Sales. All forest product use shall be by permit using forms FS-2400-8, Free-Use permit - Timber; R3-FS-2400-44, Charge Personal use Firewood Removal Permit; R3-FS-2400-44a, Free personal Use Firewood Removal Permit; or R3-FS-2400-47, Personal Free Use Firewood Permit Self-Issuing.

When collecting required deposits, the District Ranger shall prepare a plan for the use of the deposits. A master plan, by the Ranger District, may be prepared for groups of small sales. File at the District Ranger's office and Forest Supervisor's office (FSM 2470, 2480, 7730 and FSH 7709.15). Use form R3-FS-2400-14, Slash Hazard Reduction Appraisal, when planning for the collection of required deposits for slash disposal. Plans for erosion control or road maintenance shall be made using the general outline and instructions of the Sale Area Improvement and K-V Collection Plan, form FS-2400-50. Insert wording of form as necessary to fit the subject of the plan.

Use minimum charges when involving only small volumes because of processing costs to the Government. Accordingly, add the followings notation on timber sale permits of $50 or less:

"This sale is final and not subject to refund."

The following minimum charges are established for small areas.

$ 5.00 for personal use Christmas trees (sale by mail and over-the-counter sales when offered).

$15.00 for personal use.

$25.00 for all Forest products for resale (sawtimber, convertible and non-convertible products) except those commercial fuelwood sales made to cleanup wood from previous sales. These sales may be made for less than $25.00 as needed.

Standard converting factors found in FSH 2409.11, Logging Scaling Handbook, Table XV, may be used.

Appraisals may be adjusted according to local conditions to set rates for individual sales; however, standard rates will not be below minimum rates.