Biosciences Education Team Meeting
Issues and Actions
5th December 2011
Present: Steve Aves, Sara Burton, Meg Harris, Jamie Stevens
Student/ Applicant Queries / ActionMarie Solvey
Choudhary et al
Kimberley Stirk
Sarah Flint
Markus Kurz
Andrew Ball
Sandra Smith / Taking an IE year after her degree
SITS work
SA to IE
FCH meeting
Telephone call
Still contacting staff / MH met with MS. Student is happy for the IE not to be on her degree certificate and acknowledges that she will not graduate with her cohort. She would still like to change to Molecular Biology from C100. MH to raise on her behalf. c/f
SB to liaise c/f
Student has now had her baby. SB has not received her first dissertation. SB to liaise. c/f
To be held on 08.12.11. . c/f
Possible change of tutor to SA. MH has spoken to the Canoe Club and asked for them to provide evidence of their actions. MH to c/f
Barbara Powell has arranged with Allan Edgcumbe and Sandi Marshall to be contacted if SS comes into GP.
Note: SS arrived in GP on 06.12.11 at 11.00am. SS entered the building by tailgating, spoke to a student and then entered the Student Office. The porter called estate patrol. MH asked her to leave the Student Office and she then left the building. AE apprehended SS outside the Biocat and reclaimed her student card. He told her that in future if she wished to visit the University she must make an appointment.
Previous Meeting items / Conclusion / By
03.10.1 / MH / MACE / Good response to the BIO2081 MACE forms and paper copies would be used again next year. Concluded.
10.10.2 / SB / BIO2414 / GTA and Academic support for BIO2414. c/f / SB
31.10.1 / MH / Questionnaire / MH to organise analysis of the data, possible bar charts. c/f / MH
31.10.4 / MH / SSLC / MH attended the Opps meeting and Jon Barnes confirmed that approximately five new computers were being put onto the GP bridge. JB agreed to look into a further printer. c/f
MH attended a meeting with Alan Brown and the two 2nd year HB SSLC reps on 05.12.11 pm. This was to establish their concerns prior to the SHS Board of Studies meeting being held on 08.12.11. MH to circulate notes to AB, SA and JW. c/f / MH
31.10.5 / JW / MSc boards
MRes for Aquatic Bio / MH to liaise with College. c/f
JS meeting on 06.12.11. c/f MH would confirm how many offers for 2012 had already been made. / MH
07.11.2 / MH / KIS / Report on progress at the next meeting. c/f / MH
07.11.4 / SA / Externals / Possible External Examiner, Tom Kemp. No Assessor c/f / SA
17.11.3 / SB / Conference / c/f / SB
28.11.1 / SB / Project samples / SB had agreed with KH for all students to have a two week extension to their lab and written work. Students would be informed and the office would hold the forms. The January work would be done in KH’s lab. JW & MH had been approached by Expose who were running an article in their 5th December issue, although it was too late to change the copy. SB would monitor. Concluded at present.
28.11.2 / Demonstrators / Possible demonstrators from the Biocat. c/f / SB
Raised by / Issue / Action / By
1 / JS / MSc
Term dates and meetings
PGEC meeting
BT&E & projects / JS had met with Alison Hill. AH would contact all PDs in the new year when some mark feedback was available. She would ask for three students to be nominated, ideally international, and then she will act as a contact point. Concluded at present.
JS asked if there was any chance that the MSc students could start in week one rather than zero next year. With the new University year, Term one will start on 24th September 2012. No final decisions have been made about the timing of exams. After discussion it was agreed that we would need to comply with the University calendar and dates were agreed as: External Examiners wk/bg 10th September 2012 and all MSc projects to be handed in on Wednesday 22nd August 2012. MH to email MSc PDs to inform them all. Concluded at present.
JS agreed to email all PDs to ask for nominations for SSLC reps from within their programmes. MH would arrange a PG Education Committee meeting for the end of term. c/f
JS reported on this meeting with Steve Bates. There are no business projects offered to the BT&E students in 2011/12. Students also do no practical work on the programme. SB will review for the 2012 entry. Concluded at present. / AH