Woodland Park Academy, PSA
2083 E. Grand Blanc Road, Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439
Regular Board Meeting
January 19, 2017
2083 E. Grand Blanc Road
Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439
Telephone: (810) 695-4710 Facsimile: (810) 695-1658
E-mail Address: Website:
Woodland Park Academy Board of Directors
RegularBoard Meeting
Date:January 19, 2017
Location:Science Room
2083 E. Grand Blanc Road
Grand Blanc, Michigan 48439
MINUTES Proposed ◙Approved
Meeting Type:Annual Public Hearing ◙RegularSpecial
I.Call to Order
PresidentPayton-Hines called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
II.Pledge of Allegiance and Roll Call
The Pledge of Allegiancewas recited.
Board Member Attendance:
Cynthia Payton-Hines, President◙ Present Absent
Susan Peters, Vice President◙ Present Absent
Hudson Green, Secretary ◙ Present Absent
Ken Kander, Treasurer ◙ Present Absent
Jeff Fivecoate, Trustee◙ Present Absent
Other Attendees:
Jeremy Brown, Academy Director
Amanda Martin, Curriculum Director
Kirstin Knag and Rebekah Silkworth,Business Services, GISD
Laurie Franklin, RN, BSN, Board Recording Secretary
Bill Gesaman, CMU-CSO
A copy of the meeting minutes is available for public inspection at Woodland Park Academy, 2083 E. Grand Blanc Road, within 8 business days for proposed minutes and within 5 business days of approval for approved minutes.
The Academy shall comply with subtitle A of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990; Public Law 101-336, 42 USC § 12101 et seq or any successor law. Should you require specific accommodation(s) please contact Academy at (810) 695-4710 prior to the meeting.
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III.Approval of Agenda
President Payton-Hines made a motion to accept the agenda as amended; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried (5-0).
IV.Approval of Board Minutes
Regular Meeting, December 15, 2016
President Payton-Hines made a motion to approve the minutes of the Regular Board meeting,December 15, 2016, as amended; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried (5-0).
V.Board Communication
President Payton-Hines reminded the Board to attend the CMU Workshop on Tuesday, January 24, 2017, at Brickstreet.
VI.Public General Comments (limited to 3 minutes per speaker)
No comments were made.
VII.Administrators’ Reports
A.Jeremy Brown, Academy Director
Mr. Brown provided the Board with an electronic copy of his written report for their review and file.
Enrollment is 407 students.
Trevor Thomas has been hired to fill the open 4th grade teaching position. He is a recent graduate of U of M Flint.
A recent relationship has been forged with U of M Flint and several programs are being initiated at the Academy in the areas of student teaching opportunities, mentoring of 8th students in mindfulness and relationships, as well U of M Flint students working on observations and literacy through externships. A discussion was held.
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NWEA testing began on January 9, 2017. Weather related days off complicated the testing, but missed sessions have been made up and it is on target to have testing completed within the testing window.
The Food Service Administration Review is scheduled for March 7th, conducted by the MDE. Preparation is a time-intensive process with all the mandatory tracking and reporting requirements. The Academy serves 500 meals a day with Ms. Shawn’s oversight. A discussion was held.
The School Calendar had to be revised in consideration for January 2nd, 2017, designated as the New Year’s holiday. President Payton-Hines made a motion to approve the amended School Calendar as presented; seconded by S. Peters. Motion carried (5-0). A discussion was held.
A partnership has been begun with Frontline in the utilization of their program/platform for staff evaluations. This is to help streamline this process.
The Academy’s website withwillbe updated in the upcoming weeks. A discussion was held.
Eighth grade students will be taking the NAEP assessment on February 2nd. The Academy was chosen to participate in this national platform/version of this assessment. Students receive community participation credit for taking the assessment. A discussion was held.
B.Amanda Martin, Curriculum Director
The Board was provided with an electronic copy of her written report for their review and file.
Family Science Night was January 18th and had a nice turnout with parents and students. The Student Talent Show will be January 27th. The Jump Rope for Heart event day is January 20th for American Heart Association.
The Middle School Lock-In will be February 24th and is a fundraiser for the 8th grade trip. Mr. Brown will be a participant.
Spelling Bee season is beginning with classroom, school-level, charter school-wide level, and then Genesee County level bees taking place throughout the area.
The Board was provided with a copy of the bi-weekly newsletter for their review and file. It is being sent out to parents, students and staff and contains information about all areas of School-related activities (academics, after school events, sports, PTO). A discussion was held.
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Pictures of school-related activities and the positive school climate were also shared with the Board.
Mr. Brown also shared with the Board how one of the Varsity Boys’ basketball team member, Larry, helped to provide math mentoring to his fellow team members who were struggling with this subject. His commitment and selflessness to his fellow team members to help improve their math understanding and outcomes was recognized by his coach and teachers, and with a pay-it-forward momentum, a new pair of tennis shoes were donated to replace the work boots Larry was playing basketball in. Teamwork Team work benefits all and results in win-win outcomes.
Teacher of the Year nominations are now open. The winner will also be nominated for the Grand Blanc Chamber of Commerce Chairman’s Award with a recognition dinner and plaque. Everyone is encouraged to cast their votes.
C. Academic Report
The Board was provided with an electronic copy of the Academic Report for their review and file.
Mr. Brown provided an overview of the goals and objectives for Math and Reading and outcomes expected and achieved. A discussion was held.
Behavioral and Disciplinary stats were presented and discussed. Continued focus is on promotion of positive school-wide climate and acknowledgement of students who achieve these goals. SOAR assemblies, students of the month award with a special acknowledgement luncheon with administration all help to promote positive outcomes. Further discussion was held.
VIII.Business Services Report
Kirstin Knag, Business Services representative from the GISD, provided electronic copies of the monthly financial reports to the Board. Ms. Knag gave an overview of the bills payables and the financial statements. A discussion was held. President Payton-Hines made a motion to approve the bills payables and financial statements as presented; seconded by H. Green. Motion carried (5-0).
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IX.Board President’s Report
An update was provided by President Payton-Hines on the Porter Road property. She continues to work on resolving issues and barriers in moving forward to sell the property and remove this burden from WPAs financial status. A discussion was held.
A Strategic Planning meeting was scheduled for Tuesday, January 24th, by Ms. Peters, Mr. Brown and Mrs. Payton-Hines to continue their work on the strategic plan for WPA. A discussion was held.
X. New Business
New Board Policy updates and associated administrative guidelines and forms for Fall 2016 were provided to the Board for their review, file and approval. Discussion was held regarding the policies and any changes that were included as provided to them by the NCSI. Mr. Kander made a motion to approve the Board Policy updates as submitted; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried by roll call vote, with all members present voting in the affirmative (5-0).
The Board was provided with a Resolution to be reviewed and approved on the 80%/20% Employer/Employee Healthcare Cost Option, as required by law, under the Public Act 152, September 24, 2011, containing three options pertaining to allocation for healthcare costs, and requiring one option to be selected. The Board has, after review and discussion, chosen the 80%/20% Employer/Employee Healthcare cost option. President Payton-Hines made a motion to approve the selection of the 80%/20% Employer/Employee Healthcare cost option in compliance and required by law as its choice; seconded by K. Kander. Motion carried by roll call vote, with all members present voting in the affirmative (5-0).
XI.Old Business
The Board previously requested a written, comprehensive and inclusive copy of the budget with all proposed changes highlighted for their review and approval. Mr. Kander, Board Treasurer, reviewed the proposed amended budget and discussed the proposed changes with Mr. Brown and the business services representative. Mr. Kander made the suggestion recommendation that a Budget Committee be formed and that the budget’s timeline be: original approved in May or June (preferably May)June, and then reviewed and amended twice during the school year to accommodate fluctuations in revenue and expense, with a final
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amended budget approved in June. Further discussion was held. Mr. Kander made a motion to approve the amended budget for 2016-2017 General Fund as presented; seconded by J. Fivecoate. Motion carried by roll call vote with all members present voting in the affirmative (5-0).
XII.CMU Representative Report
Mr. Gesaman reminded the Board members of the upcoming Saturday Series on Strategic Planning provided by CMU on March 4th.
Mr. Gesaman provided the Board with a copy and gave an overview of the 2015-2016 M-STEP & MME Report, which is a supplement to the Academic Performance Report. Discussion was held.
XIII. Public General Comments
No comments were made.
XIV.Adjournment of Meeting
President Payton-Hines made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 8:17p.m.; seconded byS. Peters. Motion carried (5-0).
Board Approved minutes respectfully submitted,Minutes approved by the Board of Directors at its February 16, 2017, Regular Board Meeting
Laurie J. Franklin, RN, BSNCynthia Payton-Hines
Board Recording SecretaryBoard President
Attachments:80%/20% Healthcare Cost Resolution
2016-2017 Budget Amendment Resolution