Police Service of Scotland
Policing Professional Framework
September 2013Final Version 1
Executive(Force Command Team)
Serving the public
Promotes a commitment to public service, and an understanding of public expectation. Provides a service consistent with policing values and Code of Ethics. Ensures all staff understand the changing needs and concerns of different communities, and strive to address them. Builds public confidence by actively engaging with different communities, agencies and strategic stakeholders, developing effective partnerships at a local and national level. Understands partners’ perspectives and priorities, working co-operatively with them to develop future public services within budget constraints, and deliver the best possible overall service to the public.
Leading strategic change
Thinks in the long term, establishing a compelling vision based on the values of the organisation, and a clear direction for the organisation. Instigates and delivers structural and cultural change, thinking beyond the constraints of current ways of working, and is prepared to make radical change when required. Identifiesbetter ways to deliver value for money services that meet both local and national needs,encouraging creativity and innovation within the organisation and partner organisations.
Leading the workforce
Inspires people to meet challenging organisational goals, creating and maintaining the momentum for change. Gives direction and states expectations clearly. Talks positively about policing and what it can achieve, building pride and self-esteem. Creates enthusiasm and commitment throughout the organisation by rewarding good performance, and giving genuine recognition and praise. Promotes learning and development within the organisation, giving constructive feedback to colleagues and investing time in coaching and mentoring staff.
Managing Performance
Translates the vision into action by establishing a clear strategy and ensuring appropriate structures are in place to deliver it. Sets ambitious but achievable timescales and deliverables, and monitors progress to ensure strategic objectives are met. Identifies and removes blockages to performance, managing the workforce and resources to deliver maximum value for money. Defines what good performance looks like, highlighting good practice.Confronts underperformance and ensures it is addressed. Delegates responsibilities appropriately and empowers people to make decisions, holdingthem to account for delivery.
Acts with integrity, reflected within the values and ethical standards of the organisation. Delivers on promises, demonstrating personal commitment, energy and drive to achieve successful outcomes. Defines and reinforces standards, demonstrating these personally and fostering a culture of personal responsibility within throughout the organisation. Asks for and considers feedback on own approach, continuing to learn and adapt to new circumstances. Takes responsibility for making difficult and/or unpopularvalues based decisions. Demonstrates courage and composure whilst acting with self control and impartiality. Remains calm under pressure and in conditions of uncertainty. Openly acknowledges shortcomings in service and commits to putting them right.
Decision making
Assimilates complex information quickly, weighing up alternatives and making sound, timely decisions which reflect the Code of Ethics. Gathers and considers all relevant and available information, seeking out and listening to advice from specialists. Asks incisive questions to test facts and assumptions, and gain a full understanding of the situation. Identifies the key issues clearly, and the inter-relationship between different factors. Considers the wider impact and implications of different options at a local and national level, assessing the costs, risks and benefits of each. Prepared to make the ultimate decision, even in conditions of ambiguity and uncertainty. Makes clear, proportionate and justifiable decisions, reviewing these as necessary.
Working with others
Builds effective working relationships through clear communication and a collaborative approach. Maintains visibility and ensures communication processes work effectively throughout the organisation and with external bodies. Consults widely and involves appropriate people in decision-making,speaking to people in a way they understand and can engage with. Treats people with respect and dignity regardless of their background or circumstances, promoting equality and fairness. Treats people as individuals, showing tact, empathy and compassion.Negotiates effectively with local and national bodies, representing the interests of the organisation. Sells ideas convincingly, setting out the benefits of a particular approach, and striving to reach mutually beneficial solutions. Expresses own views positively and constructively. Fully commits to team decisions.
Policing Professional FrameworkPersonal QualitiesFinal Version 1 (Sept 2013)
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Senior manager(Chief Superintendent / Superintendentand police staff senior manager)
Serving the public
Promotes a commitment to public service, and an understanding of public expectation. Provides a service consistent with policing values and Code of Ethics. Ensures all staff understand the expectations, changing needs and concerns of different communities, and strives to address them. Builds public confidence by actively engaging with different communities, agencies and strategic local stakeholders, developing partnerships and ensuring people can engage with the organisation at all levels. Understands partners' perspectives and priorities, and works co-operatively with them to deliver the best possible overall service to the public.
Leading change
Establishes a clear future picture and direction for their area of responsibility, focused on delivering the organisation’spurpose and strategy. Identifies and implements change needed to meet organisational objectives, thinking beyond the constraints of current ways of working, and is prepared to make radical change when required. Thinks in the long-term, identifying better ways to deliver value for money services that meet both local and organisational needs. Encourages creativity and innovation within their area of responsibility.
Leading people
Inspires people to meet challenging organisational goals, creating and maintaining the momentum for change. Gives direction and states expectations clearly. Talks positively about policing and what it can achieve, building pride and self-esteem. Creates enthusiasm and commitment by rewarding good performance, and giving genuine recognition and praise. Promotes learning and development, givingconstructive feedback to help people understand their strengths and weaknesses, and invests time in coaching and mentoring staff.
Managing Performance
Creates a clear plan to deliver performance within their area of responsibility, in line withorganisationalstrategy and objectives. Agrees demanding but achievable objectives and priorities for their area of responsibility, and assigns resources to deliver them as effectively as possible. Identifies opportunities to reduce costs and ensure maximum value for money is achieved. Highlights good practice and uses it to address underperformance. Delegates responsibilities appropriately and empowers others to make decisions. Monitors progress and holds people to account for delivery.
Acts with integrity, reflected within the values and ethical standards of the organisation. Delivers on promises, demonstrating personal commitment, energy and drive to achieve successful outcomes. Defines and reinforces standards, demonstrating these personally and fostering a culture of personal responsibility within their area of responsibility. Asks for and considers feedback on own approach, continuing to learn and adapt to new circumstances. Takes responsibility for making difficult and/or unpopularvalues based decisions. Demonstrates courage and composure whilst acting with self control and impartiality, defusing conflict and remaining calm and professional under pressure.
Decision making
Assimilates complex information quickly, weighing up alternatives and making sound, timely decisions which reflect the Code of Ethics. Gathers and considers all relevant and available information, seeking out and listening to advice from specialists. Asks incisive questions to test facts and assumptions, and gain a full understanding of the situation. Identifies the key issues clearly, and the inter-relationship between different factors. Considers the wider implications of different options, assessing the costs, risks and benefits of each. Makes clear, proportionate and justifiable decisions, reviewing these as necessary.
Working with others
Builds effective working relationships with people through clear communication and a collaborative approach. Maintains visibility to staff and ensures communication processes work effectively throughout their area of responsibility and with partner organisations. Consults widely and involves appropriate people in decision-making,speaking to people in a way they understand and can engage with.Treats people with respect and dignity regardless of their background or circumstances, promoting equality and fairness. Treats people as individuals, showing tact, empathy and compassion. Sells ideas convincingly, setting out benefits of a particular approach, and striving to reach mutually beneficial solutions. Expresses own views positively and constructively, and fully commits to team decisions.
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Middle manager(Chief Inspector / Inspector and police staff middle manager)
Serving the public
Demonstrates a commitment to public service, and an understanding of public expectation. Provides a service consistent with policing values and Code of Ethics. Ensures all staff understand the expectations, changing needs and concerns of different communities, and strives to address them. Builds public confidence by actively engaging with different communities, partners and stakeholders, agreeing the best way to deliver services. Understands partners' perspectives and priorities, and works co-operatively with them to deliver the best possible overall service to the public.
Leading change
Positive about change, adapting to changing circumstances and encouraging flexibility in others. Identifies and implements improvements to service delivery, engaging people in the change process and encouraging them to contribute ideas. Finds more cost-effective ways to do things, taking an innovative approach to solving problems and considers radical alternatives. Asks for and considersfeedback on practical aspects arising from any proposed change.
Leading people
Inspires people to meet challenging goals, maintaining the momentum of change. Gives direction and states expectations clearly. Talks positively about policing, creating enthusiasm and commitment. Motivates staff by giving genuine praise, highlighting success and recognising good performance. Gives constructive feedback to help people understand their strengths, knowledge gaps and development areas. Invests time in developing people by coaching and mentoring them, providing developmental opportunities and encouraging staff to take on new responsibilities.
Managing Performance
Translates strategy into specific plans and actions, effectively managing competing priorities with available resources. Takes a planned and organised approach to achieving objectives, defining clear timescales and outcomes. Identifies opportunities to reduce costs and ensure maximum value for money is achieved. Demonstrates forward thinking, anticipating and seeking to mitigate potential future challenges. Delegates responsibilities appropriately and empowers others to make decisions. Monitors progress and holds people to account for service delivery, highlighting good practice and effectively addressing underperformance.
Acts with integrity, reflected within the values and ethical standards of the organisation. Acts on own initiative to address issues, showing energy and determination to achieve successful outcomes. Takes ownership for resolving problems, demonstrating courage and composure whilst acting with self control and impartiality. Demonstrates professional standards, acting as a role model to others and challenging unprofessional conduct or discriminatory behaviour. Asks for and considers feedback on own approach, learning from experience and continuing to develop own professional skills and knowledge. Remains calm and professional under pressure, defusing conflict and being prepared to make difficult and/or unpopularvalues based decisions or take control when required.
Decision making
Gathers, verifies and assesses all appropriate and available information to gain an accurate understanding of situations. Considers a range of possible options, evaluating evidence and seeking advice where appropriate. Makes clear, timely, justifiable values based decisions which reflect the Code of Ethics, reviewing these as necessary. Balances risks, costs and benefits, thinking about the wider impact of decisions. Exercises discretion and applies professional judgement, ensuring actions and decisions are proportionate and in the public interest.
Working with others
Builds effective working relationships with people through clear communication and a collaborative approach. Maintains visibility by regularly interacting and talking with people. Consults widely and involves appropriate people in decision-making, speaking to people in a way they understand and can engage with. Treats people with respect and dignity regardless of their background or circumstances, promoting equality and fairness. Treats people as individuals, showing tact, empathy and compassion. Sells ideas convincingly, setting out the benefits of a particular approach, and striving to reach mutually beneficial solutions. Expresses own views positively and constructively, and fully commits to team decisions.
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Supervisory manager(Sergeant and police staff supervisor)
Serving the public
Demonstrates a commitment to public service, and an understanding of public expectation. Provides a service consistent with policing values and Code of Ethics. Understands the expectations, changing needs and concerns of different communities, and strives to address them. Builds public confidence by talking with people in local communities to explore their viewpoints and continue to develop positive working relations throughout communities. Understands the impact and benefits of policing for different communities, partners and stakeholders, and agrees the best way to deliver services. Works in partnership with other agencies to deliver the best possible overall service.
Leading change
Positive about change, adapting rapidly to different ways of working. Flexible and open to different approaches to solving problems, and encourages flexibility in others. Constantly looks for ways to improve service delivery and value for money, making suggestions for change and encouraging others to contribute ideas. Takes an innovative and creative approach to solving problems.
Leading people
Inspires team members to meet challenging goals, providing direction and stating expectations clearly. Acknowledges the achievements of individuals and teams by recognising and rewarding good work.Recognises when people are becoming demotivated and provides encouragement and support. Gives constructive feedback to help people understand their strengths, knowledge gaps and development areas.Coaches and guides team members, identifying and addressing areas for development.
Managing performance
Understands the organisation's objectives and priorities, and how their work fits into these. Plans and organises tasks effectivelyto maintain and improve performance.Sets clear objectives and outcomes. Manages multiple priorities, thinking things through in advance, balancing resources and coordinating activity to complete tasks within deadlines. Knows the strengths of team members, delegating appropriately and balancing workloads across the team.Monitors delivery to ensure tasks have been completed to the right standard, and tackles poor performance effectively.
Acts with integrity, reflected within the values and ethical standards of the organisation. Takes ownership for resolving problems, demonstrating courage and composure whilst acting with self control and impartiality. Acts on own initiative to address issues, showing a strong work ethic and demonstrating extra effort when required. Demonstrates professional standards, acting as a role model to others and challenging unprofessional conduct or discriminatory behaviour. Asks for and considers feedbackon own approach, learning from experience and continuing to develop own professional skills and knowledge. Remains calm and professional under pressure, defusing conflict and being prepared to step forward and take control when required.
Decision making
Gathers, verifies and assesses all appropriate and available information to gain an accurate understanding of situations. Considers a range of possible options before making clear, timely, justifiable values based decisions which reflect the Code of Ethics. Reviews decisions in the light of new information and changing circumstances. Balances risks, costs and benefits, thinking about the wider impact of decisions. Exercises discretion and applies professional judgement, ensuring actions and decisions are proportionate and in the public interest.
Working with others
Works co-operatively with others to get things done, willingly giving help and support to colleagues. Is approachable, developing positive working relationships and a good team spirit. Explains things well, ensuring instructions are understood and talks to people using language they understand. Listens carefully and asks questions to clarify understanding,expressing own views positively and constructively. Negotiates successful outcomes with people, keeping them informed of progress and managing expectations. Is courteous, polite and considerate, showing empathy and compassion. Deals with people as individuals and addresses their specific needs and concerns. Treats people with respect and dignity, dealing with them fairly and without prejudice regardless of their background or circumstances.
(Constable and police staff practitioner)
Serving the public
Demonstrates a commitment to public service, and an understanding of public expectation. Provides a service consistent with policing values and Code of Ethics. Understands the expectations, changing needs and concerns of different communities, and strives to address them. Builds public confidence by talking with people in local communities to explore their viewpoints and continue to develop positive working relations throughout communities. Understands the impact and benefits of policing for different communities, and works with them to identify the best way to deliver services. Works in partnership with other agencies to deliver the best possible overall service.
Openness to change
Positive about change, adapting rapidly to different ways of working and putting effort into making them work. Flexible and open to alternative approaches to solving problems. Finds better, more cost-effective ways to achieve successful outcomes, making suggestions for change and putting forward ideas for improvement. Takes an innovative and creative approach to solving problems.
Service delivery
Understands the organisation's objectives and priorities, and how their work fits into these. Plans and organises tasks effectively, taking a structured and methodical approach to achieving outcomes. Manages multiple tasks effectively by thinking things through in advance, prioritising and managing time well. Focuses on the outcomes to be achieved, working accurately and seeking guidance when appropriate.
Acts with integrity, reflected within the values and ethical standards of the organisation. Takes ownership for resolving problems, demonstrating courage and composure whilst acting with self control and impartiality. Acts on own initiative to address issues, showing a strong work ethic and demonstrating extra effort when required. Demonstrates professional standards, acting ethically, and challenges unprofessional conduct or discriminatory behaviour. Asks for and considersfeedback on own approach, learning from experience and developing own professional skills and knowledge. Remains calm and professional under pressure, defusing conflict and being prepared to step forward and take control when required.
Decision making
Gathers, verifies and assesses all appropriate and available information to gain an accurate understanding of situations. Considers a range of possible options before making clear, timely, justifiable values based decisions which reflect the Code of Ethics. Reviews decisions in the light of new information and changing circumstances. Balances risks, costs and benefits, thinking about the wider impact of decisions. Exercises discretion and applies professional judgement, ensuring actions and decisions are proportionate and in the public interest.
Working with others
Works co-operatively with others to get things done, willingly giving help and support to colleagues. Is approachable, developing positive working relationships. Explains things well, focusing on the key points and talking to people using language they understand. Listens carefully and asks questions to clarify understanding, expressing own views positively and constructively. Negotiates successful outcomes with people, keeping them informed of progress and managing expectations. Is courteous, polite and considerate, showing empathy and compassion. Deals with people as individuals and addresses their specific needs and concerns. Treats people with respect and dignity, dealing with them fairly and without prejudice regardless of their background or circumstances.
Policing Professional FrameworkPersonal QualitiesFinal Version 1 (Sept 2013)