Create a Campaign Video or Storyboard


This lesson focuses on developing students’ empathy. It is structured around the story of Ashleigh, a 17-year-old girl who is paralysed from the rib cage down following an accident. Students watch a video about Ashleigh and how she is being helped by a project funded by BBC Children in Need. Inspired by Ashleigh’s story, they go on to create their own short fundraising video (or storyboard) for BBC Children in Need. They consider how they can make the biggest difference to children’s lives in the UK by taking part in the Big BBC Children in Need Spotacular.


Students will:

  • Develop empathy
  • Use persuasive techniques to create a campaign video or storyboard for BBC Children in Need
  • Know that BBC Children in Need supports disadvantaged children throughout the UK


  1. PowerPoint: Create a Campaign Video or Storyboard
  2. Video: Ashleigh’s Story(you can either play this direct from the Create a Campaign Video or Storyboard PowerPoint, or find it at
  3. Sugar paper
  4. Video cameras/tablets
  5. Video editing software
  6. Activity sheet: Tips for Your Campaign Video or Storyboard (one copy per group)
  7. Video: Big Spotacular Introduction(you can either play this direct from the Create a Campaign Video or Storyboard PowerPoint, or find it at


Use the PowerPoint presentation Create a Campaign Video or Storyboard to support these activities.


Ask students to think about a time when they wished that someone had understood how they felt.

Show students the quote: ‘Never judge someone until you have walked a mile in their shoes’.

Working in pairs, ask them to share their thoughts on its meaning.

Ashleigh’s Story video

Tell students that they are going to watch a film about a 17-year-old girl called Ashleigh, who is paralysed from the rib cage down following a horse-riding accident. As they watch the film, ask students to think about how they would feel if they could no longer do activities that they love.

Show the video Ashleigh’s Story (you can either play this direct from the Create a Campaign Video or Storyboard PowerPoint, or find it at

Give students an opportunity to share their thoughts and ask any questions about Ashleigh’s story. Take into account the feelings of anyone who may be particularly sensitive to the issues covered by the film.

In groups, ask students to discuss the impact that BBC Children in Need has had on Ashleigh’s life.

Then ask students to focus on the impact the video has made on them.

  • Why are videos effective tools to help charities raise money?
  • What makes them memorable?
  • How do they touch the viewer emotionally?
  • How do they motivate the viewer to give money?

Main activity

Working in groups, challenge students to plan and film, or create a storyboard for, an effective 30-second campaign video – ‘Why fundraise for BBC Children in Need?’. Their video should aim to:

  • raise awareness of BBC Children in Need’s work across the UK among young people in their age group
  • use persuasive techniques (e.g. humour, shock tactics, developing empathy in the viewer) to make an impact.

Give each group a copy of the activity sheet Tips for Your Campaign Video or Storyboard and suggest they use it for guidance. Encourage them to visit ( and research some of the charities in your area supported by BBC Children in Need to help viewers understand that the money they raise will be used to support children and young people close to home.

You could assign roles to students in each group to ensure that all participate.

The Big Spotacular

Show students the video Big Spotacular Introduction (you can either play this direct from the Create a Campaign Video or Storyboard PowerPoint, or find it at This explains the background to the school’s upcoming fundraising activities and how, by taking part, they can make a real difference to other children’s lives.

Once they have watched the film, talk with the class about possible fundraising activities (you will find loads of ideas If you are still at the planning stage for your Big BBC Children in Need Spotacular, ask students to work in groups to come up with fundraising ideas. If you’ve already decided on your fundraising activities as a school, challenge students to think of ways to make the fundraising as successful as possible.


Ask students to share and evaluate their videos or storyboards. You could introduce an element of competition, with the class or school voting for the most effective.

Why not share the finished films in an assembly, or even post them on the school’s website or social media?


England / Northern Ireland
  • PSHE (Personal, social, health & economic)
  • Citizenship
  • English
  • PDMU
  • Literacy