Dear Parents,
Welcome to Third Grade! This week brings a brand new school year for all of us, and I’d like to extend a warm welcome to my new students and parents. As always, the start of a school year holds the promise of new discovery and learning, as well as the prospect of personal growth in all areas. Third grade is very challenging, yet fun. We will be doing a lot of things that will be new to the students, but I feel confident that they are ready.
I have put together a handbook of information to help you and your child become familiar with my expectations for the school year. Take a day or two to read through this information, and then sign below by Friday. You may want to keep the handbook in a special place so that you may refer to it throughout the year. If you need to contact me, I prefer email if possible. My email address is . I check my email each day and I will respond promptly. If you do not have email, you may call the school and leave a message (724-375-2956 ext: 5107).
On September 20th, I will host a parent meeting (Open House) in the evening from 6-8pm so that I can answer your questions and share some ways you can help your child at home. I’m looking forward to an exciting year with my class. Thanks you for your cooperation in getting this year off to a great start!
Student Name ______
Parent Signature ______
I’d like to take this opportunity to inform you of some of the important things that will be happening in our classroom this year….
Here is our third grade special schedule:
Just remember that tennis shoes and appropriate clothing need to be worn on gym days or else your child will not be able to participate. If you ever have a question about these classes, please feel free to email the teacher of that class.
(Music is 10:15-10:55 and all other Specials are 9:50-10:30)
Monday ~ Music
Tuesday ~ Art
Wednesday ~ Library
Thursday ~ Gym
Friday ~ Computers
Our lunchtime is from 12:40-1:10, so we will be taking
a healthy snack break in the morning! I have found it beneficial for the class to have a mid-morning healthy snack. If your child wishes to eat a snack, they must bring one in. I can only permit healthy food items such as fruit, vegetables, cheese, or pretzels. Please, NO JUNK FOOD! I also permit my students to bring in a water bottle to school to keep on their desks during the day and to use at recess. Plain water is the only beverage permitted, and the bottle must have a secure lid.
Your child will receive a daily planner this year to record
his/her homework. I will list the day’s assignments on
the board each morning. It will be your child’s responsibility to
record it correctly and get their planner signed by their parent or responsible adult every day. I will check planners every morning. If items were not recorded correctly, or there is no parent signature, your child will lose a small amount of recess that day. It may take a little while for your child to do it correctly, but they will eventually!
Also, I feel very strongly about students doing their homework. I try to be fair when assigning it, and try to give time every day for students to work on it. My assignments (with the exception of studying for tests) should not take up a great deal of time. If you see that your child is devoting an exceptional amount of time on their work, please alert me as soon as possible, so that we can work together to pinpoint where the problem lies.
I do record missed homework assignments in my grade book. Each check mark equates to points taken off of their grade. In addition to this, your child will have to complete the missed assignment during recess. Also, if your child did not do their homework, I will let you know via the planner.
If your child (forgets) their work at school, don’t worry! Please do not bring your child to get it after school. They can work on it the next morning before we start our day, as there is plenty of time to complete it. If this becomes a routine for your child, we will work out a plan to get them more organized and responsible for themselves. Each student has been provided with a STAR folder. When homework or other information is given to the students, they will write it in their books. These books should come home daily and should be reviewed DAILY by you so that everyone involved knows what is expected. Students should pack their bookbags at night with all the materials needed for the next day. Organization is the key to success!
I have enclosed a form (purple) that needs to be returned
as soon as possible. Please list two possible students who will be willing and able to bring your child’s homework home to them that day. This will ensure that your child does not fall behind. Work is due the day of their return, with the exception of long absence due to illness.
Any test that your child earns a D or an E on, I require a parent signature. That test is due back the day after it is sent home. It is your child’s responsibility to show it to you and get your signature on it. If I do not receive the test back the next day, I will write you a quick note informing you of it. The students are penalized if the test is not brought in the next day.
For the entire school year, I will give Spelling Pretests on Wednesday. All final tests (post tests) will be given on Friday’s, unless it is a shortened week. If your child earns 100% on their PRETEST they will not have to take the FINAL (POST-TEST) on Friday.
Students will tear out their new word list on Friday’s, so that they can have more time to study his/her words. There are 20 words on the third grade SPELLING list. There is also a BONUS word, which is our Word of the Week (WOW). Your child will receive two spelling lists, 1 to keep at school and study from and 1 to study with at home in their HORSE Folder.
I have provided each student with a STAR folder to use for homework
and other important items. We occasionally use other school
supplies that I have a special supply of in my classroom for the students to use. Their desks are pretty filled, and I have found that too many supplies in their desks, creates a problem when trying to get their textbooks and workbooks out. If you are unable to furnish any of the needed school supplies from the back to school list, feel free to let me know.
The children in my class will participate in Ms. Glatz’s“Awesome Auction” where they will be able to earn tickets for various reasons. (planner signed, turning in all homework, etc…) After the whole class has earned a total of 25 compliments as a class for good behavior, we will have an auction, where the children will be able to select a prize with the amount of tickets they have earned. Third grade also uses a system of wooden blocks for various reasons. (More information at Open House)
The system is quite simple – third grade uses a system of wooden colored blocks. Your child will start each day with a clean slate, unless a block was earned on the previous day after recess. Students can earn blocks for various reasons. Each time that your child is not following directions, off task, talking excessively, or for other distracting behaviors, your child will earn a colored wooden block. Consequences are as follow…
1 Block = 5 minutes of recess
2 Blocks = 10 minutes of recess
3 Blocks = Miss entire recess, note/call home to parents
** Severe behavior will result in being sent to the office immediately **
Please remind your child of our behavior block system and encourage them to try their hardest each day to stay focused and safe at school!
Standardized testing has become a hot topic in education. Regardless of your feelings on the issue, it is a part of your child’s education career. In third grade, we take the PSSA assessment test that helps give us detailed information about your child. Below is a quick overview of the assessment your child is required to take.
1. PSSA Testing
All students in the state of Pennsylvania take the PSSA test starting in 3rd grade. This test is taken in the spring. The four day testing period will consist of multiple choice and open response questions in the areas of reading, writing, and math where the students will be scored on writing their answers. The test is based on the Pennsylvania Academic Standards that make up the core of our curriculum. Results are sent to schools and parents at the end of the school year to show your child’s mastery of the grade level standards.
I want to inform you of my way of communicating with you each week outside of the daily planner. I send home a weekly “Yellow Friday Folder” each Friday with the children. I will have all graded papers for that week in the folder. I ask that you remove the papers, read over the comments on the folder, sign it, and return it to school with your child on Monday for the new week. When we work together, this weekly progress report system is extremely effective.
I maintain a small classroom library. I allow several students to serve as “librarians” to help me monitor the collection. Students may borrow books from the classroom library at any time throughout the school year I just ask that the books be returned to the classroom.
Our class is part of the Scholastic Book Club program. I will be sending home monthly book orders that allow you to order popular and good books at discounted prices. Don’t feel obligated to buy, but it is a great way to expand your child’s home library. A HUGE plus about book orders is that the more books our class buys, the more FREE books I get for the classroom library. So watch for the “LUCKY and ARROW” order forms at the beginning of each month.
Birthdays are always celebrated in our classroom. You are welcomed to send in treats for your child’s birthday (or half birthday for summer birthdays). All I ask is that you send a note or have your child mention it to me the day before, so I have a heads up. Also, if you are sending in something that requires plates, cups, napkins, etc., please send those in with your treat. We have 20 students in our class.
While, I am not in charge of attendance, please let the office (and me if possible) know if your child is going to be absent. Also, if you are picking your child up early, please let me know in the morning so I can adjust our schedule as need be so your child doesn’t miss something important! If possible, try to schedule appointments outside of school hours.
Report cards have always been sent home four times a year. As of now, the report card process will be the same. You will receive a paper copy of the report card in an envelope each nine weeks. Please sign the report card envelope and return it promptly. With the online grading services, you can check your child’s grades at any time and inquire if you have any concerns. Remember if you do not have information to access the online grade book, please contact our technology department.
Are you looking for a way to be more involved at school? Try getting involved with the PTA. This hard-working group of parents are always looking for extra hands to help out with activities and fundraisers. Look in the Margaret Ross newsletters for more information and schedules.
Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for recess. We do not allow flip flops/sandals to be worn in the woodchips on the playground. If you child would like to play on the playground equipment, please make sure they wear closed shoes. Also, please dress your child according for the weather. If your child does not have a coat or long pants on, he or she will not be allowed to go outside. We tend to play outside until we see snow!
Hopewell Schools have adopted the online PowerSchool grading systemwhich allows you to view your child’s grades and other school information online at home. Information is given at the beginning of the school year. If you happen to misplace your access information or do not have access yet, please contact the secretary at .
Directions for accessing online grades…
- Go to the Hopewell Area School District website and click on “Parent Access” under the shortcuts.
- Click on the “Login to Margaret Ross Parent Access”
- Either log in with your information or enter access code to set up your account.
If you are sending any money, slips, or confidential information for
the office, please make sure that it is sent to school in the “Rockstar
Bag” inside your child’s STAR folder. Also, please make sure that it has your child’s name, my name, and what it is. If it is confidential information, please address to the person receiving it or the place as to where it is to go. Sometimes things are remembered last minute, but it helps me and the students stay organized if we know what is being sent to school and where it needs to go. If your child is going home a way that is different than usual, please call the office or send a note. I know schedules change suddenly, but if you know there is a change, please let me or the office know.
The new grading scale that all Hopewell Schools adhere to is as follows…
90% - 100% = A80% - 89% = B
70% - 79% = C
60% - 69% = D
0% - 59% = E / Handwriting is not assigned a grade
in third grade.
I will update grades as grades come in, usually at the end of a week or a day after a test. Homework is reviewed by me or as a class, but never taken for a grade. Tests, in-class work/activities, and projects are all graded and entered into the online grade book. Grades are based on a point system-how many right out of the total and on rubrics created for assignments. I can occasionally make a mistake in grading or entering a grade online. If you notice something isn’t right, please let me know. I encourage you to review mistakes and correct them at home for extra practice!
This school year our students will continue to use the Accelerated Reading Program. Accelerated reader is an incentive program used to encourage students to do as much reading as possible outside the classroom or during free-time in the classroom. Research shows that children become better readers by reading more. This program is designed to have children stretch their reading ability and go as high as they can. The Accelerated Reader Program is a multi-level approach that is good for readers at all levels.
Parents may access a list of books that are in out Accelerated Reader Program through the school website or at the Margaret Ross Library. On this list are the title, author, reading level, and the points assigned for each book.
Students may choose to read any book in their reading level that they wish. They then take a computerized comprehension test in class. If they answer all questions correctly, they earn the designated points. They may answer several questions incorrectly, and still earn a percentage of the book points. However, too many incorrect answers results in no points earned and the test may not be retaken.
Students may not retake any test that they took in another grade as the computer has a record of their past data and will not permit them to take the quiz.
Although students may participate in the AR program at any time, I do require 1AR point a week. Each Friday, I print a new list of the
students AR points earned. This should increase by 1 point each week, otherwise, I require some reading to be done during the day or at recess.
**Third Grade goal is 42 AR points!**
Students have their own reading log where they record the books they have read and points earned. They also have a copy of the book titles in the program available in their classroom. Our school library has Accelerated Reading books which they may check out during their regular library time.