Apprenticeship targets for public sector bodies- response form

The consultation is available at:

The closing date for responses is 4 March 2016.

Please return completed forms to:

Apprenticeship Targets for Public Sector Bodies Consultation
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Bay C, Level 2,
2 St Paul’s Place
125 Norfolk Street
Sheffield S1 2FJ


Information provided in response to this consultation, including personal information, may be subject to publication or release to other parties or to disclosure in accordance with the access to information regimes. Please see the consultation document for further information.

If you want information, including personal data, that you provide to be treated as confidential, please explain to us below why you regard the information you have provided as confidential. If we receive a request for disclosure of the information, we shall take full account of your explanation, but we cannot give an assurance that confidentiality can be maintained in all circumstances. An automatic confidentiality disclaimer generated by your IT system will not, of itself, be regarded as binding on the department.

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Comments:Click here to enter text.


What is your name? Joan Mallard

What is your e-mail address?

What is your job title? HR Talent Strategy Team Leader

When responding please state whether you are responding as an individual or representing the views of an organisation:

I am responding as an individual ☐

I am responding on behalf of an organisation ☒

If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please make it clear who the organisation represents by selecting the appropriate interest group on the consultation form and, where applicable, how the views of members were assembled.

What is the name of your organisation?Cornwall Council

Please check the box that best describes you as a respondent:

Respondent type
☐ / Business representative organisation/trade body
☐ / Central government
☐ / Charity or social enterprise
☐ / Individual
☐ / Large business (over 250 staff)
☐ / Legal representative
☒ / Local government
☐ / Medium business (50 to 250 staff)
☐ / Micro business (up to 9 staff)
☐ / Small business (10 to 49 staff)
☐ / Trade union or staff association
☐ / Other (please describe)Click here to enter text.

Question 1 (paragraph 62)

Do you agree that the organisations listed at Annex 2 and public corporations (at least with headcount of 250 or more in England) should be in scope?

☒Yes☐No☐Not sure

If No, which organisations are these (please list) and state why:

Click here to enter text.

Question 2 (paragraph 62)

Should any organisations listed at Annex 2 (plus public corporations with 250 or more headcount in England) be omitted?

☐Yes☒No☐Not sure

If Yes, which organisations are these (please list) and state why:

Click here to enter text.

Question3 (paragraph 62)

Should any organisations that are not listed in Annex 2 be included?
The full list of organisations under consideration can be found at (or Annex 2).

☐Yes☐No☒Not sure

If Yes, which organisations are these (please list):

Click here to enter text.

Question 4 (paragraph 62)

Should certain bodies be grouped together for the purposes of the target?

☐Yes☐No☒Not sure

If Yes, which are these (please list) and state why:

Click here to enter text.

Question 5 (Paragraph 62)

Do you have any other comments on the list of organisations?

(para 35) Further clarification is sought about the status of an Associated Employer which is wholly owned and controlled by the local authority and whether they would be in scope of the apprenticeship targets (if their headcount exceeds 250) independent of the local authority with which they are associated.

Question 6 (Paragraph 69)

Do you agree that headcount is the correct basis for the target?

☐Yes☒No☐Not sure

If No, please give reasons why not:

Using headcount is a simplistic formula that doesn’t take into account the reality of flexible working patterns which translate into disproportionately higher headcounts than actual jobs available in relation to service provision. (For example, if 1000 people (headcount) all work 50% part time and the work available is for 500 FTEs then a target of 2.3% would mean 23 apprenticeships based on 1000 headcount as opposed to a more realistic requirement of 13 based on a FTE of 500.)

If the targets were based on FTE numbers then apprenticeship roles would be aligned with actual roles and delivery of services so that apprenticeship roles were available, meaningful, supported and achieved outcomes linked to organisational priorities.

Question 7 (Paragraph 74)

Do you think there is any further information that should be provided?

☒Yes☐No☐Not sure

If Yes, what should this information be?

Further information about what support may be available if targets are not met; further information about potential penalties or sanctions.

Boosting productivity and raising skill levels are two of the stated aims of the apprenticeship reforms however the targets are prescriptive and quantity based and there appears little evidence of how the targets proposed will result in increased productivity – how will it be monitored and measured? If an organisation cannot meet its targets there is a real possibility that people could be laid off or made redundant to make way for more apprenticeships to meet targets.

Question 8 (Paragraph 79)

Do you agree that the target periods set out at paragraph 78 are correct?

☒Yes☐No☐Not sure

If No, please give reasons why not:

Click here to enter text.

Question 9 (Paragraph 79)

Do you have any other comments about the contents of this consultation document?

☒Yes☐No☐Not sure

If Yes, please state what:

(para 21) There is a suggestion that apprenticeships can also be used to ‘develop internal talent’. Clarification is sought as to whether existing employees undertaking an apprenticeship framework as a development option can be counted towards the target (for example, a management apprentice framework that does not require a role change but would develop the individual (and productivity)).

The learner voice appears to be missing from the current information and guidance on this proposed policy reform. The potential pool of new apprentices required to meet targets is significant and information and feedback from any BIS led engagement that has taken place with this group would be welcome.

The public sector has sustained upwards of 30-40% cuts in the last five years and continues to face stringent budget cuts and resulting reshaping of services. Inevitably this results in headcount reduction in some form. Apprenticeships as part of viable, sustainable workforce planning activities are a fundamental requirement of our future service delivery however provision should be aligned with organisational priorities and put in place where they will make a difference. The target driven approach has the potential to detract from delivering focused sustainable outcomes based on quality and improving organisational outcomes that take into account local economic, financial and geographical context.

Further information is required about the proposed Institute for Apprenticeships (at the Apprenticeships Conference in London on 23 Feb, BIS representatives indicated this will be established by April 2017).

Further information, guidance and a timetable is required about the proposed operation of the Levy (at the Apprenticeships Conference BIS representatives indicated this would be available in the ‘Spring’). Further information is required about whether the Levy can be used for apprentices who already hold qualifications equal to or higher than the standard being applied as part of the apprenticeship. It is also still not clear whether the Levy will cover a whole training package or if the employer will have to top up.

Do you have any other comments that might aid the consultation process as a whole?

Please use this space for any general comments that you may have, comments on the layout of this consultation would also be welcomed.

Click here to enter text.

Thank you for taking the time to let us have your views.We do not intend to acknowledge receipt of individual responses unless you tick the box below.

Please acknowledge this reply ☒

Your response has been submitted

Thank you for completing the consultation on apprenticeship targets for public sector bodies.

Your response ID is ANON-BTU8-7NNA-Q. Please have this ID available if you need to contact us about your response.
