The Guide (2011) states: “Regulation of food or fluid intake may be required for the conduct of some… research protocols. The regulation process may entail scheduled access to food or fluid sources, so animal consumes as much as desired at regular intervals, or restriction, in which the volume of food or fluid consumed is strictly monitored and controlled.” The least restriction necessary to achieve scientific objectives while maintaining animal well-being should be used. For additional information consult the IACUC’s policy statement on Food and/or Fluid Regulation.
- Will ☐FOOD or ☐FLUIDS be ☐scheduled or ☐restricted?
Justify the need to schedule or restrict food and/or fluid.
- Check all methods that will be used to ensure adequate nutritional intake and hydration.
Body weight / ☐ /
Urine output / ☐ /
Fecal output / ☐ /
BUN / ☐ /
Hct / ☐ /
Food intake / ☐ /
Other / ☐ /
- Restriction protocols typically base the restriction amount relative to a baseline, (free-choice consumption) parameter (body weight, intake amount). What will this restriction amount use as the baseline?
What is the maximum restriction for any animal?
- Growing animals must be frequently re-assessed to ensure normal growth patterns. If not using mature animals, what provisions will be made for these animals to assure that their nutritional needs are maintained?
- Describe the protocol for regulating food and/or water intake.
- How long will animals be on the regulation protocol?
- Will animals have any access to unrestricted food or water at any time?
- Who will be responsible for administering and documenting the regulation?
Note:NPO procedures for pre-surgical fasting are not included in this consideration. NPO procedures shall not extend for greater than 24 hours; if surgical delays are encountered, the animals should be fed and re-fasted prior to the next scheduled procedure.
2016 Appendix I