Supplementary Information

Table S1. List of endemic Mexican amphibians used in this analysis.

Table S1. List of the endemic Mexican amphibian species used in the analyses. Each species+ has its number of unique records, values of the training model or area under the curve (AUC), size of the distribution range model, amount of remnant distribution and threatened status according with IUCN*, NOM-ECOL 2001** and remnant distribution range group***.

+ The species authors and scientific names are according to compendium from Flores-Villela (unpublished data) and the amphibian species of the world (

*IUCN categories: CE=critically endangered, E=endangered, V=vulnerable, NT=near threatened, LT=least concern, and DD=data deficient.

**NOM-ECOL: A=threatened, P=protected, Pr=special protection.

***Group: PE=Possible extinctions, SR= severely reduced, VR= very threatened, MR= medium reduced, LR= low reduced (see text for more details).

Species Name / IUCN / NOM
ECOL / Number of unique points / Group / Training AUC / 10 percentile training presence / Potential Range (ha) / Remnent Range (ha) / Remnent Range (%) / PA (ha) / PA (%) / Social Efforts (ha) / Social Efforts (%) / Total area protected (%)
p values / Reclass value
Ambystoma altamirani Dugès, 1895 / E / A / 63 / VR / 1 / 7.45E-36 / 0.886 / 607,399 / 273,420 / 45.01 / 149,214 / 54.57 / 2,265 / 0.83 / 55.40
Ambystoma amblycephalum Taylor, 1940 / CE / Pr / 9 / VR / 0.999 / 6.76E-6 / 0.783 / 2,689,522 / 1,273,736 / 47.36 / 156,571 / 12.29 / 44,730 / 3.51 / 15.80
Ambystoma andersoni Krebs and Brandon, 1984 / CE / Pr / 6 / MR / 1 / 0.00E+00 / 0.925 / 1,013,714 / 786,035 / 77.54 / 17,413 / 2.22 / 17,885 / 2.28 / 4.49
Ambystoma dumerili (Dugès, 1870) / CE / Pr / 17 / VR / 1 / 3.00E-08 / 0.852 / 452,168 / 173,759 / 38.43 / 14,533 / 8.36 / 5,646 / 3.25 / 11.61
Ambystoma flavipiperatum Dixon, 1963 / DD / Pr / 14 / MR / 0.999 / 4.32E-03 / 0.75 / 2,169,453 / 1,121,772 / 51.71 / 31,645 / 2.82 / 711 / 0.06 / 2.88
Ambystoma granulosum Taylor, 1944 / CE / Pr / 27 / SR / 1 / 1.92E-18 / 0.794 / 285,660 / 45,498 / 15.93 / 20,661 / 45.41 / 0 / 0.00 / 45.41
Ambystoma leorae (Taylor, 1943) / CE / A / 7 / MR / 0.999 / 1.3E-3 / 0.788 / 943,953 / 638,271 / 67.62 / 146,033 / 22.88 / 49,928 / 7.82 / 30.70
Ambystoma lermaense (Taylor, 1940) / CE / Pr / 16 / VR / 0.998 / 8.00E-12 / 0.928 / 192,388 / 68,773 / 35.75 / 22,646 / 32.93 / 2,606 / 3.79 / 36.72
Ambystoma mexicanum (Shaw and Nodder, 1798) / CE / Pr / 16 / SR / 1 / 3.2E-11 / 0.783 / 277,502 / 38,303 / 13.80 / 11,884 / 31.03 / 1,803 / 4.71 / 35.73
Ambystoma ordinarium Taylor, 1940 / E / Pr / 24 / MR / 1 / 2.43E-18 / 0.789 / 1,276,051 / 738,480 / 57.87 / 68,359 / 9.26 / 21,142 / 2.86 / 12.12
Ambystoma rivulare (Taylor, 1940) / DD / A / 11 / MR / 0.997 / 1.00E+00 / 0.539 / 6,360,043 / 4,197,252 / 65.99 / 559,713 / 13.34 / 590,637 / 14.07 / 27.41
Ambystoma rosaceum Taylor, 1941 / LC / Pr / 157 / LR / 0.997 / 0.00E+00 / 0.506 / 13,104,247 / 11,094,720 / 84.67 / 718,119 / 6.47 / 98,856 / 0.89 / 7.36
Species Name / IUCN / NOM
ECOL / Number of unique points / Group / Training AUC / 10 percentile training presence / Potential Range (ha) / Remnent Range (ha) / Remnent Range (%) / PA (ha) / PA (%) / Social Efforts (ha) / Social Efforts (%) / Total area protected (%)
p values / Reclass value
Ambystoma taylori Brandon, Maruska and Rumph, 1982 / CE / Pr / 1 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Ambystoma velasci (Dugès, 1888) / LC / Pr / 19 / VR / 0.996 / 1.96E-05 / 0.735 / 3,119,925 / 630,903 / 20.22 / 87,112 / 13.81 / 9,223 / 1.46 / 15.27
Anaxyrus compactilis (Wiegmann, 1833) / LC / 266 / MR / 0.992 / 0.00E+00 / 0.45 / 36,028,493 / 20,517,538 / 56.95 / 1,246,274 / 6.07 / 164,288 / 0.80 / 6.87
Anaxyrus kelloggi (Taylor, 1938) / LC / 139 / MR / 0.999 / 0.00E+00 / 0.588 / 5,253,291 / 2,717,114 / 51.72 / 64,557 / 2.38 / 268 / 0.01 / 2.39
Anaxyrus mexicanus (Brocchi, 1879) / NT / 80 / LR / 0.996 / 2.06E-26 / 0.398 / 14,411,290 / 12,614,703 / 87.53 / 815,144 / 6.46 / 155,096 / 1.23 / 7.69
Bolitoglossa alberchi García-París, Parra-Olea, Brame and Wake, 2002 / LC / 3 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Bolitoglossa hermosa Papenfuss, Wake and Adler, 1984 / NT / Pr / 3 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Bolitoglossa macrinii (Lafrentz, 1930) / NT / Pr / 17 / MR / 0.999 / 1.19E-04 / 0.645 / 3,563,056 / 2,833,442 / 79.52 / 76,070 / 2.68 / 517,808 / 18.27 / 20.96
Bolitoglossa oaxacensis Parra-Olea, García-París and Wake, 2002 / DD / 1 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Bolitoglossa platydactyla (Gray in Cuvier, 1831) / NT / Pr / 146 / VR / 0.999 / 0.00E+00 / 0.697 / 4,817,409 / 1,479,885 / 30.72 / 76,718 / 5.18 / 131,282 / 8.87 / 14.06
Bolitoglossa riletti Holman, 1964 / E / Pr / 13 / MR / 1 / 2.70E-04 / 0.824 / 720,989 / 523,901 / 72.66 / 0 / 0.00 / 30,937 / 5.91 / 5.91
Species Name / IUCN / NOM
ECOL / Number of unique points / Group / Training AUC / 10 percentile training presence / Potential Range (ha) / Remnent Range (ha) / Remnent Range (%) / PA (ha) / PA (%) / Social Efforts (ha) / Social Efforts (%) / Total area protected (%)
p values / Reclass value
Bolitoglossa veracrucis Taylor, 1951 / E / Pr / 1 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Bolitoglossa yucatana (Peters, 1882) / LC / Pr / 16 / MR / 0.999 / 2.18E-02 / 0.553 / 4,443,514 / 3,536,485 / 79.59 / 203,102 / 5.74 / 38,659 / 1.09 / 6.84
Bolitoglossa zapoteca Parra-Olea, García-París and Wake, 2002 / DD / 2 / SR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Bromeliohyla dendroscarta (Taylor, 1940) / CE / 22 / MR / 1 / 3.28E-13 / 0.75 / 1,590,565 / 996,176 / 62.63 / 78,158 / 7.85 / 120,764 / 12.12 / 19.97
Charadrahyla altipotens (Duellman, 1968) / CE / 9 / MR / 0.998 / 2.13E+01 / 0.296 / 11,343,876 / 8,629,706 / 76.07 / 642,558 / 7.45 / 752,640 / 8.72 / 16.17
Charadrahyla chaneque (Duellman, 1961) / CE / 27 / MR / 0.997 / 1.73E-05 / 0.757 / 2,066,633 / 1,568,604 / 75.90 / 82,480 / 5.26 / 326,628 / 20.82 / 26.08
Charadrahyla nephila (Mendelson and Campbell, 1999) / V / 28 / LR / 0.998 / 1.21E-10 / 0.899 / 540,948 / 478,000 / 88.36 / 7,498 / 1.57 / 122,167 / 25.56 / 27.13
Charadrahyla taeniopus (Günther, 1901) / V / 50 / VR / 1 / 2.44E-37 / 0.843 / 1,078,503 / 504,149 / 46.75 / 79,533 / 15.78 / 554 / 0.11 / 15.89
Charadrahyla trux (Adler and Dennis, 1972) / CE / 4 / LR / 1 / 2.00E-04 / 0.749 / 541,386 / 483,778 / 89.36 / 4,308 / 0.89 / 152,952 / 31.62 / 32.51
Chiropterotriton arboreus (Taylor, 1941) / CE / Pr / 7 / MR / 1 / 1.00E+00 / 0.925 / 340,988 / 212,027 / 62.18 / 37,519 / 17.70 / 0 / 0.00 / 17.70
Chiropterotriton chiropterus (Cope, 1863) / CE / Pr / 155 / VR / 0.999 / 0.00E+00 / 0.795 / 5,671,271 / 2,626,950 / 46.32 / 470,743 / 17.92 / 191,782 / 7.30 / 25.22
Chiropterotriton chondrostega (Taylor, 1941) / E / Pr / 17 / VR / 1 / 5.32E-9 / 0.708 / 1,819,484 / 805,031 / 44.25 / 92,579 / 11.50 / 18,878 / 2.35 / 13.85
Species Name / IUCN / NOM
ECOL / Number of unique points / Group / Training AUC / 10 percentile training presence / Potential Range (ha) / Remnent Range (ha) / Remnent Range (%) / PA (ha) / PA (%) / Social Efforts (ha) / Social Efforts (%) / Total area protected (%)
p values / Reclass value
Chiropterotriton crascens Rabb, 1958 / E / 1 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Chiropterotriton dimidiatus (Taylor, 1940) / E / Pr / 22 / MR / 1 / 0.00E+00 / 0.961 / 59,947 / 33,671 / 56.17 / 2,955 / 8.78 / 0 / 0.00 / 8.78
Chiropterotriton lavae (Taylor, 1942) / CE / Pr / 12 / MR / 1 / 0.00E+00 / 0.937 / 162,127 / 89,666 / 55.31 / 14,383 / 16.04 / 1,647 / 1.84 / 17.88
Chiropterotriton magnipes Rabb, 1965 / CE / Pr / 21 / LR / 1 / 5.00E-01 / 0.968 / 82,032 / 68,609 / 83.64 / 47,707 / 69.54 / 0 / 0.00 / 69.54
Chiropterotriton mosaueri (Woodall, 1941) / DD / Pr / 2 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Chiropterotriton multidentatus (Taylor, 1939) / E / Pr / 61 / MR / 1 / 2.85E-34 / 0.786 / 3,390,979 / 2,452,344 / 72.32 / 635,558 / 25.92 / 3,007 / 0.12 / 26.04
Chiropterotriton orculus (Cope, 1865) / V / 5 / MR / 0.982 / 1.00E+00 / 0.519 / 2,983,834 / 2,361,235 / 79.13 / 503,877 / 21.34 / 294,353 / 12.47 / 33.81
Chiropterotriton priscus Rabb, 1956 / NT / Pr / 30 / LR / 1 / 7.29E-22 / 0.839 / 358,639 / 321,350 / 89.60 / 14,429 / 4.49 / 7,571 / 2.36 / 6.85
Chiropterotriton terrestris (Taylor, 1941) / CE / 9 / MR / 1 / 2.00E-04 / 0.941 / 258,932 / 150,791 / 58.24 / 35,528 / 23.56 / 0 / 0.00 / 23.56
Craugastor batrachylus Taylor, 1940 / DD / Pr / 3 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Craugastor berkenbuschii (Peters, 1870) / NT / Pr / 91 / MR / 0.999 / 1.28E-40 / 0.616 / 4,337,328 / 2,304,774 / 53.14 / 111,103 / 4.82 / 465,513 / 20.20 / 25.02
Craugastor decoratus Taylor, 1942 / V / Pr / 63 / MR / 1 / 1.01E-29 / 0.795 / 3,011,351 / 1,717,277 / 57.03 / 282,274 / 16.44 / 63,805 / 3.72 / 20.15
Species Name / IUCN / NOM
ECOL / Number of unique points / Group / Training AUC / 10 percentile training presence / Potential Range (ha) / Remnent Range (ha) / Remnent Range (%) / PA (ha) / PA (%) / Social Efforts (ha) / Social Efforts (%) / Total area protected (%)
p values / Reclass value
Craugastor glaucus Lynch, 1967 / CE / Pr / 3 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Craugastor guerreroensis Lynch, 1967 / CE / Pr / 3 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Craugastor hobartsmithi Taylor, 1937 / E / 61 / MR / 0.996 / 3.49E-17 / 0.428 / 18,609,199 / 12,151,452 / 65.30 / 773,652 / 6.37 / 781,229 / 6.43 / 12.80
Craugastor megalotympanum Shannon and Werler, 1955 / CE / Pr / 6 / MR / 0.999 / 1.40E-03 / 0.673 / 672,105 / 414,655 / 61.69 / 37,581 / 9.06 / 91,783 / 22.13 / 31.20
Craugastor mexicanus (Brocchi, 1877) / LC / 193 / MR / 0.998 / 0.00E+00 / 0.704 / 6,057,599 / 4,162,556 / 68.72 / 447,943 / 10.76 / 632,590 / 15.20 / 25.96
Craugastor occidentalis Taylor, 1941 / DD / 60 / MR / 0.998 / 1.45E-17 / 0.451 / 10,449,628 / 7,217,352 / 69.07 / 258,003 / 3.57 / 71,188 / 0.99 / 4.56
Craugastor omiltemanus (Günther, 1900) / E / Pr / 16 / LR / 1 / 0.00E+00 / 0.958 / 197,249 / 189,171 / 95.90 / 0 / 0.00 / 56,382 / 29.80 / 29.80
Craugastor palenque Campbell and Savage, 2000 / DD / 2 / SR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Craugastor pelorus Campbell and Savage, 2000 / DD / 8 / MR / 0.987 / 3.14E-03 / 0.283 / 13,756,009 / 9,095,125 / 66.12 / 830,408 / 9.13 / 490,361 / 5.39 / 14.52
Craugastor polymniae Campbell, Lamar and Hillis, 1989 / CE / Pr / 1 / SR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Craugastor pozo Johnson and Savage, 1995 / CE / 6 / MR / 0.934 / 1.30E-01 / 0.515 / 7,918,374 / 5,913,136 / 74.68 / 4,844,302 / 8.19 / 222,998 / 3.76 / 11.95
Craugastor rhodopis (Cope, 1867) / V / 166 / MR / 0.998 / 0.00E+00 / 0.772 / 6,178,527 / 3,595,340 / 58.19 / 329,891 / 9.18 / 471,716 / 13.12 / 22.30
Species Name / IUCN / NOM
ECOL / Number of unique points / Group / Training AUC / 10 percentile training presence / Potential Range (ha) / Remnent Range (ha) / Remnent Range (%) / PA (ha) / PA (%) / Social Efforts (ha) / Social Efforts (%) / Total area protected (%)
p values / Reclass value
Craugastor rugulosus (Cope, 1870) / LC / 132 / MR / 0.998 / 0.00E+00 / 0.606 / 9,281,314 / 6,459,997 / 69.60 / 272,212 / 4.21 / 942,607 / 14.59 / 18.81
Craugastor montanusi Lynch, 1965 / E / Pr / 8 / VR / 1 / 0.00E+00 / 0.922 / 171,639 / 45,872 / 26.73 / 12,715 / 27.72 / 0 / 0.00 / 27.72
Craugastor silvicola Lynch, 1967 / E / 1 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Craugastor spatulatus Smith, 1939 / E / Pr / 38 / MR / 1 / 2.24E-22 / 0.738 / 1,361,656 / 1,002,204 / 73.60 / 75,617 / 7.55 / 161,054 / 16.07 / 23.61
Craugastor tarahumaraensis Taylor, 1940 / V / Pr / 9 / LR / 0.986 / 2.00E-03 / 0.337 / 49,220,225 / 43,219,770 / 87.81 / 1,642,177 / 3.80 / 249,918 / 0.58 / 4.38
Craugastor taylori Lynch, 1966 / DD / Pr / 1 / PE / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Craugastor uno Savage, 1984 / E / Pr / 1 / PE / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Craugastor vocalis Taylor, 1940 / LC / Pr / 59 / MR / 0.998 / 1.60E-25 / 0.494 / 10,829,534 / 7,637,100 / 70.52 / 276,300 / 3.62 / 103,144 / 1.35 / 4.97
Craugastor vulcani Shannon and Werler, 1955 / E / 61 / VR / 1 / 2.05E-41 / 0.827 / 248,428 / 50,439 / 20.30 / 39,142 / 77.60 / 109 / 0.22 / 77.82
Craugastor yucatanensis Lynch, 1965 / NT / Pr / 9 / MR / 0.999 / 5.59E-03 / 0.667 / 4,911,430 / 3,897,306 / 79.35 / 857,173 / 21.99 / 50,506 / 1.30 / 23.29
Cryptotriton adelos (Papenfuss and Wake, 1987) / E / 6 / LR / 0.999 / 5.5E-3 / 0.511 / 3,333,897 / 2,777,723 / 83.32 / 326,588 / 11.76 / 361,254 / 13.01 / 24.76
Cryptotriton alvarezdeltoroi (Papenfuss and Wake, 1987) / E / 2 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Species Name / IUCN / NOM
ECOL / Number of unique points / Group / Training AUC / 10 percentile training presence / Potential Range (ha) / Remnent Range (ha) / Remnent Range (%) / PA (ha) / PA (%) / Social Efforts (ha) / Social Efforts (%) / Total area protected (%)
p values / Reclass value
Dendropsophus sartori Fitzinger, 1843 / LC / 22 / MR / 1 / 2.40E-10 / 0.695 / 1,617,512 / 876,053 / 54.16 / 21,298 / 2.43 / 80,036 / 9.14 / 11.57
Dendrotriton megarhinus (Rabb, 1960) / V / 3 / MR / - / - / No model / - / - / - / - / - / - / - / -
Dendrotriton xolocalcae (Taylor, 1941) / V / Pr / 5 / VR / 1 / 1.00E+00 / 0.861 / 174,937 / 48,775 / 27.88 / 14,670 / 30.08 / 0 / 0.00 / 30.08