ICS2O Computer Networking – Details – Worksheet Date: ______

Fill in your responses in the yellow areas of the document.

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A computer network can be compared to two other types of networks that have been in use for over a hindered years. What are the other networks? How are they similar to a computer network?
What is a MAC Address?
What does the term “MAC” address stand for?
What are the accepted formats of a MAC address?
What does DHCP stand for?
What role does DHCP play in computer networking?
How many addresses can be represented using the older style of IP address?
The IP address protocol is not practical for human use. Explain how computer networks, particularly the internet, are made more accessible to users.

To answer some of the following questions, you will need access to the basic networking tools provided with Windows. These tools are available through a command window, which is a holdover from Windows early roots in DOS (Disk Operating System).

  1. From the “start” menu, select the “Run” command.

  1. You will be presented with the Run dialog box. Type in “command” and hit <Enter>.

  2. This will open an old-style DOS window.

Using the “ipconfig” tool (including the “ipconfig /all” tool), determine the following about your computer:
IP Address (IPv4 Address):
MAC Address (same as “Physical Address”):
DNS Server(s):
Use the “ping” command to investigate the time required to reach the following addresses:
  1. An IP Address from someone else in the class (use the ipconfig command)
  2. ocdsb.ca (our school board)
What observations can you make about the time required for the pings to return?
Use the “tracert” command to investigate the number of network connections, or “hops”, required to reach the following addresses.
  1. An IP Address from someone else in the class (use the ipconfig command)
  2. ocdsb.ca (our school board)
What observations can you make about:
(a) the number of hops?
(b) the countries identified in the hops?

The following questions are optional, since they do not currently work on school computers.

Use the “ping” command to investigate the time required to reach the following addresses (television networks in Canada, Britain, and Australia). WARNING – This command may not work from your school account, so try it at home.
What observations can you make about the time required for the ping to return?
Use the “tracert” command to investigate the number of network connections, or “hops”, required to reach the following addresses. WARNING – This command may not work from your school account, so try it at home.
What observations can you make about:
(a) the number of hops?
(b) the countries identified in the hops?