IB/AP Statistics Chapter 1 Homework Assignments
Learning Goal: Students will understand a basic overview of statistics and will be able to distinguish between a population and a sample, a parameter and a statistic, and descriptive and inferential statistics.
DateAssigned / Section Number / Topic / Assignments
7/20 Mon / Statistics in our World / HW: Parent Signature
HW: The Parable of the Golden Coin
7/21 Tues / 1.1
AP / An overview of Statistics Exploring Data / CW: p. 6 – 7 (2 – 28 even)
CW: Categorical Activity
HW: AP Worksheet: p. 9 (1 – 9)
p. 6 - 7 ( 1 – 27 odd)
7/22 – 7/23
Wed/Thurs / 1.2 / Data Classification
Experimental Design / CW: p. 12 ( 1 – 12 all )
CW: Investigative Task
HW: p. 12 (13 – 20 all)
7/24 Fri / 1.3 / Experimental Design / CW: Partner Task
p. 20 – 21 (1 – 20, 23, 24)
7/27 Mon / AP / Sampling / CW: Vocab
HW: AP Worksheets: p. 82 (MC: 1 – 8, FR: 1)
7/28 Tues / AP / Controlled Experiments / CW: AP WS p. 91 (All)
CW: AP WS p. 92 – 93 (All)
HW: p. 93-95 MC: 1 – 15, FR: 1 and 2)
7/29 – 7/30
Wed/Thurs / AP / Bias
7/30 OPEN HOUSE (6 – 8:30 p.m) / CW: Class Activity: “Design Experiment”
HW: Start AP Packet (Due Monday, 8/5)
7/31 Fri / AP / Packet / CW/HW: AP Packet
8/3 Mon / AP / AP Review / CW: FRAPY
HW: p. 26 – 27 (1 – 30)
8/4 Tues / Review / Chapter 1 / CW: Review
HW: Chapter Summary and Self Reflection
8/5 – 8/6 Wed/Thurs / Test Chapter 1 / CW: Test
HW: none
Learning Goal:Students will understand a basic overview of statistics and will be able to distinguish between a population and a sample, a parameter and a statistic, and descriptive and inferential statistics.
Learning Scale
Subject: Mathematics Course: Statistics Quarter: 1st QuarterLearning Goal: I will be able to understand a basic overview of statistics and will be able to distinguish between a population and a sample; a parameter and a statistic; and descriptive and inferential statistics.
4.0 / In addition to Score 3.0
- I can understand a basic overview of statistics and be able to distinguish between a population and a sample; a parameter and a statistic; and descriptive and inferential statistics in real world applications
3.0 / I will:
- Be able to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data
- Be able to design a statistical study
- Create a sample using random sampling, simple random sampling stratified sampling, cluster sampling, and systematic sampling
- Be able to identify a biased sample
2.0 / I will recognize and describe specific terminology such as:
- Population and sample
- Parameter and statistic
- Quantitative and qualitative
- Be able to distinguish between population and sample
- Be able to distinguish between parameter and statistic
- Be able to distinguish between qualitative and quantitative data
1.0 / With help, a partial understanding of some of the simpler details and processes and some of the more complex ideas and processes.
Chapter Summary and Self-Reflection: Due Wednesday, 8/5 or Thursday, 8/6
You may e-mail this reflection to your teacher: or
Please write a short letter to me, using complete sentences, answering the following:
- Discuss at least two concepts that were new to you in this chapter.
- What was the hardest thing for you to understand in this chapter?
- Did you attend any math lab/tutoring sessions?
- According to the scale above, rate yourself. Explain your rating.
- Set a goal for Chapter 2 that you can accomplish. These goals must be something that we can measure. In other words we should be able to see that you met these goals by your grade in the class.
- Is there anything you’d like to tell me