Brighton & Hove Violence against Women and Girls(VAWG) Forum

Thursday 28thAugust 2014, 10.00am – 12.00noon

Room 3, BrightonTown Hall



TB / KSSCRC (Probation)
JaW / Brighton Oasis Project
BT / Children’s Services, BHCC
CG / Victim Support
MP / Brighton Oasis Project
IH / Sussex University


FB / Survivors’ Network
HoB / The WiSE Project
MA / Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard
VW / Brighton & Hove Citizen's Advice Bureau
  1. Welcome, Introductions, Apologies

1.1GG welcomed the group and apologies were noted.

  1. Minutes and Matters Arising from the meeting of the 29th May 2014

2.1Minutes were agreed as accurate.

2.2All actions discharged or to be discussed, with the following exceptions:

  • JR to invite identified agencies (VCS rep for Older People) – carried forward.
  • JR to invite the Chair of the VAWG Programme Board to a Forum meeting – JR informed the group that the Chair of the VAWG PB has indicated she would welcome an invitation to a future Forum. JR will invite to the November Forum.
  • JR agreed to also invite Katy Bourne to the November meeting, to mark the start of the 16 days of Action
  • DA surgery leaflets/posters are still available from JR directly via email. JR confirmed that this information is still available to agencies upon request – discharged
  • JR to present police lessons learned brief on DVDS when available – JR informed the group that there have been a number of DVDS applications in Brighton & Hove and that they have been seen as useful. JR added that the key lesson to learn will be regarding process, particularly the time it takes to report back. It is likely that the full review will be completed towards the end of the year and will be shared with the Forum when available

Action: JR to present DVDS learning at a Forum meeting once it is available

  • MS to explore opportunities for a discussion among men’s services about approach to DV, SV and VAWG strategy
  • MS to contact JR for any further assistance about approach to DV, SV and VAWG strategy. As MS was not at this meeting JR agreed to contact MS separately to discuss.

Action: JR to speak to MS separately regarding the above actions.

  • JR to update at next VAWG Forum re: Domestic Homicide Reviews. JR advised that completed reviews can be accessed at JR advised that a single action plan will be produced which incorporates the recommendations from all four reviews, supported by a ‘Lessons Learnt’ document. This will be presented to the VAWG Programme Board in September. It was noted that this cannot include recommendations from past reviews, however BT agreed to send JR a SCR which she thought might be of particular interest. A series of Workshops looking at the Implications for Practice are planned after November

Action: BT to forward JR a past SCR for interest.

Action: JR to table information on ‘Lessons Learnt’ and ‘Implications for Practice’ workshops at the next Forum meeting

  • JR to visit the RISE helpline. This action is carried forward.
  • JMG to forward JR details for dissemination in VAWG Forum Newsletter. JR advised that this will be in the next newsletter.
  1. Pornography and Violence against Women and Girls

3.1JR presented the briefing from EVAW regarding pornography and the links with violence against women and girls. JR advised that there is work already being done in schools to address this (which is being discussed later in the meeting), but the findings have implications for other areas e.g. the night time economy.

3.2JR noted that the links between pornography and violence against women and girls is referenced in the VAWG Strategy, but could be developed further.

3.3The group noted the complexity of the issue and that many of the attitudes that affect perceptions of women and girls are linked to ideas of ‘appropriate’ behaviour e.g. the comments from a recently retired judge stating that “rape conviction rate will only improve when women stop getting drunk”.

3.4JR highlighted the problem that consumption of pornography by young people (as with adults) is highly gendered; he noted that there is an opportunity to do some further work around this as theOPCC have secured funding for 1 year for Child ISVA and IDVAposts. In addition, this years’ 16-days campaign will be focused toward young people.

3.5JC suggested that we lack data and therefore it should be requested of all agencies to provide it in order to produce a report that is relevant to practice. It was suggested that the LSCB is approached for a snapshot, as part of ongoing auditing work. However, the challenge is in determining what data is collected and for what purpose.

3.6GG added that most agencies do hold some relevant data and that in some cases this could be quite easy to bring together i.e. WISE/RISE/SN.

3.7SB stated that the Safe & Wellbeing at School survey now includes a question on sexting.

3.8SB added that it is important to recognise that not all young people are accessing pornography, and added that we should take care not to normalise the message. SB added that they Fantasy vs Reality programme is being updated and will be released soon.

3.9It was noted that these issues link to national work – and includes the ‘No more page 3’ campaign, as well as activity around music and TV.

3.10It was agreed that a sub-group be formed and GG/JR would invite people to nominate and sit on the group to be co-chaired by JR and one other tbc. Agencies to include: Allsorts, Survivors Network, Public Health, Licensing.

Action: GG/JR to invite agencies to sit on and co-chair a task and finish group.

  1. Hostels/Housing Consultations: October-December 2013

J-AW presented the paper and the following was noted:

4.1Qualitative interviews were undertaken with 207 residents/clients all staying in hostels in Brighton & Hove (band 3 accommodation, Move On, supported accommodation, Council properties or were in detox/residential rehabilitation services in the city). Questionnaires were completed by one-to-one, in groups and by the resident on their own (returning to a team member upon completion)

4.2The reply which received the highest number of responses was the importance of having helpful staff and support, the second most popular answer was the importance of having a home – a roof over your head. The following are some of the issues raised and noted in the report:

  • 95% women who are living in hostels are subject to domestic and sexual violence
  • Women only hostels
  • Dual diagnosis – issues of safeguarding
  • Eviction policy – contentious
  • Women being next to sex-offenders and not feeling safe
  • A women’s only landing was a good idea
  • Too crowded
  • Better safeguarding for women
  • Issues regarding drug taking in hostels (you can inject in your room, but not smoke)
  • Visitors rules / Overnight stays

4.3JR agreed to meet the housing representative with GG and J-AW to discuss these issues further.

Action: GG/J-AW/JR to meet housing representative to discuss further.

5.Support for people who work in the sex industry

MP and TB presented ‘Understanding the needs of sex workers’ and CF was asked to circulate the presentation with the minutes.

Action: CF to circulate presentation with minutes.

5.1There are risks to vulnerable people – this increases with the length of time and has damaging effects on self-worth and self-esteem. Sex Work may also impact on future opportunities.

5.2All the learning points are extremely diverse however one of the common issues is that of housing, while care leavers are often the most vulnerable sex workers.It was also noted that there is national evidence that shows that some students may finance their studies by sex work.

5.3It was suggested that a new assessment of need be undertaken jointly by the Police and Public Health in order to update the picture of need in the city. It was noted that the Sex Work Steering Group is progressing this agenda.

5.4There is no information on the Safe in the City website about the help and support that is available.

Action: JR to feedback to the Sex Work Steering Group and provide an update at the next meeting

Action: MP, TB and JR to finalise information for those engaged in sex work to be included on the Safe in the City website

5.5GG thanked MP and TB for the detailed and interesting presentation.

6.Update on Relationships and sex education in Brighton & Hove schools

SB presented the paper and the following was noted:

6.1SB stated that the aim is to have a whole school approach across all policies adding that she is keen to ensure this is delivered to all children and young people.

6.2SB added that the sex education policy has recently been re-written and that she will forward the relative consultation to JR for wider circulation.

Action: SB to forward the sex education consultation to JR for wider circulation.

6.3SB advised that they are providing training to teachers and wants to include agencies to train for additional advice on specialist issues such as FGM.

6.4LE asked about home tutoring in Refuge – SB agreed to clarify and forwarded the following after the meeting:

I’ve clarified that when the refuge has new children arrive the refuge contacts the Children Missing Education officer who supports the family so that the children can attend school. Some of the families (particularly if they know they are not going to be in Brighton long) choose to home educate and get a visit from the Homes Education Officer. These children do not therefore get Council tutors and so will get their RSE from school or from family.

6.5JC welcomed the work, and asked about parental participation, noting the importance in teaching parents. SB confirmed that certainly in ‘best practice schools’ there will be consultation with parents and that support is offered.

6.6SB added that ‘talking to you teens’ is also available in secondary schools however noted that there is a capacity issue in delivering this. SB added that there is still an issue to make PSHE compulsory in all schools.

6.7GG thanked SB for the presentation.

7.Update on the VAWG Action Plan 2014-17

7.1JR confirmed to the group that the DHR review will be available in November (see 2.2).

7.2JR informed the group that, following initial discussions, Brighton & Hove will be pursuing a joint commissioning strategy with East Sussex County Council, with JR as the joint lead commissioner. This will mean more coordinated approach and it will also release a joint policy officer, focused on Domestic Violence & Abuse, Rape and Sexual Violence & Abuse and other forms of VAWG.

7.3JR informed the group that the commissioning process for future DV and SV services is due to begin, with a pre-tender event planned for the start of October.

7.4JR stated that preparation for the 16-days campaign will be commencing shortly, and will be circulated at the start of November.

7.5JR stated that the MASH/Early Help Hub will go live from the start of October. JR has agreed with Claire Poyner that she will come to the next VAWG Forum to present on the MASH.

8.Agency Round Table

8.1Due to time restrictions it was agreed that any updates be emailed to JR for adding to the minutes – the following is therefore via email:


8.2RISE is responding to an increase in overall Helpline referrals 2012/13 by developing a system to ensure greater accessibility for survivors, friends, relatives and professionals. This will be the new contact information and access service



10.Date of next meeting

10.1Thursday 27th November, Room 3, BTH, 10am – 12pm

Thursday 12th February 2015, Room 3, BTH, 10am – 12pm

Thursday 14th May 2015, Room 3, BTH, 10am – 12pm

Thursday 27th August 2015, Room 3, BTH, 10am – 12pm

VAWG Forum – Notes/Actions 28.08.14- 1 -