/ Providing Inspection Services for
Department of Education
Department of Higher and Further
Education, Training and Employment
Department of Culture, Arts and Leisure
Education and Training Inspectorate
Report of a Follow-up Inspection
Kilbride Primary School
Doagh, Ballyclare
June 2000

Mr D HumphriesOur Ref: 301-0828

Chair of Board of Governors

Kilbride Central Primary School

56 Moyra Road



Co Antrim

BT39 0SQAugust 2000

Dear Mr Humphries


The focused inspection in Kilbride Primary School highlighted strengths in some of the teaching, the quality of the special educational needs provision and the commitment and leadership of the principal and identified the need for improvement in the following key areas:

  • a greater match of the writing tasks to the abilities and interests of the children;
  • the undue variation in the quality of the teachers’ marking;
  • the further development of information and communication technology (ICT) to support learning and teaching.

In the interval since the inspection, the following changes which affect the work of the school have taken place:

  • additional resources for ICT have been acquired;
  • one member of staff has left the school and is being replaced.

The Education and Training Inspectorate carried out a follow-up inspection on 1June2000. The followingare the most important improvements which have been implemented since the original inspection:

  • the teachers have worked together, with North-Eastern Education and Library Board (NEELB) assistance to develop appropriate writing schemes.
  • the teachers have devised and are implementing a suitable marking policy; its implementation is being monitored by the principal.
  • there has been considerable investment in ICT hardware and software since the inspection. All members of staff have undertaken training to improve their ICT skills.

In addition, a health and safety issue which was identified by the inspection has been resolved satisfactorily.

The school has made good progress in addressing the key areas for action. The parents and the broader community can have confidence in the school’s commitment to improvement.

Yours sincerely

T J Shaw CBE

Chief Inspector


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