Thornbury Running Club Committee Meeting

Thursday 7th September 2017

Present: Emma Barnes (EB) (Acting Chairperson), Angela Bushell (AB)(Secretary), Jim Godden (JG), Steve Dimond (SD),Ros Rowland (RR), Nick Langridge (NL), Kevin Wood (KW)Pete Mainstone (PM)(Captain), Kevin Cundy (KC), Jo Emerson (JE),Dave Beard (DB), Rob Watkins (RW), John Watt (Watty)

Apologies:Craig Carscadden (CC)(Chairperson), Hugh McPherson (HM)(Treasurer), Arthur Renshaw (AR), Mike Bennewitz (MB)Jon Welsh (JW),

Amendments to Minutes of last committee meeting

Outstanding AGM action point re London Marathon Club Places has now been answered. Minutes to be amended to reflect that. Action AB

Action Points outstanding from AGM

Leisure Centre Noticeboard – TRC

This action point has in effect been superseded – see agenda item 21

Matters Arising from last meeting 22nd June2017:


Matters Arising from the Interim meeting on 4th July 2017

KW would like the minutes amending as per his email sent to CC

Treasurer’s Report: Please see Appendix 1 for Treasurers Report.

Secretary’s Report:

Current total membership stands at 139 (58F & 81M) including the now 7 Honorary members.

28new members have joined the club in2017 (12M & 16F) - 8new members have joined since the last committee meeting in June.

40members areregistered for England Athletics.

Chantry Increased Booking Fees

AB made the committee aware that the booking fees have been increased as of the 29th June 2017. They are still less than £10 per hour - no objections from committee.

Honorary Members

CC would like any nominations for new honorary members to be sent to him. Also suggests that we send thembirthday and Christmas cards and invite to committee dinner. Committee were ok with this but agreed that we first need to determine which of the Honorary Members are still around.

Action Point: AB to send PM a list of Hon members & PM to confirm it still around.

Date for Xmas doo

Xmas doo to be held at Cricket Club on Thurs 21st Dec.

Ros had already provisionally booked the club house for that date.

Action Point: HM to advise TLC that room not needed that evening.

Tea Rota

JG agreed that he would monitor the tea rota using a spreadsheet & that a weekly email would be sent out with the announcements as a reminder of who was doing tea that week. Note be put on website with Jim email address asking members to let him know when they can do tea.

Action Point: KW to send JG google docs list of members so JG can prepare


Action Point: Email/announcement to all members advising of this new process


Progress on sub-groups

Please see appendix 2 for detailed update on each of the 3 sub-groups.

The committee agreed all the recommendations put forward by CC in the Beginners Group and 5km Tuesday Group summary.

The committee would also like to acknowledge the commitment Ros, Cathy and Suzy have given to both the beginners group and the 5km group.

Group Leaders

A number of members have attended or are due to attend the EA Leadership in Running course over the next few weeks. A leaders meeting has been arranged for 12th Oct when the ongoing process will be discussed in more detail.

It was confirmed that a number of leaders of the faster groups (AB/SD/PM) were happy to lead the 11min/mile group so that Cathy & Suzy have a chance to run with a faster group.

Action Point: CC to email all leaders re meeting on 12th October.


KW explained the 'welcome' process for new attendees on a Thursday and how they are tracked and invited to join. It was noted that some people only attend on a Tuesday and it was felt by the committee that "Tuesday only" participants (excluding 0-5k group) should receive the same welcome & encouragement to join as Thurs runners do. If somebody (other than 0-5k group) attends regularly they should really join. We allow 3-4 sessions on a Thurs, and Tues should be no different (there was a case where somebody came on Tues for 2 years before joining). Tues has become a really well attended session and the thinking was it should be afforded the same approach. It was suggested a register should be kept (using the same template as Thursday)

Action Point: KW to ask CC & PM for their support

Updating club on changes

KW suggested that we should on a regular basis publicise “good new stories” about the club i.e. not just running success, but things about the club itself e.g. rise in membership. We have engaged the club in the survey and workshop and need to report success and good news. It was agreed by the committee this should be done.

Action point: KW will do a regular news item for publishing on website/Facebook & discuss with Matt J re Gazette articles.

2018 Calender & Training Plans

As CC not at meeting this agenda item was to be carried forward to the next meeting however there was a brief discussion whereby a proposal was made to incorporate the Avon Race Calendar with TRC dates and dates of local runs and for this to be posted on the website.

Helen Ralphs Trophy

RR had proposed Sean Underwood, committee agreed.

Trophy will be presented at Xmas doo on 21st Dec & members who have contact with Sean will try & encourage him to attend the xmas doo.

Action Point: JG to arrange engraving of trophy.

Steve Jones Memorial Trophy

Committee agreed that should be 10 mile route.

To be held on Sunday 8th October.

Thornbury Park Run

AR not present but committee advised that all is in hand & more details will be advised shortly.

Action Point: AB to advise MB accordingly

Cross Country – general

Club to concentrate efforts on Gloucester League. JG & JE offered to be captains for the Glos League. Committee agreed that the club will still support members wanting to run in the Gwent League by paying entry fees & bridge tolls.

Cross Country – Club Championship

Currently count best 6 out of 12 races across both the Glos & Gwent league.

To be amended to best 4 out of 10 and races from both Glos & Gwent league can countas well as the Old Down Championship race.

Action Point: Dates ofXC races to be posted on website along with a summary

of the changes: DB/NL

Bicton Blister

PM has provisionally booked a 32-seat coach & pub for Sunday lunch.

Race Organiser has reserved 30 places for TRC members.

Members to pay entry but PM asking committee for club to pay for coach (£385).Committee agreed to pay coach.

Relocating TRC Poster in TLC

Wattycontacted by TLC advising that they want to relocate our poster.Committee want clarification of where TLC plan to move it to. Also suggest we take opportunity to update the poster with photos of members in new club kit.

Action Point:Watty to find out where propose to put poster & deadlinefor new one

Emailing Previous Entrants of TRC Races

To be discussed in more detail at next meeting however if Rollick Race Directors advise Watty of race date he will tie up with Full On Sport & see if emails can be sent out.

Action Point:Watty to contact Full to Sport once Rollick Date confirmed to him.

Committee Meetings

Recent meetings have been long. If the committee continues to be so active then suggestions include starting the meetings earlier, splitting into sub-groups or having more frequent meetings. Committee consensus was to have meetings more often.


Various members – EA London Marathon place should only to eligible for those members who have paid for EA membership. To be discussed at next meeting.

KC – 2018 race medals. Design & numbers to be ordered agreed with Race

Directors: Rollick x 400 OPS x 450 10K x 350

JG – summer handicap winners known so trophies to be engraved and presented

ASAP on a Thursday evening. PM will buy some bottles of wine.

SD – Query if minutes posted on TRC website as somebody had mentioned to him

that they couldn’t find them. Confirmed that approved minutes are on website.

PM – proposed another curry night. RR happy to do.

Action point: RR to check with Cricket club re availability of club house in October.

DB – club should be looking at using more of the features offered by Full on Sport to make life easier for Race Directors. e.g. on-line transfers.

Date ofNext Committee Meeting: Thursday 19th October 9pm @ The Chantry

APPENDIX 1 - Treasurers Report – 30.08.17

Current position

Current account balance £12,917.58

Cash in hand £88.41

Deposit account balance at Coventry BS remains £5,249.19

So far income exceeds expenditure by £1,394.31 – short summary attached.

Recent significant items of expenditure

Summer Party - £1072 net (Cost of caterers Biblos, Paul da Vinci, Marquee etc less contributions from members)

Leadership Course fees - £740 (For Nick and Lizzie Williams, Mike Bennewitz, Hugh McPherson, Steve Dimond)

Full on Sport - £1027 - (Chip timing for Thornbury 10k)

Running Imp - £150 (Race equipment)


Membership fees

Membership fees received now total £2,012 (cf £1,504 total last year).

OPS 10

Entry fees received £5,124.27

Outlook and Summary

The only large items of expenditure anticipated at present are:

Full on Sport – chip timing for OPS10

TLC – Room hire for next quarter

Subsidy for Club Championship races – amount not yet calculated.

Allowing for expected expenditure cash balance should still remain healthy.

Thornbury 10k made net profit of £3,283 and OPS 10 will also be profitable.

Summary of Balance Sheet for 2017
Income / Expenditure / Balance
Current account
Cash in hand / 73,570.92 / 73,482.51 / 88.41
Opening bank balance / 183,526.53 / 171,914.85 / 11,611.68
Current bank balance / 200,856.45 / 187,938.87 / 12,917.58
Income - expenditure
- after transfer to deposit account / 1,394.31
Breakdown by category
Membership / 2,012.00 / - / 2,012.00
Club night / 996.91 / 1,042.34 / -45.43
Kit / 1,287.50 / 2,610.00 / -1,322.50
Subtotal / 644.07
Committee dinner / - / 323.60 / -323.60
Annual dinner / - / - / 0.00
Summer Party / 540.00 / 1,612.80 / -1,072.80
YHA / - / - / 0.00
Social Night / - / - / 0.00
Christmas Buffet / 185.00 / 250.00 / -65.00
Charity / 449.70 / 1,152.59 / -702.89
Donation to Club / - / 0.00
Subtotal / -2,164.29
Summer h/c / - / 20.55 / -20.55
Misc. Races (including Handicaps) / - / - / 0.00
XC championship / - / - / 0.00
Thornbury 10k / 5,212.23 / 1,928.94 / 3,283.29
Cotswold Way Relay / - / 438.00 / -438.00
OPS10 / 5,124.27 / 657.04 / 4,467.23
Riverbank Rollick 2017 / 2,090.42 / 2,718.59 / -628.17
Riverbank Rollick 2018 / - / - / 0.00
Aquathon / - / - / 0.00
Bristol Half Marathon / - / - / 0.00
Glos XC / - / 128.00 / -128.00
Steve Jones Memorial / - / - / 0.00
Severn Walkway / - / - / 0.00
Race Equipment / - / 240.99 / -240.99
Boscastle Trip / - / - / 0.00
Mob Match / - / - / 0.00
Fly The Flag / - / - / 0.00
Swimathon / - / - / 0.00
National Club Triathlon Relay Championships / - / - / 0.00
Subtotal / 6,294.81
X-Country / - / 66.80 / -66.80
Avon, Ramblers, Tri England, EA, ARC / - / 960.00 / -960.00
Rundown / - / - / 0.00
CTK membership / - / - / 0.00
Chantry membership / - / 28.80 / -28.80
Ramblers Assoc / - / - / 0.00
Subtotal / -1,055.60
General Including Coaching Courses / - / 1,580.00 / -1,580.00
Track/Tue efforts / - / - / 0.00
Triathlon / - / - / 0.00
Website, Sundries & stationery / - / 744.41 / -744.41
Welfare / - / - / 0.00
Transfer to deposit account / - / - / 0.00
Subtotal / -2,324.41
Income - expenditure / 1,394.58
Deposit Account
Balance from previous year / 5,228.25
Transfer from current account / 0.00
Interest this year / 10.46

APPENDIX 2 – Sub-Group Reports

Beginners Group & 5km Tuesday Group

The contributors to this working group were Ros Rowland, Suzy Cundy Cathy Watkins and myself. No formal meetings have been arranged, but all those who were part of the group have contributed their thoughts and in addition feedback has been sought from current and previous participants from the beginners group.

The current beginners group is the 4th group to be run by the club. The first was run in 2015 and its objectives were to increase publicity for the Thornbury 10k and have a group running this race for the first time. To this extent it was a success with 10 runners completing this race. In terms of integrating this group into the club this was less successful with around 10% joining the club (anecdotal, no figures collated). The main criticism of this group was lack of provision between the beginners group and the 6-7 miles expected of athletes on a Thursday night. This gap in provision was filled to some extent by the introduction of the Tuesday night 5km group. Based on analysis provided by Kevin Wood, of the new member who have joined the club in the last year 52% have come into the club via the 5km group either directly or by progressing from the beginners group. This is clearly shows the 5km group has had a positive outcome on club membership.

The structure of the beginners group and 5km group can be improved further. Based on feedback from previous participants many issues still needed to be addressed. These are outlined below.

Improved Communication

Participant of the beginners group felt that e-mail was not the best communication medium and that facebook was more appropriate.


A Facebook page is set up to communicate with beginners. It is felt this will provide a platform to share ideas and concerns and generally communicate with each other. This page is currently being trialled and initially reaction is that it is having a positive benefit. Based on this I would ask the committee to agree to making this page a permanent feature of Thornbury Running Club.

Training Environment

Feedback received indicated that participants were not overly comfortable with running around the field behind the Leisure Centre car part. It was seen as to uneven and worried the athletes.


The current group have been using the Mundy’s playing fields. This change of venue has received a more positive response and I would seek the committee approval to use this venue for future beginners groups run in the summer months even if we have to meet the councils demands for these sessions to be properly risk assessed

APPENDIX 2 continued – Sub-Group Reports

Waiting for new course

We have lost potential participants in the new group for having a fixed start date for this group.


We have a rolling programme for beginners. I am prepared to commit to coaching this session and call on others as a when numbers require and would seek the committees’ approval to do so. This will also mean finding a suitable place to hold these sessions in the winter months which I have already started to do. Again I would seek the committees’ approval to continue this search for a suitable training area to continue these sessions.

Moving up from Tuesday Group to Thursday night

Feedback from the 5km group indicated that the transition from this group to a Thursday night was for some still daunting. This view was also highlighted in the recent workshop.


A 4-5 mile group lead by Suzy and Cathy has been set up. The initial feedback about this has been very positive and I would hope the committee will continue to support this group.

I hope you can endorse this report in full.

Finally I would like to have it put in the minutes an acknowledgement of the commitment Ros, Cathy and Suzy have given to both the beginners group and the 5km group.

Craig Carscadden

Chair Thornbury Running Club


Four of us (Judy, Kevin C, Nick and myself) met last week, and we want to discuss the notes with the others in the group that couldn't make the meeting (Arthur, Matt, Dave and Craig). A very brief summary so far is that after considering the member survey and other feedback, we agreed some specific actions to improve the web site and keep the energy and promptness of other positive communications going. Given how members find out information, we didn't feel that so much was broken that we need a drastic overhaul.

Steve Dimond

APPENDIX 2 continued – Sub-Group Reports


No other suitable room been identified for Thursday nights at TLC or elsewhere.

Welcome Desk has been put in place along with first timers’ attendance form which is monitored and followed up by KW with an email & invite to join after 4 weeks attendance.

Room layout has been rearranged however people are still waiting outside of the room. PM has agreed that he will call everybody in before he starts the announcements.

Kevin Wood

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