Wolverhampton Amnesty Group Main Meeting 13th October 2013

In Attendance: Ann Moran, Mollie Hale, Amanda Bevan, Jonathan Collings, Maggie Marriott, Maria Bijo, Alan Marriott, Gillian Webb, Lynda Higginsiggins
1. / Apologies: Don Gwinnett, Sarah Bidwell
2. / Minutes of last meeting
The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as an accurate record.
3. / Matters Arising
4. / Monthly Action
The monthly action concerns Sri Lanka, which has a poor record on Human Rights, with many people having disappeared. Ann circulated two letters, one to William Hague, the other to the Commonwealth Secretary-General, in advance of the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting in Sri Lanka. These were signed by members and returned to Ann, who undertook to post them.
5. / Women of Afghanistan
Ann and Mollie have been invited by John Bercow to an Amnesty Reception at the Speaker’s House on November 6th. Khatira is also going. Ann reported that the campaign for women’s rights in Afghanistan is going well and has a high profile. She read out details of the Patch Action campaign – these details will be circulated with the minutes.
6. / Jabeur Majri
Bruno Steggarda is still collecting signatures for his petition, and hopes to send it in a couple of weeks.
Jonathan read out an email from Beverley F-J quoting a conversation that the president of Tunisia had at the UN in which he said he wanted to release Jabeur, but was waiting for an opportune moment.
7. / Dossiers
Maggie reported that Guatemala has now replaced Colombia as the most dangerous country in the world for Trades Union members. She also said that there is increasing concern around the world regarding the treatment of garment workers. Bangladesh, Cambodia and Vietnam were cited particularly.
8. / Future Events
  • On 16th October Ann is going to Worcester University to see the film “Osama” (made in Afghanistan, about the Taliban). She will report back on whether she thinks it suitable to be shown in Wolverhampton.
  • Autumn Event – Ann distributed flyers for people to hand out. Amanda and Mollie will buy samosas, other members will bring food for a buffet. Amanda is still collecting raffle prizes.
  • Trevor Trueman has agreed to attend our next meeting to talk about Ethiopia.
  • Arrangements are in hand for the Human Rights service at Lea Rd Church on the 8th December at 11am. The service will be led by the minister.
  • 8th December is also the day of the Write for Rights campaign.

9. / AOB
  • Don has offered his services in a music event on the 2nd May. His offer was accepted with gratitude.
  • Ann has sent an email to Paul Uppal regarding women’s rights in Afghanistan, asking for more clarity on some remarks he made at their meeting. She has not yet received a reply.
  • Gillian and Ann went to the AGM of the U3A and Ann was the guest speaker – 67 people attended, and the response was very positive. Many attendees were Amnesty supporters.
  • Gillian reported that we collected £65.64 at Tettenhall; that we have £445 in the bank; and that we have sent £1200 – plus the £72 affiliation fee – to HQ.
  • Maggie flagged up a World Poverty Action event at Lea Rd Church on Friday 25th October at 7.30. Chris Bain from Cafod, and John Cooper from Christian Aid will talk about the “Enough Food For Everyone” campaign.

Date of next meeting: Sunday November 10th 2013.