Focus Plan

Texarkana Independent School District

Teacher: / Winton / Course/subject: / Mathematics
Grade(s): / 6 / Time allotted for instruction: / 1 – 2 hours

Title: / And the survey says…….
Lesson TOPIC: / Graphical representations
TAKS Objective: / Objective 5:
The student will demonstrate an understanding of probability and statistics.
FoCUS TEKS and Student Expectation: / (10) Probability and statistics. The student uses statistical representations to analyze data. The student is expected to:
(A) draw and compare different graphical representations of the same data
Supporting TEKS and Student Expectations: / (12) Underlying processes and mathematical tools. The student communicates about Grade 6 mathematics through informal and mathematical language, representations, and models. The student is expected to:
(A) communicate mathematical ideas using language, efficient tools, appropriate units, and graphical, numerical, physical, or algebraic mathematical models

Concepts / Enduring Understandings/Generalizations/Principles
The student will understand that
Survey / A survey consists of information gathered for statistical purposes.
Bar Graph / A bar graph is a graph that uses separate bars of different heights to show and compare data.
Circle Graph / A circle graph is a graph using a circle that is divided into pie-shaped sections showing percents of parts of the whole.
Line Graph / A line graph is a graph in which line segments are used to show changes over time.

I. Sequence of Activities (Instructional Strategies)

A. Focus/connections

Before class:

·  Make copies of SURVEY QUESTIONS

·  Tape the SURVEY QUESTIONS at various locations around the room

After students have entered the room, have them answer each survey question once. Make sure each student participates. You may have students utilize tally marks or initial their preference.

B. Instructional activities

(demonstrations, lectures, examples, hands-on experiences, role play, active learning experience, art, music, modeling, discussion, reading, listening, viewing, etc.)

After each student has answered the survey questions, divide the class into groups of 3 – 4. Discuss how the information pertaining to each survey question could be shown. Review what a bar graph, line graph, and circle graph looks like. Next take the SURVEY QUESTIONS down and give one to each group. Ask the groups to then make a bar graph, line graph, and circle graph pertaining to the information gathered about their question. You may give students butcher paper to complete this exercise or blank sheets of white paper.

C. Guided activity or strategy

The teacher will walk around and monitor as students analyze the information they have gathered and complete the graphs. This will be the time to clarify uncertainties for students.

D. Accommodations/modifications

Students requiring modifications may be paired with peers to complete this activity.

E. Enrichment

Students requiring enrichment may serve as group leaders.


A. Description

Student groups will work on their survey question creating the required graphs. Emphasize that each member of the group must participate.

B. Accommodations/modifications

C. Enrichment

iii. Assessment of Activities

A. Description

In this lesson, students will be assessed on team work, accuracy of bar graph, line graph, and circle graph.

B. Rubrics/grading criteria

Grades may be taken on the And the survey says….. grading rubric

C. Accommodations/modifications

D. Enrichment

E. Sample discussion questions

·  Where in the real-world are surveys utilized?

·  What types of graphs do you see in the media?

IV. TAKS Preparation

A. Transition to TAKS context

The teacher will lead the students in a discussion of graphical information may look in test format by placing the TAKS questions below on the board/overhead.

B. Sample TAKS questions



V. Key Vocabulary

Survey, bar graph, circle graph, line graph

VI. Resources

A. Textbook

Math Advantage, Middle School I

Chapter 12: Displaying Data

·  Using Graphs to Display Data, pp. 236-239

·  Making Circle Graphs, pp. 246-247

B. Supplementary materials


·  And the survey says….. grading rubric

C. Technology

Students may be taken to the computer lab to utilize MS Excel to create graphical representations of data. You may have them utilize the survey questions used in this lesson or create additional data.

VII. follow up activities

(reteaching, cross-curricular support, technology activities, next lesson in sequence, etc.)

·  Graphing Two or More Sets of Data

·  Analyzing Graphs

VIII. Teacher NoteS

·  You might want to take a graph from each group and display around the room, specifying which period the results are for. The next class period you could compare the individual class results.

·  Website for graphical representation practice:

¨ Division of Curriculum and Instruction ¨ School Improvement Department ¨ Texarkana Independent School District