sample personnel policies and

employee guide

Updated winter, 2014

Please note, this information is presented as a resource, not as advice, is for YWCA use only and copyright restrictions apply. Appropriate counsel should be engaged in the development of YWCA policies, practices, procedures and actions


Personnel Policies andEmployee Guide



A. The Board of Directors


C. The Chief Executive


  1. Exempt Full Time
  2. Non-Exempt
  3. Part Time
  4. Seasonal/Temporary Employees


A.General Information

B.Retirement Fund

C.Other Employment

D.Related Personnel

E.Conflict of Interest

F.Use of Organizational Property



  1. Annual Performance Appraisal
  2. Supervision
  3. Corrective Action
  4. Conferences and Workshops
  5. Education Advancements




  1. Calendar Year
  2. Interview Process
C.Emergency Closing


  1. Holidays
  2. Vacation Time
  3. Sick Time
  4. Leaves of Absence
  5. Health Insurance
  6. Worker’s Compensation Insurance and Reporting
  7. Employee Discount
  8. Work Related Expenses







Acknowledgement Form21


All YWCA employees are expected to accept responsibility for actively implementing and furthering the mission of the YWCA:

The YWCA is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all.

The YWCA ______(going forward referred to as the “YWCA or Association”) Employee Guide was developed to assist employees to better understand the YWCA’s human resources policies and procedures. The Employee Guidebook is the basis for considerate and fair action between the employer and the employees to carry out the mission, plans, and programs of the YWCA.

These guidelines, in language or content, are not intended to constitute an implied or expressed contract of any type between the YWCA and any of its employees. Only formally designated staff (or the board president in the case of the chief executive) may develop an agreement with anyone for employment for any specified period, or make any promises or commitments contrary to the materials contained herein.

The YWCA reserves the right to change policies, procedures and/or the content of the guide as necessary at any time without notice.

The YWCA is fully committed to the concept and practice of equal employment opportunity and affirmative action in all employment activities.


  1. The Board of Directors of YWCA ______assumes final responsibility for its personnel policies.
  1. Personnel policies are designed to enable the YWCA to employ and retain competent staff. Formal policy review is regularly conducted. The Board reviews, approves, and amends policies as necessary.
  1. The Chief Executive and/or his/her designees are responsible for administering personnel policies, developing personnel procedures; and for screening, selecting, employing, supervising/delegating supervision, and terminating all personnel in congruence with these policies and practices.


The Association adheres to all stated provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act. All employees are subject to payroll deductions for selected benefits including Social Security, Medicare, federal and state taxes and fees.

A.Exempt Full Time

Exempt full time employees receive a salary and are not considered hourly employees. Exempt full time employees have a responsibility to meet the needs of the YWCA regardless of the normal daily schedule of the normal workweek. They are not paid overtime and there are no provisions for accounting for extra time.

  1. Non-Exempt

Non-exempt employees are paid on an hourly basis. When non-exempt employees work more than 40 hours per week they will be paid time and one half for their overtime work. The Chief Executive must approve all overtime work prior to the performance of the work.

  1. Part Time

Employees scheduled to work fewer than 30 hours per week.

D.Seasonal/Temporary Employees

Individuals hired on a temporary basis for a specific length of time.



  1. General Conditions

The Association is an equal opportunity employer and employs individuals on the basis of their education, experience, ability, and aptitude. The Association complies with federal and state laws pertaining to employment procedures and practices.

All employees, volunteers and interns are subject to required background checks.

All employees accept responsibility for furthering the mission of the YWCA.

The YWCA employs all employees on an “at will” basis.

Any employee resigning from their position at the YWCA is asked to submit a written resignation to his/her supervisor in accordance with the following time frames:

Chief Executive4 months

Exempt Staff2 months

Non-exempt Staff4 weeks

An exit interview is conducted with all terminating employees. The

Chief Executive or her/his designee conducts and records the interview. The intent of the exit interview is to allow the employee to share information which will be useful to the ongoing operation of the YWCA.

B.Retirement Fund

All eligible employees must participate in the YWCA Retirement Fund (“Fund”) when they meet the following requirement:

Employed for two years andworking at least 1,000 hours per year from the date of hire. It is not required that the 1,000 hours of employment per year be consecutive years.

The Fund is a cash balance defined plan. Once an employee is eligible to participate, the YWCA contributes a designated amount on behalf of the employee. An employee may elect to contribute to his/her retirement fund at any time. Once enrolled in the fund, the employee is 100% vested.

Contributions to the Fund are suspended during unpaid leave(s) of absence, however, eligibility status continues for employees transferring from other YWCAs or returning to work at YWCA ______.

Additional information regarding the Fund may be obtained from the Director ofFinance/Human Resources.

C. “Second Job” Employment Policy

  1. Notification

The YWCA’s reputation for providing quality programs and services is one of its greatest assets and all staff are required to uphold this reputation in every work related activity. YWCA ______may not have an objection to employees holding another job as long as performance standards for their YWCA job are consistently met. Any employee contemplating added employment elsewhere must notify his/her supervisor.

  1. Proprietary Programs/Curriculums

All programs offered are considered property of the YWCA. As such, employees may not share particulars or curriculum information with non-YWCA entities unless, and on a case by case basis, permission is granted.

  1. Related Personnel

Employees, potential employees, interns and/or volunteers are not eligible for positions in the same department as a relative who is related by blood, marriage, or established partnership to another staff or board member. Employees may not have members of their immediate family operating a business that is in conflict with and/or undermines work toward the YWCA mission.

  1. Conflict of Interest

YWCA staff members may not engage in any business or transaction where there is a financial or other personal interest or association which is in conflict with proper discharge of official duties or would tend to impair the YWCA’s reputation or the employee’s independence of judgment of action in the performance of official duties.

  1. Use of Organizational Property

YWCA employees are prohibited from using YWCA space, equipment, materials, or property for personal activity without expressed permission from the Chief Executive or designee.

  1. Confidentiality

YWCA employees may not, except when required by law, disclose, divulge, or make accessible confidential information belonging to, or obtained through their affiliation with the YWCA to anyone else unless the YWCA has authorized disclosure. Employees shall use confidential information solely for the purpose of performing services as an employee for the YWCA. As appropriate, every YWCA Supervisor shall make known which information is regarded as confidential. All personnel records shall be confidential except when law requires disclosure.


The YWCA supports and encourages the development of its employees by means of new employee orientation, ongoing supervision and evaluations, annual performance appraisals, conferences, workshops, and YWCA events.

A. Annual Performance Appraisal

The YWCA believes that it is important for the overall development of employees to assess their performance. A formal appraisal is conducted to help identify employee strengths and developmental areas. The annual performance appraisal also provides documentation of job performance as it compares to goals and one’s job description. All employees will be reviewed regularly during their first year of employment from their date of hire and at least annually thereafter.

  1. Supervision

The YWCA believes that by working together, supervisors and employees can create a positive and productive work environment. The YWCA strives to maintain an environment that fosters mutual respect, trust, and confidence. The YWCA seeks to communicate openly with employees on all issues affecting their jobs, departments, and the YWCA as a whole. Orientation, training, and ongoing assessment are designed to provide employees with the tools and support necessary to excel in their positions.

  1. Corrective Action

In cases where individual performance or conduct does not meet the goals or standards set forth by the YWCA, then corrective action becomes necessary. The objectives of corrective action are:

  • Fostering consistent application of guidelines, goals and mission of the YWCA.
  • Ensuring fair and impartial treatment of all staff members when new efforts are needed to meet YWCA goals and/or standards.

The three steps of the corrective action process are as follows:

  1. Managers inform employees promptly when conduct, attendance, or job performance falls below expected standards. Where a sub-standard pattern develops concern is voiced verbally along with suggestions for improvement. The interaction isdocumentedby one’s supervisor.
  2. If the problem persists, the concern is presented in writing, includes a summary of what needs improvement or corrective action, corrective steps to be taken by the employee, and outlines possible actions that may taken if the problem is not corrected. The document specifies the period of time allocated for improvement, target dates for status review and becomes a permanent part of the employee’s personnel file.
  3. If after the improvement period ends the problem persists, steps for further action, up to and including termination, are taken.

Employees committing any of the following violations will be subject to disciplinary action, ranging from a warning to immediate discharge. The following list is provided by way of example and is not intended to be an exhaustive list of possible offenses that may result in disciplinary action:

  • Falsification of employee application or other YWCA records.
  • Unauthorized absences from work.
  • Failure or refusal to follow reasonable instructions of supervisor, including refusal to accept job assignments.
  • Failure or refusal to follow an established program and/or operational policy.
  • Unauthorized use/possession of intoxicating beverages or illegal substances on YWCA premises, including reporting to work under the influence of alcohol or any illegal substance.
  • Possession of a weapon while on YWCA premises.
  • Illegal gambling or possession of gambling equipment on YWCA premises. Any gambling whatsoever with YWCA participants or clients.
  • Unauthorized possession, use, copying, or reading confidential YWCA records or disclosure of information contained in such records to unauthorized persons.
  • Theft, fraud, or misappropriation of property of another employee, member, associate, participant, client, or visitor.
  • Destruction or misuse of YWCA property or property of another employee, member, associate, participant, client or visitor.
  • Soliciting tips or gratuities, money and/or gifts.
  • Conduct, interactions or communications, including via social media that are in conflict with the YWCA mission – whether during working hours or not.
  • Any other serious misconduct and/or communications, on or off the job, which conflict with the YWCA mission, damage the reputation of the YWCA, demonstrate an inability of an employee to perform duties appropriately, or which disregard the rights and best interests of participants, clients, and/or the YWCA.
D.Conferences and Workshops

The YWCA supports professional development of staff members through career planning, on-the-job training, conferences and workshops. Attendance at conferences and workshops is at the discretion of the Chief Executive or designee. Employees attending approved conferences may be reimbursed by the YWCA for transportation, food, lodging, and registration fees, depending on the availability of funds.

E.Educational Advancement

Employees are encouraged to further their education relative to their work at the YWCA. Whenever possible, work schedules may be adjusted to accommodate the enrollment in an educational program. Requests for change in schedule must be submitted in advance of school/course enrollment and approved by the Chief Executive or designee.


A.Job Postings

Vacancies are posted internally in the ______office before advertising outside of the YWCA in order to provide promotional opportunities and in accordance with the Association’s affirmative action practices.

B.Interview Process

Internal candidates must meet the requirements of the posted job to be eligible for the interview process.


A.Calendar Year

The employment year for all employees is January 1st through December 31st.

B.Work Week and Hours of Work

The typical workweek for exempt full-time employees is Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm for a total of 40 hours per week. However, schedules may vary based upon the needs of the Association, and extended or different hours including evenings, nights, and/or weekends may be required.

Part-time employees are hired with a specific understanding of and commitment made to fulfill the prescribed schedule. Part-time employees cannot be guaranteed a minimum number of hours per week - schedules are based on the needs of the YWCA.

C.Emergency Closing

The YWCA may be closed for weather or other types of events at the discretion of the Chief Executive or designee. Staff may be paid for days closed for emergencies at the discretion of the Chief Executive and depending on the availability of funds.

In the event of inclement weather or other disruptions affecting YWCA operations, cancellations or delayed opening times, news will be listed online at and also included in that day’s YWCA’s main telephone line’s welcome message. School system delays, early dismissals, and professional days do not apply to YWCA schedules.

If the YWCA is open, employees are expected to arrive at work on time. Any employee who does not report to work will need to request a vacation day, a personal day or unpaid leave. Sick days may not be used for inclement weather and emergency closings.


  1. Holidays

It is the policy of the YWCA that all federal and state laws are adhered to in the celebration of and payment of legal holidays. All exempt, full-time employees working forty (40) hours or more are eligible for holiday pay.

Observed holidays:

January 1 Columbus Day

Labor Day Veterans Day

Martin Luther King Jr. BirthdayThanksgiving Day

Presidents DayDay after Thanksgiving

Memorial DayDecember 25

July 4

B.Vacation Time

Paid vacations for exempt full-time employees are earned at a rate of 1.25 days per month (15 days per year), starting with the first day of employment. After five years of continuous employment, five (5) additional days will be awarded for a maximum of four weeks (20 days).

Vacation time must be used during the year accrued and may not be carried into the new calendar year unless permission is formally granted by one’s supervisor for a certain number of hours to be carried forward. Unused accrued vacation time will be paid to an employee at the time of their separation/termination from the YWCA.

The timing of vacation leave is subject to the approval of the supervisor to ensure proper coverage. Accordingly, at least one week’s written notice for requested vacation time is required.

Vacation time is not accrued during leaves of absence.

C. Sick Time

Exempt full-time employees accrue sick time at a rate of 1.25 days per month (15 days per year), up to a maximum of sixty (60) days.

Paid sick time, when accrued, is granted for conditions requiring medical attention, personal illness, medical and dental appointments. Sick time may be used to care for a member of one’s immediate family/household. Immediate includes: spouse, partner, parents, grandparents, in laws, siblings, children, and grandchildren.

A physician’s note may be required if an employee uses three (3) or more consecutive sick days.

Pay for unused sick time is not granted when an employee leaves the YWCA. Employees on leaves of absence do not accrue sick time.

  1. Leaves of Absence
  1. Personal Leave

The YWCA grants three (3) personal days per calendar year with pay for exempt full-time employees. This leave is neither cumulative nor paid when an employee leaves. Personal days cannot be taken in conjunction with vacation or bereavement leave. The

Chief Executive or designee must approve personal days.

  1. Bereavement Leave

In the event of a death in the employee’s immediate and/or step-family, up to (3) days with pay are granted. If there is a death in the immediate family during a vacation, the employee may reschedule three of those days for additional vacation, if the supervisor is notified immediately.

Immediate family includes: spouse, partner, parents, grandparents, in laws, siblings, children, and grandchildren.

  1. Military Leave

The YWCA recognizes that the obligation of citizenship may include a period of military duty. A leave of absence will be granted for this purpose for exempt full-time employees. The YWCA provides a two (2) week leave of absence for members of the military reserves who are required to attend an annual mandatory training program.