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Minutes of the City of Mount Rainier Maryland

City Council Meeting

Date: 1-6-2015

Place: One Municipal Place, Mount Rainier

Presiding officer: Mayor Miles

Councilmember’s present: Jesse Christopherson, Brian Knedler, Brent Bolin

City Hall Staff: City Manager Jeannelle Wallace, Assistant City Manager Veronica Owens, Chief Scott,


Presentation of Awards to the City for Mixed-Use Town Center Zone Development Plan

Pledge of Allegiance

Discussion of Vice Mayor Position and Possible Appointment

Resolution 2-2015 appointing Mr. Steve Rogers to the Tree Commission

34th Street Project

Redevelopment Authority sale of 3301 and 3307 Rhode Island Avenue

Approval of the Minutes

Mayor and Council Reports

Staff Reports

Old Business

Update on Mixed-Use Town Center and Street Sense

Review and Discussion of Social Media Policy

Vacant Ward I Seat

Vice Mayor Rotation

New Business

Richardson Park

Barriers on Perry Street

2016 Budget Calendar

Resolution appointing Amy (Dona) to the Tree Commission

Resolution 4-2015 appointing a charter review committee

Motion to approve the Agenda

Councilman Knedler

2nd Councilman Christopherson


Presentation of Awards to the City of Mount Rainier for Mixed-Use Town Center Zone Development Plan

Presenters: Mr. Lee Quil, Cunningham-Quill Architects and Ms. Rodriguez, planning coordinator for Maryland National Capital Park and Planning

2009-2010 Cunningham Quill, MNCPP, Prince George’s County, and the City of Mount Rainier worked together with the community to create the Mount Rainier Mixed-Use Town Center Zone Development Plan. This plan was submitted to a number of design awards juries and programs. As a result, three awards were received for the plan.

1.  American Institute of Architects District of Columbia Chapter Award of Merit and Urban Design in Master Planning

2.  American Institute of Architects State of Maryland Citation Award

3.  Congress for the New Urbanism – 2012 Award of Excellence (voted on by an international jury)

On behalf of the council, Mayor Miles accepts the awards and thanks everyone who contributed, including the residents of Mount Rainier.

Appointment of Dr. Steve Rogers to the Tree Commission

Dr. Steve Rogers has been a resident of Mount Rainier for thirty-three years and has previously served on the city council for two years. When he was on the council, there was a move to make Mount Rainier a Tree City USA. One of the requirements to becoming a Tree City USA was showing concern and conservation for the trees and urban forest. He decided to step forward because of the most recent incident with the trees erroneously being cut down. With his two years in elected office at Mount Rainier, seven years as the Vice Chairman of the Prince George’s Preservation Commission, and years as a representative on the Maryland Municipal League on the Preservation commission, he has experience dealing with various municipalities and tree issues. He is currently retired and has time to commit to this cause.

Resolution 2-2015 Motion to appoint Dr. Steve Rogers to the Tree Commission

Mayor Miles

2nd Councilman Christopherson


34th Street Project

Mr. Jimnes Patel, ABC consultants – WSSC representative

WSSC is replacing the old water pipes with the new water pipes from Bunker Hill Street to Upshur Street on 34th Street. Also, the current water system will be moved from the right side of the road to the left side of the road. The project is expected to start in July. It should take up to two years. The portion that would affect the city and its residents could take up to two months.

Councilman Knedler confirms with Mr. Patel that since 34th Street is very narrow, parking abilities will be lost in that section during the project.

Councilman Christopherson mentions that the Alison Street Levy Project may occur at the same time and may cause potential traffic issues. He has been in contact with Mr. Ortiz, director of the county department of environmental resources. Mr. Ortiz asked the project director to set up a meeting between Mr. Ortiz, Councilman Christopherson, the project director and the project engineer. This meeting should happen soon.

Redevelopment Authority

Howard Ways, Executive Director of Prince George’s County Redevelopment Authority

Victor Sherrod- Property Manager

Manages all the properties in Mount Rainier and throughout the county

The Redevelopment Authority desires two properties in Mount Rainier: 3301 and 3307 Rhode Island Avenue. 3307 has been tenanted by Party time Liquors since 1976 and the other property and 3301 is currently vacant. A few months ago it had an art gallery tenant. The property was advertised through a real estate agent on the County website. The Menkiti group has submitted an offer for the property for the appraised value and the offer was accepted. The Redevelopment Authority intends to sell 3301 to them by April of this year. A contract is in place. We have also had some conversations with the City of Mount Rainier Staff regarding some contemporary pop-up use in that space in the interim period. We still would like to explore that possibility with the city for the next three months. For 3307, the tenant has expressed interest in buying the property. It is the Redevelopment Authority’s desire to sell the property before the lease with the tenant expires in 2016. They are in the process of executing a purchase agreement contract to sell. The tenant is still making some improvements inside the property. They feel as though the tenant is the party that has the most to gain and has the most interest in upgrading the property in order to continue their business uninterrupted.

We are in the process of negotiating the agreements to redeveloping the Singer Building 3300 block Rhode Island Avenue with The Menkiti Group, which is a mixed-use project with apartments, offices, restaurants , and a hardware store as the anchor tenant. They are also in the process of negotiating their agreement with Urban Green for the demonstration Net-Zero house at 3719- 34th Street. Both of those projects are expected to be under construction by this summer. The Net Zero house is expected to be completed toward the end of this year and the Singer Building by the summer of next year.

Councilman Bolin: When can we expect an outreach to the city and the community?

Mr. Ways: Once we have made a selection with the development entity, we execute a development agreement. Part of that agreement spells out the community engagement, outreach strategy, and time table. That is part of the agreement That will happen in earnest, once the agreement is executed. We will have those agreements executed by February.

Councilman Bolin: On the subject of Party Time… is this sale a done deal?

Mr. Ways: We do not have a contract yet. The tenant has expressed an interest to purchase the property. In principal, we have accepted that offer. We need to execute the contract and stipulate the terms of that sale. As I mentioned, there are certain improvements that they would make to the property in order to purchase the property. One of the things we are discussing with them is whether or not those improvements happen before or after the sale. It might be easier for them to do it after the sale. If that is the case, there are certain terms and conditions that would have the property revert back to the Redevelopment Authority if they do not complete those repairs within a certain period of time (the reverted clause).

Councilman Bolin is uneasy with the liquor store owning the building, especially with the issues it has caused, including loitering, littering, and the hindrance of development downtown. He also does not like that this deal was in the works and the City was not a part of that conversation.

Councilman Knedler: It is a complicated situation. We have yet another liquor store that would benefit if we lost that one I guess. It would be nice if we can get some sort of concessions from Party time at least. I do not know what kind of input you will allow the city to have. As you said, you own the property. Although it is a publicly financed agency, so I would hope the citizens could at least have a public hearing and express their concerns. And I know that we were promised years ago that the county would not renew the lease. Now you are going to sell the property so you do not have to renew the lease. So you are fulfilling that promise I suppose. Is there any role for the citizens in this negotiation?

Mr. Ways expresses that the only interest for 3307 came from the existing tenant. Their offering is equivalent to the appraised value of the property. The Redevelopment Authority disposes of properties at appraised value. However, they are open to discussing opportunities and or issues when it comes to negotiations with the sale. The tenant is well aware of the issues and concerns with their property and understand that they must make improvements.

Councilman Christopherson: What kind of repairs are necessary in the Party Time Liquors space?

Mr. Ways: what is contemplated are repairs to the HVAC system, electrical system, lighting and certain aesthetic improvements. Everything will have to be brought up to code with the transfer of ownership.

Motion to approve the Minutes with corrections to be presented to the City Clerk prior to the close of business on Friday.

Councilman Christopherson

2nd Councilman Knedler


Ward I

Councilman Christopherson

·  There is a Go Fund Me Drive for a family that lives in Queenstown Apartments. The wife and two kids just lost their husband and father. The kids go to school with the Councilman’s son. A link will be provided on Jesseformountrainier.com and

Ward II

Councilman Knedler

·  Denison Landscaping was the contractor for Pepco for the tree removing. Those of you who have had trees removed were supposed to receive a voucher of up to $200 to purchase a new tree through Denison. Councilman Knedler was informed before Christmas that Denison will no longer be honoring those. They are trying to switch to Behnke’s. If you have the voucher, hold on to it. They are to give you a new voucher from Behnke’s once that agreement is made. Councilman Knedler does not know how long that will take. Another change is that Denis Landscaping promised to give the vouchers to the city if they were unused by the private owners. Now, the city must ask the private owner for the voucher if they do not wish to use it. The City Manager has sent letters to the private owners to see if they would like to donate their vouchers to the city.

Mayor’s Report- Malinda Miles

·  If you did not get a voucher and you should have, please contact City Hall so we can follow up.

·  We are moving towards revitalizing Mount Rainier. Changes are made through the committees. If you have skillsets the city can use, come forward and volunteer your services.

·  We need an emergency preparedness committee.

·  Contact the city manager at 301-985-6586 or Mayor Miles at if interested in getting involved

·  Mayor Miles thanks Mr. Luther Smith for his twenty-two years of service to the City of Mount Rainier

·  The Holiday Party was a success and attended by the Mayor and Council

·  MRBA had a meeting at City Hall

·  During the Holidays, fifty-six families at Mount Rainier Elementary and Thomas Stone School that benefitted from the work of Captain Stoots, Prince George’s County Fire Department, Costco, and Price Right

·  Resident’s please consider dropping off canned items of food to the food pantry, located at Bunker Hill Road Mount Rainier Christian Church.

City Manager’s Report- Jeannelle Wallace

·  Ms. Wallace submitted three applications to the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. The city was awarded two applications, including $175,000 for demolition of properties and $50,000 for business improvement.

·  She is working with the Assistant City Manager Veronica Owens to get two electric cars for public works and code enforcement and electric charging stations.

·  Working on getting the Main street Designation

·  Worked with the Mount Rainier Business Association to spearhead their annual meeting and holiday party

·  The Economic Development Director and the Cable Studio will be highlighting each business in the city

·  The city has had a survey in the newsletter, on cable and on the website that people have responded to as to why they came to Mount Rainier to open a business or why they moved here. The majority of the responses have said close proximity to DC, small town feel, transportation hub, comradery, diversity, etc. Future marketing strategies will focus on those things.

·  The Perry Street barricade is back on the agenda because public works decided that the mechanism must be installed by a contractor. With that change, the actual cost is $2, 136 above what was appropriated for the project, which was $20,000.

Assistant City Manager’s Report

·  The application for the charging stations is called the Net Zero Zone because of the Net Zero Home, the first one in Prince George’s County, being on the other side. The Charging Stations would be for staff, residents and anyone traveling throughout the city. If awarded, the city will receive $60,000.

·  The next Message release will have a spot of color. The color version can be seen online. This month’s article highlights all of the legislation passed in 2014, talks about What Net Zero is, new rules and regulations, and cut out for trash and recycle dates. Also included will be an overview of what is Main street.

·  The city is working on a way to make the City Council Meetings live on the website.

·  The Green Team is working with students from the University of Maryland on a new carbon footprint for the City of Mount Rainier. They will be assessing the whole entire city. The Green Team’s next meeting will be on Tuesday @7pm. All are welcome to attend.

Public Works- Michael Barnes

·  Please do not recycle in plastic bags. If it is in a plastic bag, it will go in the regular trash.

Police Department- Chief Scott