Proposal on Science Project

Submitted by:

Name of Mentor/ Teacher (Dr/Ms/Mr):
Contact No:
Name of School:
School Address:
Endorsement by School Principal / Name:
Project discussed with KMD trainer(s) (Please tick) / ( ) Yes Trainer’s name: …………………..
( ) No
Requirement for Financial Assistance
(Please tick) / ( ) Yes (attach project budget specifying items)
( ) No
Project Area
(Please tick) / ( ) Biology ( ) Chemistry ( ) Electronics ( ) Physics

Dear Participant of KLESF School Mentor Development (KMD) Programme/School Mentor,

Thank you to those of you who have made time to participate in our KMD Programme. We hope that upon your return to your school after the programme you have initiated mentoring sessions with your students in starting science projects. We understand that you may face some constraints such as financial resources for the purchase of materials required when planning such projects with your students. Should your school or PTA not be able to assist in this aspect, the Steering Committee on KLESF may consider some small financial assistance although we are working with a limited budget for the conduct of KLESF (Kuala Lumpur Engineering Science Fair) programmes and activities.

This form may to be used for submitting your science project idea (to keep us updated of your science project initiatives) and budget (if requesting for financial aid for project materials).

Note: Please contact trainers below to discuss your ideas for a science project for students PRIOR to submitting this form to the KLESF Secretariat at email: .


Ms Ong Kiah Ju (UTAR) –

Ms Harttini Neeni Binti Hatta (UTAR) –


Assoc Prof Dr Sim Yoke Leng (UTAR) –

Asst Prof Dr. Chang Ying Ping (UTAR) –

Asst Prof Dr. Tey Lai Hock (UTAR) –

Asst Prof Dr Neo Kian Eang (UTAR) –


Mr Danny Ng Wee Kiat (UTAR) –


Dr Shahrul Kadri bin Ayop (UPSI) – ,

We hope this template/form helps you in your quest to create a wonderful Project Idea that will serve to enhance the interest of your students in STEM. It will definitely assist the KLESF Secretariat to facilitate invitations to schools to participate in any forthcoming science project competition and/or KLESF: The Fair 2015 (Tentative dates: 13 – 15 November 2015).


Steering Committee on KLESF

Title (catchy and fun title encouraged)
Objective (briefly explain the goal of this project)
Abstract (Describe what the project is about e.g background information, target area [e.g. chemistry, physics] and expected outcome)
Targeted Project Team/Students (secondary) / Age: ( ) to ( ) years
Project Schedule (Schedule activities & time frame to help students/project team prepare project)